Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Data Cleansing Trim and Replace Specific Characters / Sentence Feature

Hi All


I thought that this idea might be helpful for users who wanted to remove or trim specific characters without having to write regex formula or multiple replace formula, so I made some change to data cleansing macro tool and add some new feature that can be used for trimming or replace specific characters without having to spend time to write formula / multifield formula, just need to configure data cleansing tool and it's done 


For example, I trim the quote symbol without having to remove another symbol, or in case there's another quote in the data, Since I use the trim function, it won't remove the quote symbol inside the sentence too, only the quote symbol at the left and right of the sentence.




Also, it can be used to replace a specific word(like find and replace, but without having to create a dataset to replace the word) and can be used for multiple fields,  at the example below I replace NA to 0.







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Alteryx Community Team

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Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes