Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

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First of all, I want to say that I am very much enjoying the Academy Interactive Lessons. I would like to request that, upon completion of a lesson, the icons for the tools used in the lesson be added to the tile for quick visual reference. It seems simple in the example below, but would be helpful in the later lessons that use 2+ tools to execute actions.


Every month the fantastic @LeahK posts the Community Top Contributors blog (Link to last month's post).

These include information on the Top Star Authors and Top Solution Authors for the given month.

Today, there is a default view of a rolling 30 days of history for most-starred and most solutions, which is really cool, since you can see who has contributed a good idea or solution recently.


However, as a somewhat competitive person who enjoys gamification probably a little bit too much, there is a problem!  There is currently no way (that I am aware of) to see how many solutions a user has since the month started.  What this means is that it is rather difficult to tell who is at the top of the leaderboard for the month until the month ends.


As an example, as of the time of this writing, I am #3 on the Solution Authors leaderboard for the last 30 days, with 28 solutions, putting me one full solution above @MarqueeCrew.  However, if I dig into my posting history, I solved a post about splitting strings in SQL on 10/29, which means that when I look at my November Solutions, I actually only have 27!  Mark and I are tied!  This gets even more complicated if I then want to try and find out if Mark has any solutions from late October that might go away, and before you know it I've spent 15 minutes writing an idea post about this topic because I've dug myself into an analytics pit!


Having a view in the Stars Leaderboard and Solution Authors Leaderboard for "Month to date", which would include all solutions since the first of whatever month we are in, would help me with my gamification of community time, and would enhance my experience.  Since this would reset to 0 on the first of every month, I understand why the view is not as interesting for front-page status, but having it as a time range option would be awesome!

behold my MS Paint skillsbehold my MS Paint skills


EDIT: Since I started writing this post about 20 minutes ago and now, one of my recent solutions "expired", and Mark and I are tied!

Oh no:

  • we had a Valentines day badge, and a st Patricks day, and a haloween day, but no "Star wars Day" badge?  This seems to me to be one of the most important days on the calendar
  • we missed Yuri's night on April 12th too :
  • I believe we also missed 10th March, which is both "International awesomeness day" and also Chuck Norris's birthday.   


We have to start thinking for 2018 how we can appropriately make a fuss of these important days. We should ask ourselves "what would Chuck do"?


Don't worry though - we still have time to plan for International CAPS LOCK day, which is held twice per year on June 28th, and Oct 22nd.  THAT IS FANTASTIC YEARLY EVENT (JUST GETTING IN SOME PRACTICE)!



Can we have the ability to search or organize our bookmarks? With so much great content, it's hard to keep similar bookmarks together. Some communities allow you to save articles under different collections, but at the very least, I think it would be useful to search through things you have already bookmarked (eg."Now, where did I read that?).

It would be very convenient if there was a button on posts (for the post author only) that would allow the author to auto re-post the question as a suggestion/feature request if it has gone unanswered for (2? 3?) days.

Probably not just a single click and done, but at least take the content and open a draft in the feature suggestion section.

In navigating the site, I've slowly become aware of the sidebar boxes and their content.


It was only today that I realized that those boxes contain content that is only relevant in the context of the current area (e.g. discussions, ides, blogs, etc.). For example, in the image below the New Solutions and Top Starred Posts only reflect the content in the Closed Beta Feedback.


Suggestion: I think it would be helpful to signify to the user either by color or by text that the sidebox content is area specific. This would also serve to orient the user as to their current top level content area (discussion, ideas, blogs, etc). 


As is, the only way I know 'where I am' is to look at the top in the COMMUNITY > AREA 51 - TEST & FEEDBACK > CLOSED BETA FEEDBACK text line.



I have had a number of times where I've responded to forum posts only to discover upon posting that someone else has posted an (often better) answer ahead of me, and my answer is now redundant.


It would be nice to have a notification before posting that the thread has changed.

Hi @WillM and Community-Team,


today I went to the ideas section and wanted to look if someone already posted tool improvements for the 'Test'-Tool. Therefore I used the Search and tried to narrow the results like this:




While the first look is promising, most of the posts do not talk about the Test-Tool itself, but other tools/improvements.


Would it be possible to add another label "Tools" to actually select the exact tool(s) that we are referencing in the posts? This would also be an amazing feature for developers / product managers to see which tools get the most ideas, summed up likes, etc.


I'd be willing to help categorize all 3000-4000 ideas that we currently have in the Designer Ideas section to get all old ideas categorized appropriately*. For all new posts, the community manager that checks / comments the idea, should check if the users added this himself or if not, add it. If this is too much work, I'd also be willing to help categorize new ideas on a weekly basis. 


*Other ACEs might as well help categorize, but if not, I don't mind spending a weekend to get this right.


Note: It has too be a label, that allows to select 0-n tools, because not all posts talk about tool improvements, but others talk about multiple. Because of the zero possibility, this has to be a non-mandatory field.




I'd love to see an option for  "With ALL of the words" in Advanced Search as well as "With one or more of the words".

It would be nice if users could 'check in' when they attend certain events together like Alteryx Inspire, Tableau Conference, or a local community event.

The event people are checked-in to could be posted as a status next to a user's name (ex. JoshKushner - at Alteryx Inspire 2018) and popular events could be summarized on the community home page.


This could publicize to other community users meet-up opportunities they might not have been aware of and could facilitate community engagement in real life.

Could the online status for a user be put next to their name everywhere in the community and not just in the 'My friends' section of our profiles? It would really help knowing for when I want to send a PM to someone about a quick question or something. It would also just be pretty interesting to know.

We got,


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Including Alteryx youtube videos of presentations in Global Search would be great! (or include them as reference under tool documentation).   Finally found my answer with a google search!   E.g., this video on the network analysis tool:

right now if someone wants to change their e-mail subscription to a particular board, they need to scroll through the subscriptions on every item ever posted to get there:


Could we add a quick filter to this subscriptions page to allow someone quickly to get to board or knowledge base subscriptions (i.e. filter out the topics and ideas and articles that have been auto-subscribed by replying).


Thank you




How is Alteryx a spelling error on the Community? Can we adjust it?

It would be really nice to be able to sort Discussion Forum posts by the 4 stats that you give for each -- Unread, Replies, Stars, Views

I think it would be great if there was a knowledge base section(or something similar) for any user to post random workflows that they find useful and want to share/solicit feedback from the community. Several posts from the last few weeks would fit well in this new category and sparked the idea: by @N___ or by @michael_treadwell. Instead of having these great workflows buried/mixed in with all the questions, it would great if there was a single spot for people to post various workflows back to the community and get comments/feedback/enhancements from fellow community members. I think many more people would be open to sharing and commenting on posts like this if they had a spot to post them that is separate from all the Q&A style spots.

I think it would be great to have Grand Prix style event once a quarter for the weekly challenges. This can be broken down by expertise level. I see this increasing the engagement on the community and further spread the word on weekly challenges. Also, not everyone  makes it on stage for Grand Prix, this event could be their opportunity to experience Grand Prix

Hello Team - Maybe a simple fix, but could you please change the color of the font with which the names of the user groups leads are written. Most of the time, it's barely visible.



I wonder if it would be helpful to show/discuss the legal and/or compliance benefits related to alteryx.