Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

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Can we do a separate board for discussions and ideas related to Designer Cloud? There are some differences in how this relates to Designer today even including simple things like connecting to data and uploading data to make it accessible by the workflow which would make it confusing for new users if this is combined with Desktop Designer.


Hi there community team,


We've discussed this before but I wanted to re-raise this for consideration.


The Alteryx Community is super important to the alteryx platform and it is a big part of why people love and buy Alteryx.

The question is how we make this more available and convenient for people to use and be a part of.


Part of the solution seems to be offering the mobile experience - the underlying technology for (khoros) does have a mobile app - and it seems that by making community available in more places and in more ways it will allow more folk to contribute.


Is this something that we can consider for this year?


thank you


Currently when you add an event to your calendar, the invite includes a link back to the events page. This does get you to what you'll need, but would it be possible to include the link to join the event directly in that calendar invite? Maybe this is a phase two thing but it seems like it would be nice to join from my calendar instead of my calendar taking me to a webpage then joining from there.

Is there any way to add filter/sort functionality on the events page when they are shown as a list? It looks like the default is to show events in chronological order, but maybe someone wants to see only events in Kansas or only events that are user group meetings.


The interactive trainings are constantly down, you could put all these on youtube, and then they have the capability to better manage the same. We would watch the short 5-6 min videos on  youtube and then do the questionnaire in the alteryx website.


It is very demotivating, that the trainings are down (starts and then freezes or audio is lost). MAybe it would be worth investing a little more  into the server capacity or if you cannot afford, lets go to youtube.



I would like to be notified when somebody posts something new to the gallery. I can't find the button to do that if it already exists.

Looking at the Gallery - there are dozens of great macros and tools and connectors which have been built and provided by Alteryx.


However for large enterprise clients - it becomes difficult to distribute these tools because every tool has to be downloaded; repacked for the internal environment; and then distributed, and so as a result these are not able to be used or appreciated by large clients because of this overhead of packaging.


There's an easy way round this - which is to do a daily package (automated) of the gallery assets provided by Alteryx, and make this available for download - that way, enterprise admins can then download the latest version of the Alteryx connectors; predicitve tools etc.        


Is this something we could look into?


Hi all,


Now that the Gallery has moved into the community - it seems that we have an opportunity to start thinking about how a great community-built macro could become part of the main Alteryx product.


There are dozens of really valuable and useful tools that have been built by the community which would be a valuable additional to the product - like file move tools; directory create tools; plain old SQL tools.    While it's great that these are available in the community / gallery; for large institutions it becomes prohibitive to distribute these because every one needs to be wrapped into a separate installer in order to distribute them to our users.


If these great tools can be included in the main product, then they will be part of the main Alteryx installer, and we can then harness the power of Alteryx to accelerate our users with additional capabilities.






Can the categories for the Gallery be sorted alphabetical and always keep that order ?

Same for the results (add the ability to sort)


When a group sends notification for an event, for clarity on how to RSVP, I think the E-mails should auto-populate at the beginning or ending of the notification with a linked message stating to follow to the page in order to RSVP -- this would reduce or even eliminate and confusion on where one is meant to RSVP (i.e., adding it to your calendar is not an RSVP!). Additionally, once one has gone to the group page, the RSVP buttons are not visible until after login, creating further confusion -- I think the most simple and effective way to correct this is to keep the RSVP responses private until login but make the RSVP buttons visible such that when one clicks on one and is not logged in already, they are prompted to log in.

It would be nice to have a Community format that is also geared toward sharing custom Macros and Workflow solutions as a way to give back to the Alteryx Community, rather than base the entire interaction on question / problem posting and offering solutions. I use Alteryx mostly on the software development side, so most of my solutions have to be more dynamic and universal. Most of us don't have time to stay on top of all of the new question posts and help users with "one off" workflow challenges, so it would be great for us to have a place to share some dynamic custom macros / solutions / tools that could save people a ton o f hassle and time.


Something along the lines of sharing "Use Cases" in combination with some custom dynamic workflow / macro solutions. I have tried to share things in the past and the Community structure is completely geared toward Q & A.

Hi @WillM and Community-Team,


today I went to the ideas section and wanted to look if someone already posted tool improvements for the 'Test'-Tool. Therefore I used the Search and tried to narrow the results like this:




While the first look is promising, most of the posts do not talk about the Test-Tool itself, but other tools/improvements.


Would it be possible to add another label "Tools" to actually select the exact tool(s) that we are referencing in the posts? This would also be an amazing feature for developers / product managers to see which tools get the most ideas, summed up likes, etc.


I'd be willing to help categorize all 3000-4000 ideas that we currently have in the Designer Ideas section to get all old ideas categorized appropriately*. For all new posts, the community manager that checks / comments the idea, should check if the users added this himself or if not, add it. If this is too much work, I'd also be willing to help categorize new ideas on a weekly basis. 


*Other ACEs might as well help categorize, but if not, I don't mind spending a weekend to get this right.


Note: It has too be a label, that allows to select 0-n tools, because not all posts talk about tool improvements, but others talk about multiple. Because of the zero possibility, this has to be a non-mandatory field.




When I receive an email notification that one of my Community posts got a like, the subject line needs to be more clear. Currently, this is what it says:





This is not very helpful. Instead of this mysterious "Subject $ '{'notification.message.subject}" line, the subject/link should be the title of the post that got the like. If I replied to a post and that response got the like, the title of the post I’m replying to would still be appropriate for the subject.


I write blog posts in the french community and once they are posted I can't edit them. Maybe this is the same for all communities.


It would be useful for the author to be able to edit blog posts after it has been posted.


The same goes for Knowledge base articles.



The 2021 Alteryx INSPIRE conference wrapped up this week. There were lots of inspiring presentations. Along the way I picked up the latest Tips & Tricks document prepared by Stephane Portier. This title has been a regular INSPIRE feature at past conferences and each issue contained a mix of valuable secrets and shortcuts to make the Alteryx experience even better.


This time the title is a little misleading. What Stephane has created is a very complete and organized guide to best practices for developers working with the Alteryx Developer application.


Stephane makes a strong case for developers to take the extra effort and attention needed to create robust, well documented and maintainable workflows that will evolve over time as requirements change and data sources morph.


He has drawn attention to the specific features and approaches that lead to the creation of structured workflows that can be easily understood and audited.  He provides guidance on techniques that work to maximize quality deliverables, yet minimize the effort needed to get there.  It is a gem.


Everyone wanting to do serious work with Alteryx Designer should keep this document handy.


I have attached a copy and encourage you to read it from end to end.


I encourage the editors of the Community to give this document a prominent position on the site. In addition, to encourage best practices across the community,  I can imagine a contest being created where the winners would be those who could best demonstrate following the advice given in this guide.

As someone on the hunt for badges, I am doing my best to offer solutions as I know many of you are.  Nothing breaks my heart more than delivering a solution and not getting that "Marked as Solution" tag. 


Looking down the list of Discussions in Designer / Server etc. there are countless solutions that aren't marked as such.  Perhaps it would be helpful to automate a follow up email to the Discussion starter a few days after the final post just reminding them to Mark a Solution if their question has been solved.




PS/ not sure where I should've put this Idea because it doesn't relate to an Alteryx product.  There didn't seem to be a category for Community Ideas as far as I could see.


As someone who is primarily a Gallery Admin as opposed to a workflow designer, and given that this is the Server section I'm surprised that there is no way to label a message as relating to the AdminUI.


Just a thought that adding the label might be useful?


I usually end up just picking Server and Gallery but this seems a little generic?


It's related with the "Discussions".

I noticed that we do not have any section to add TAGS or Labels while replying to a post.


Something could be added like below:




Hello Alteryx Team,


I know that there is an option to add the badge to LinkedIn but nowadays there are a lot of companies that are usign more and more the Credly platform to check your certifications.


The idea, is that the Alteryx certification badgeds will be added to your Credly Acclaim profile. I think it's not good that there is another company offering this badgeds in this platform, should be the Alteryx Community.


I think it would cool if we would make some enchantments in the area of creating new topics. I hope this topic will be a good conversation starter about how this should exactly look like.

In my opinion, the current format for creating new topics could be enhanced. The current recommendations don't have sufficient information to identify if this recommendation is relevant for me.

Suppose the recommendation would show like four first rows of text. Thanks to this small change, we could make it more useful. Sometimes, people don't search for the answer before posting a new topic, and it would be great if they could found a solution without creating a new post.




If other people have more ideas regarding creating new topics please feel free to share them here.