Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Designer Desktop experts.
When connecting to a specific MS Access file (accdb format) that contains a linked table with a big int datatype, the following error ocurrs 'The database you are trying to open requires a newer version of MS Access'.
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There may be a time when there is a need to gather more information on why the Alteryx installation/uninstallation fails. This article will show you how you can enable the installer log.
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This document explains the steps to export HAR files by using Chrome Developer Tools built into Designer to investigate the interface of HTML GUI SDK tools.
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ERROR: "General error; 1033 error while parsing protocol" while connecting to SAP HANA DB using the Input Data Tool in Designer
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All levels of logging (warning, error, debug, info, etc) is treated as an error and return as an error in Production mode of Python tool.
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How to Edit Environment Variables for Oracle Data Connection
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SMTP settings of the most common email providers for configuration in the Email Tool and Email Events.
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With the release of 2018.3 comes a very exciting new functionality – workflow caching! Caching can save a lot of time during workflow development by saving data at “checkpoints” in the workflow, so that each time you add a new step to your workflow, it does not need to rerun the workflow in its entirety, rather it can pick up from your last Cache point. There are a couple conditions where tools cannot be selected as cache points, including tools with multiple output anchors, and tools in "circles".
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AlteryxSpatialPluginsEngine.dll could not be loaded: The specified module could not be found
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A basic troubleshooting for authentication errors for AWS S3 Upload/Download tools
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Where do you start when you see "An Unhandled Exception occurred"?
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How to check which version of a Connector tool is used in a workflow
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The custom tool or tool that uses Python SDK throws out an error is there is any error on the workflow canvas.
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When a workflow writes a large data set to Tableau Server, it may throw an error halfway through because the Tableau Server credentials token expired.
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The PCXML file created by the Allocate Report tool returns "ComposerDoc::GetCSSProperty: Unknown error" when opening it.
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Alteryx.write() returns "XmlParse Error: the attribute "type" is missing“ if there is a double-quote in the column name and the double quote is followed by a space and more characters.
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This article provides answers the most frequently asked questions related to In-Database Tools.
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After upgrading Designer, clicking on the ellipsis(...) to launch the Query Builder window, results in error "Could not load type 'ActiveDatabaseSoftware.ActiveQueryBuilder.SnowflakeMetadataProvider' from assembly 'ActiveDatabaseSoftware.ODBCMetadataProvider2"
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