Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Would be nice to select a bunch of consecutive fields, and cut them and paste them to a different area.  Currently, the only options are to Move to Top or Move to Bottom.  If you want to move somewhere in between, you have to scroll through the whole list.

Pre-v10, I could set a default tool for each tool palatte.  For example, for the Summarize tool pallate, I could make the Summarize tool the default (that already was the default, but you get the point).  I could then simply drag the tool palatte icon onto the canvas and the Summarize tool would be there.  Now, I have to navigate to the tool pallate and drag my tool on the canvas.  Yes, I know I could add it to my favorites, but screen real estate goes quickly after adding just a few favorites to the already defaulted favorites.  It would've been nice if this functionality wasn't removed with v10. 

I think it would be extremely helpful to have an in-DB Detour so that you could filter a user's information without having to pull it out of DB and then put it back in for more processing.  A time where this would be useful is if you have a large dataset and don't want to pull the entire dataset out of the DB because it will take a long time to pull it.  This would be applicable for filtering a large dataset by a specific state chosen by the user or possibly a region.  The Detour in the developer tools actually seems like it would do the job necessary, it just needs to connect to the In-DB tools.  

Hello! Almost all statistical softwares allow for the analyst to use either a pairwise or a listwise option when applying clustering techinques. This option affects only how the inner distance matrix is built, and after that whichever algorithm you choose is peformed. However in Alteryx [K-Centroids] by default does listwise, classifying only those records where the selected variables have no nulls.


Please consider adding this option!


PS: the difference is pairwise will build the distance between 2 variables depending on those records that have no nulls on both variables, while listwise will run the distance matrix after it has checked for complete non null records in all variables of interest (not one at a time distance calculation).

The Listbox (interface macro) is currently populated statically when sourcing values through a Connected tool. Whatever, I configure in the macro is retained. When I use the macro in a workflow the LIstbox values are not updated when the fields in the connected tool are changed. This practically limits my capabilities to build a truely dynamic macro/app.

The Listbox should be able to show dynamically the fields coming in through the connected app.



when parsing XML data, Alteryx does not recognise <![CDATA as being data. This type of XML file is not very common yet is still used today (by me anyway!). Their role is similar to commenting your code in some regards (for those who code).


Could it be possible to add a functionality to alteryx so that we can have it consider the data between these "tags" to be data? 







It would be a nice time-saver to allow for multiple fields to be selected and / or deselected at the same time in the Transpose tool...the Select tool and Summarize tool already allow for this.

Very wide survey files in particular would benefit from this kind of feature.


Alteryx crashed when I attempted to use a custom OTF font in Report Text. I thought it was supported because font options was not greyed out and preview window looked correct and I was able to resize. I clicked 'Apply' and Alteryx popup window appeared saying "only TTF font is supported". Then Alteryx crashed.

Please add OTF font support. Tableau and other packages already support it.



When choosing "In List" values in a CYDB input, the normal Windows functions do not work (shift+click, ctl+A, ctl+click, etc.).


When having to choose, say, 20 values, it is a big annoyance to have to click each value (20 clicks). 


Have been told this is a bug so I wanted to put it on your radar for a fix.

SQL and Tableau both support a CASE function with the syntax


  WHEN Condition 1 THEN Result 1

  WHEN Condition 2 THEN Result 2 ...

  WHEN Condition N THEN Result N

ELSE Default Result



I'm thrilled that I can now use this with the In-DB tools, but I'd love to have this available in the regular function tools so I can stop nesting my IFs!


Our DAT file structure is as follows:


The first line of the .DAT file must be a header row identifying the field neames.

The .DAT file must use the following Concordance default delimiters:

Comma  ASCII character (020)

Quote    ASCII character (254)

Newline  ASCII character (174)


Thank you,

Pete Vara

When a workflow has run it has it's final message.

 Alteryx Product Ideas

It would be great to have a datetime stamp included in the file message. When running multiple jobs and editing multiple workflows it would be great to be able to check the last runtime so you know when each job had finished. As I often flip between multiple workflows during development and can working on up to 10 or more at any one time 





I think that the sample tool should have a T or F port.


Lets say I want to keep first N records but would like to stream the rest of the data (the not sampled one) somewhere else in my workflow, its possible but it would be easier to have that in the sampler. 




I am trying to run batch regressions on a pretty sizable set of data.  About ~1M distinct groups of data, each wtih 30-500 x,y pairs.


A batch macro with a linear regression works ok - but it is really slow.  Started at about 2-3s per regression.  After stripping out bunch or reporting from the macro, I am down to ~2s.  This is still feels quite slow compared to something purpose built.


Has anyone experimented with higher speed versions that just dump out m,b, & r2?

Hi - I miss the functionality in 9.5 of being able to set a default tool in a tab and then drag in tools from the tab. This seems to be gone in 10. Is there any possibility of it coming back?

Many thanks - Nathalie



I've been using desktop scheduler to download and parse out a streaming JSON file.  My script takes 4 seconds to execute, the data is updated on a per second basis.


Currently, my only option is to execute the scheduled job at the lowest level of granularity in the temporal at 1 minute. therefore I'm missing records.


Would it be possible to add a second(s) option to the scheduler?


I can see particular benefits from doing a CRON at under a minute, especially with event data capture.


Best Regards,



Currently only DateTime based functions are available, Time based functions should be introduced. like TimeAdd(), TimeDiff() etc.

This will help users a lot to calculate different aspects of time based calculations...


Ashok Bhatt

Given redshift prefers accepting many small files for bulk loading into redshift, it would be good to be able to have a max record limit within the s3 upload tool (similar to functionality for s3 download)


The other functionality that is useful for the s3 upload tool is ability to append file names based on datetimestamp_001, 002, 003 etc similar to current output tool

At the moment, we are not able to use input data field names and its values in Output tool, mainly in the Pre-SQL and Post-SQL statement. I see some discussions on this in the community and in many scenarios we require that. It will be great if we have this option.


A funcionality added to the Impute values tool for multiple imputation and maximum likelihood imputation of fields with missing at random will be very useful.



Missing data form a problem and advanced techniques are complicated. One great idea in statistics is multiple imputation,

filling the gaps in the data not with average, median, mode or user defined static values but instead with plausible values considering other fields.


SAS has PROC MI tool, here is a page detailing the usage with examples:

Also there is PROC CALIS for maximum likelihood here...


Same useful tool exists in spss as well



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