Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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As I mentioned in this previous idea :


field mapping in generic in-db connection is based on Microsoft Sql Server. Given the specificity of MSQL Server field types, I would like to change that in order to at least be able to use another database. Without that, this feature has no sense at all.

Best regards,


This idea has arisen from a conversation with a colleague @Carlithian where we were trying to work out a way to remove tools from the canvas which might be redundant, for example have you added a select tool to the canvas which hasn't been configured to change a data type or rename a field. So we were looking for ways of identifying in the workflow xml for tools which didn't have a configuration applied to them.


This highlighted to me an issue with something like the data cleanse tool, which is a standard macro.


The xml view of the data cleanse configuration looks like this:

  <Value name="Check Box (135)">False</Value>
  <Value name="Check Box (136)">False</Value>
  <Value name="List Box (11)">""</Value>
  <Value name="Check Box (84)">False</Value>
  <Value name="Check Box (117)">False</Value>
  <Value name="Check Box (15)">False</Value>
  <Value name="Check Box (109)">False</Value>
  <Value name="Check Box (122)">False</Value>
  <Value name="Check Box (53)">False</Value>
  <Value name="Check Box (58)">False</Value>
  <Value name="Check Box (70)">False</Value>
  <Value name="Check Box (77)">False</Value>
  <Value name="Drop Down (81)">upper</Value>


As it is a macro, the default labelling of the drop downs is specified in the xml, if you were to do something useful with it wouldn't it be much nicer if the interface tools were named properly - such as:


So when you look at the xml of the workflow it's clearer to the user what is actually specified.





Could we please have a Type field added to the "Select Fields to Cleanse" configuration window for the Data Cleansing Tool? This small feature would save a lot of time (saving the time needed to check the Metadata for every field every time I use the Data Cleansing Tool). Similar functionality to the way the Summarize Tool displays both Field and Type (just one additional field).





Future Version:



Pardon my sad photoshopping 🙂

Note: I realize the Data Cleansing is a macro and this functionality is not currently available with the "Check Box" interface tool.


Thank you!


Hi there,


When connecting to data sources using DCM - could we please add the ability to make JDBC connections?




As mentioned in these threads - JDBC is very common in large enterprises - and in many cases is better supported by the technology teams / developer community and so is much easier to make a connection.    Added to this - there are many databases (e.g. DB2) where JDBC connections are just much easier 


Please could you add JDBC connections to the DCM tooling?


Thank you



cc: @wesley-siu @_PavelP 

Hi, I was using the Image Template tool and I noticed that the icons for import and export are switched.




Hi all,


In supporting our Alteryx users - we often have situations where users have had multiple different versions of Alteryx installed on their machines over time - and this leads to a situation where settings / configurations are carried forward from one install to another, and there doesn't appear to be an obvious way to force a full & clean reinstall and reset.    This creates a problem when something like the Python settings are broken, since the reinstall does not fix this.


In this line - it would be very useful to have the ability to perform a full & clean uninstall - potentially in 2 phases:

  • Initially - a script (e.g. Powershell) which is available on community, which cleans out all files that are installed by Alteryx (any version); all registry entries; an any user settings
  • Later - it would be valuable to build this into the uninstaller so that the user has the ability to uninstall and remove ALL traces of the software and user settings.

Many thanks


I've used the Table tool with large data sets to make tables with conditional formatting etc. There's a couple of suggestions I'd like to see.


1. I noticed an issue where if you disconnect from the tool prior to the Table tool before it forgets your settings quite easily and you may need to redo them. This is quite frustrating if you have lots of columns

2. The controls for sorting and interacting with columns aren't very good, if they were more like the select tool controls that would be fantastic. Perhaps this could be resolved with a select tool beforehand but I still think it is worth putting on the table tool itself.

3. Render output. when making excel outputs with multiple sheets of varying sizes, its very difficult to control. The sheets all stretch to the largest size. I've found I've had to put in white space in Report Text tools on one side of a table tool in order to make up the space and prevent stretching. (I found that solution on the forums)





Hello All,


I'm using the dynamic input tool for SQL requests in my Workflow (WF).

I'm using the "Replace a Specific String" to replace elements in the SQL statement dynamically depeding on results of prevoius tools, user input etc.

So the statement looks like

select * from Schema_Name_xx where invoice_number = 'invoice_number_xx'


Since Schema_Name_xx is no valid Schema in the Database, the statement (= Validation) won't work. Only if I replace Schema_Name_xx by e.g. Invoice_Data_Current it will work, same with the invoice number, invoice_number_xx is replaced by e.g. 4711.

Therefore, validation makes no sense and will never work, only if the WF is running, the correct Schema is inserted in the SQL statement by the "Replace a Specific String" function.

It would be great to disable it in the users settings or wherever in the Designer, changing a config file would also be great :-)

Pls. note: I'm thinking (since I'm not allowed anyway ;-)) about changing/disabeling anything in the Alteryx Server settings.



1. Speed: Validating a WF with SQL statements that don't work takes time (every time I save it), sometimes I get even a timeout...

2. WF error entries: Each upload with a  failed validation creates an entry in the WF result list which makes it harder to seperate them from the "real" WF errors...


Thanks & Best Regards,


Hi there,


My idea comes when I've built an application, where user select filter from drop-down list. However it contains thousands of records, so it takes lot's of time to find desired record.

In Excel and MS Access when you use filter you can put many letter and filter shows rows that match the input. In Alteryx user can only put first letter, which is huge drawback to my users.


This is how it works in Excel:



Hope you like it!

I was just responding to a post about the Make Columns tool, and I noticed that there is not an example workflow for this tool built into Designer. It is also missing from the Transform category, so I never think of it.







@peyton-louden @binuacs @Luke_C 

Alteryx has the ability to connect to data sources using fat clients and ODBC but not JDBC.  If the ability to use JDBC could be added to the product it could remove the need to install fat clients.

It would be awesome if there was a cross tab in DB option because right now I have to stream out millions of records to build a cross tab.

Hi all,


Is it possible to add an option to 'Add an Image' in the settings option of Interface Designer while building Apps or macros?


Currently, we can add Group box, Link, Tab, and Label. It would be really helpful if we can add static images as well!!


This would enable a developer to add an explanatory image just as a link or label is used to communicate to end user.


I am attaching a screenshot for the reference.





Thanks in advance!!



Shreyansh Rathod




Currently, when one uses the Google BigQuery Output tool, the only options are to create a table, or append data to an existing table.  It would be more useful if there was a process to replace all data in the table rather than appending. Having the option to overwrite an existing table in Google BigQuery would be optimal.

Given the prevalence of XML - it seems that it's worth adding a native XML capability to Alterxy (similar to the discussion with @CharleyMcGee and  @KaneG in the discussion forum).    Currently XML is treated mostly like a big and oddly behaved text field, which really undermines the usefulness of XML in real applications.


What I'm thinking is:

- Add in a component, which acts like a join, but what it does is validates an XML file vs. an XSD file so that you can see if your XML file matches the schema definition.   Tremendously useful if you've ever had to hand-craft XML.

- Add in a native data-type for XML (like you have a data-type for Centroids)

- On this XML data type - you can then do interesting things like walk the document object model, or iterate through all children (which fixes the issue of deeply nested XML being such a pain).     This would bring XML parsing into the level of usefulness that programmers in Java & Visual Studio have enjoyed for years

- Finally - an ability to construct XML data files without having to text-hack this.   i.e. something similar to the transpose tool, where for a given node, you can add children etc.


These four things would really really assist with getting Alteryx to be able to deal with modern data sets like JSON; XML and even web-page scrubbing.


As always - very happy to commit time to helping shape this - please feel free to reach out if that would be useful.


Thank you all


CC: @JoeM@mceleavey@MarqueeCrew@NeilR@Ned@dawid_nawrot@TaraM@GeneR


As of today, when you connect o, a database, you go through a batch of queries to retrieve which database it is ( cf where I suggest a solution to speed up the process) and then, Alteryx queries the metadata. In order to get the column in each table, Alteryx use a SHOW TABLES and then loop on each table. This is really slow. 

However, since Hive 3.0, an information_schema with the list of columns for each  table is now available. I suggest to use the information_schema.columns instead of the time-consuming loop.



PS : I don't know if it's linked to the Active Query Builder, the third-party tool behind the Visual Query Builder. In that case, it would be a good idea to update it as suggested here

Best regards,


I like the new cache option in 2018.3, but I would like it to function a little bit different. Let's say you cache at a certain point and then continue to build after that. If I reach another checkpoint and want to cache, it currently re-runs the entire workflow (ie it ignores my cache upstream and just goes back to the beginning of the workflow); instead, I would rather have it utilize the upstream cache. Personally, caching is usually an iterative effort during development where I keep caching along the way. The current functionality of the cache is not conducive to this. Thanks!

Hi there,


When creating a database connection - Alteryx's default behaviour is to create an ODBC DSN-linked connection.


However DSN-linked connections do not work on a large server env - because this would require administrators to create these DSNs on every worker node and on every disaster recovery node, and update them all every time a canvas changes.

they are also not fully safe becuase part of the configuration of your canvas is held in the DSN - and so you cannot just rely on the code that's under version control.



Could we add a feature to Alteryx Designer that allows a user to expand a DSN into a fully-declared conneciton string?

In other words - if the connection string is listed as 


Then offer the user the ability to expand this out by interrogating the ODBC Connection manager to instead have the fully described connection string like this:


NOTE: This is exactly what users need to do manually today anyway to get to a DSN-less conneciton string - they have to craete a file DSN to figure out all the attributes (by opening it up in Notepad) and then paste these into the connection string manually.


Thanks all 




I use the field name auto-complete feature whenever I can. One issue with it, however, is when there are parentheses in a field name. After auto-completing the field name, Alteryx highlights a portion of the field name after the first parenthesis. This is not ideal as I typically expect the cursor to be at the end of the field name so I may continue to type. In this scenario, unfortunately, I would begin to type over my field name and the expression gets messed up. 


For example, as shown below, I begin to type "st" and then hit the tab button to complete the field name in my expression.



In this case, because my field name has parentheses in it, however, some of the field name remains highlighted and the cursor does not go to the end of the right bracket, as one would expect.


If I were to continue typing at this point, the highlighted portion of the expression would get erased and replaced. 


Field names that do not contain parentheses continue to function correctly as shown below. 








Similar to the thoughts in this idea, it would be great if the parenthesis matching functionality could be added to the formula tool as well.

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