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Import only the list of Named Ranges

Hello - The Input Data tool allows you to import a list of sheet names, but it doesn't let you import a list of named ranges. I'm proposing the Input Data tool allows you to import a list of named ranges for as many Excel file formats as possible. Right now when I go to import say an xlsx or xlsm the Input Data tool allows me to select from a drop down of named ranges, so it seems the functionality is already there. I am not aware of a reasonable approach to getting a list of named ranges other than opening up the Excel file as XML, specifically xl/workbook.xml - however, I've ran into issues with this approach providing sheet names instead of named ranges (unsure why but I posted about this here


If we were able to import a list named ranges I think the benefits are obvious. The one that really stands out to me is that if you have a standard when creating named ranges (for example "prefix_name1, prefix_name2" etc... you could search for specific prefixes to find the named ranges available. In a large portfolio of models deploying such a standard the total universe of named ranges might not be known ahead of time except the prefix to search. I'm curious if this resonates with others.


Thank you

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

Hi @neilmcg 

I agree that allowing to output list of named range would be helpful. Just from reading the community discussions, there are many questions around preserving the formats in Excel after Output tool which is only possible with named range. So likely being able to get the list of named range will augment the usecases that include dynamically updating live reports

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes