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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Hello!  I use Alteryx for lots of spatial data blending, and 99% of the time that works perfectly.  However, when I try to analyze data in Puerto Rico or some other USA territories, Alteryx cannot read the data and I have to reproject it in another tool so it can.  Can support for all common projections be added to Alteryx so the data can be read in natively?  The GDAL Python code data file "gcs.csv" contains all of the projections I think would be needed.

There's a common need to perform the same function on many fields, where you want to bring in data from a secondary field which is defined by the current column name.


So - for example:


  • Prod1UnitWeight: 10
  • Prod1Qty: 10
  • Prod2UnitWeight:15
  • Prod2Qty: 1


  • Prod1TotalWeight: 100
  • Prod2TotalWeight: 15


So it would be useful to be able to have an indirect function where you can create a string which contains the field you want to use; and then indirect to it.

For example: 

  • Multi-field formula on Prod1Qty; and ProdQty
  • CreateNewField Prod1TotalWeight
  • [_CurrentField_] + indirect(replace([_currentFieldName_],"Qty","UnitWeight")
  • which would resolve to prod1Qty * indirect("Prod1UnitWeight")




Allow the User to 'de-authenticate' a license so it can be installed on a new laptop.

I would the ability to run/call a module from within another module. I've thought of two solutions:

Simple - Add an option that currently exists in the Analytic App properties to "On Success - Run Another Analytic App". Instead this option would be to Run Another Module

Complex - Create a new tool that would have a single input that would accept a list of filepaths to Alteryx modules. The modules would be run sequentially (module 2 run once module 1 was finished).


John Hollingsworth

When a user adds a column in the Formula tool, show the data type directly underneath the column name, not below the expression. It's important for the user to set the data type and then build the expression. Otherwise, the user neglects to and then minutes or hours later sees strange behaviour as a result of having the default V_WString. Make the data type prominent because it is important and part of the metadata.

Hi there,


The select tool writes a different configuration to the underlying XML file for the Alteryx flow depending on whether the "Unknown" value is selected.


  • if unknown is true:
    • Only fields that are deselected (or renamed /modified) are written to the XML file.   This is understandable since if no field is de-selected, and "Unknown" is true, then whatever goes through the tool is passed on
  • if unknown is false:
    • Only fields that are selected (or modified) are written to the XML file.    Again, this is logically understandable.


However - we are hoping to scan our Alteryx jobs to spot where fields are not used and should be trimmed out earlier - and because of this behaviour of select-type tools (Select; join; etc), we cannot get a full view of all the fields known by the tool.


Can we please give the user an option to write ALL fields to the XML file irrespective of the "Unknown" flag?   This will give the added benefit of enabling every tool to know its fields on a fresh reload without having to rerun.






Desired State:




cc: @Ned 

There should be an in built option in the Email Tool to send only one email instead of sending emails equivalent to the number of records in the attached file.

Currently, it requires to add Unique tool before the Email Tool.

After we change to a new type, the Forced option should be appear in the new type.


screenshot below is example, i change to V_string but the forced option is still in double.



it very annoying to change via 2 select tool or edit in xml



As per this discussion, I'd like to create constants that stay with me as I create new workflows rather than creating a user constant across multiple workflows.


This could perhaps be done by editing an xml file in the bin.

To navigate through XML document you need several parse tools to drill down to an element because you can only use element names


It would be nice if you case use an xml path (xpath) because of the rich syntax.


With xpath, we could specify ship_to/address/city or bill_to/address/city

As you know, Developers and Analysts are very picky when it comes to their UI preferences. Regardless of their preferences, providing the option to change these settings is the KEY.


Currently, in the latest version, under the Edit User Settings menu option, there is no way to change the dark background colour of the Menu palette which comes by default with the new version. Give us the ability to customize this please.









Hit F2 when a tool is selected or click on an existing annotation box to quickly edit it.  Would save a bunch of time having to move the mouse to that left tray etc.


I need to consume a web service that uses a “0-legged” OAuth transaction. I contacted Alteryx tech support and found that this was not possible with the current feature set of the Download tool. Please add it.

It would be easy if there is an alteryx tool or in the input tool a configuration  to put an excel password and it opens the file to use it on a workflow.

I was recently surprised to find that Alteryx doesn't already havea connector to upload to SFTP sites.  I've managed to work around it with RunCommand and some external programs, but it's very cumbersome.  A simple SFTP upload connector would be a great addition to Alteryx.

HI!  Love Alteryx.  I have a parameterized macro output tool that has 16 parameters linked to as many fields from my batch file.  The number of parameters is high enough that I have a scroll bar on the on the Config window. 



Just out of habit I use the scroll wheel to scroll to the bottom, but by doing so completely blow out the config of the fields-to-parameters mapping because you can use the scroll wheel to also change the fields that are linked to the parameter.  Then I have to go through all the parameters to set them back to the way they were before, which is tedious.  I would like the macro tool to only change the field-to-parameter mapping by clicking, not by scrolling the wheel.  That will keep from a bunch of setting and resetting of the parameters.


Thanks, Kurt

Alteryx's spatial tools are really powerful and offer a lot of value for analysis.  However, when rendering a map for output, there is currently no way to place an image inside of a polygon.  This feature would be very useful for customized layers on maps and other spatial-based processes.

My rough suggestion would be to scale a selected image to the size of the polygon's bounding rectangle, and then trim the edges of the image to fit inside the polygon itself.

I get a lot of requests to replicate the Excel Table format into Alteryx output. When I use Reporting-Table tool, I have option to choose border, give color and size. No dotted border format or any other border formats which excel offers. 




The SharePoint List Input tool currently doesn't retrieve managed metadata columns from SharePoint lists (confirmed by @DanC in April 2018, Pulling Managed Metadata from a SharePoint List). This severely limits our use of the tool, as imports in Alteryx lack most metadata that is relevant for analysis and reporting.


Would be great if this could be added in a future release.





I am finding that I often need to use a union tool after a join to capture the entire data set I am trying to isolate. It isn't a huge deal but it does happen often enough that it seems worthwhile to consider more options to customize the join type. For example- it would be helpful to be able to configure the Join tool itself to specify a left inner or left outer join instead of needing to Union the L and J anchors afterward.  

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