Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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I regularly create events to capture messages from workflows or kick off batch scripts for other processes and they are repetitive. Is there a way to template some of these?


This could even be as simple as a saving the .yxft type file, where it is only saving the setting.


Email Event TriggerEmail Event TriggerRun Command Event TriggerRun Command Event Trigger

  • Setup & Configuration

Exactly as the subject says: It would be incredibly useful to be able to change the colour, and possibly the line thickness of the connectors between tools.

We have workflows with huge amounts of stuff going on, as I'm sure many people do.

Being able to colour code the connections between tools would help us to trace things from place to place when stepping through the workflow.

I have several modules that need to run in sequence.   Can a ksh or some other program be used to string the modules together?  

So that if I have Step1.yxmd, Step2.yxmd and Step3.yxmd.  2 is dependent on 1, 3 is dependent on 2.  I want to tell it the jobs to run and then to wait until that module completes, then run the next.  

run Step1.yxmd

run Step2.yxmd

run Step3.yxmd

Or, if I have a group of modules that can run concurrently but subsequent jobs are dependent on all of them to finish, i can let all those jobs run and have the next step wait for those to complete to begin.  

run Step1A.yxmd
run Step1B.yxmd
run Step1C.yxmd
run Step1D.yxmd

run Step2.yxmd

run Step3.yxmd

I know this is very simplistic, but hoping it shows the need.  Also, we do have the scheduler set up to use, so if there is a way to set dependencies between modules within Scheduler, that might be helpful.  Just haven't found anything.  


To avoid some errors occurring during upgrade or even installation, it would be great  to add an option in the installer to go with a fresh installation (remove any previous Alteryx Designer).


If selected, option would:

- Warn users that everything Alteryx related is going to be deleted

- Generate a log of what is going to be removed

- Rename folders and registry keys listed there:

(rename instead of delete to avoid "bad surprises")


A similar option could exist when one would like to uninstall Alteryx Designer.


This would remove the frustration of having to rely on a "white knight" when something happens in the middle of an upgrade or an installation.





I would like the ablity to view the processing order of tools within module prior to processing and if needed reprioratize which tool processes first/last.  It would also be great to have the ablity to disable a subset of tools within a module prior to processing.

I would like to have feature to disable the fitter tool so that all the filters added within the filter tool are ignored when the filter tool is disabled and data flows through to the next tool . At this moment there is no way we can achieve this as adding a tool to a container and disabling it stops the data flow to the next tool.

Currently Alteryx Designer Custom schedule window only support specifying 1 hour. I would like to request it be changed to Hours of the Day with checkboxes from 0 to 23, similar to Days of the Month.


Alteryx schedule window.png

  • Setup & Configuration

Would be nice to group workflows and their schedules because it gets confusing if you have a lot of schedules/workflows in the schedule view.


Especially if you have more than one schedule for a workflow.


One way could be to create folder system or to manage it through the meta info like macros.






  • Setup & Configuration

Python tool could be useful... for those who need it. Otherwise it just takes time to install and disk space, or even be a security problem for some companies.

Why not make its installation optional so that people could chose to install it only if they need it, or choose to install it later (like the predictive tools for example). 





  • Setup & Configuration



I opened up WorkflowA and WorkflowB.  Later, I went to Windows Explorer, and clicked open WorkflowA, because I wanted to make another change in it.  Not realizing that it was already open, I inadvertently forked WorkflowA into two versions.


It is desireable to be able to open a workflow twice.  Say, I made several changes and wanted to compare that to the original. However, it would be nice if Alteryx produced a warning saying that the workflow has already been opened.  In my case, WorkflowA was pretty complicated, and I don't know if I "un-forked" the workflow correctly.  A notice would have prevented this scenario, which has happened to me multiple times.


Thank you,


Joe Kelly

Allow users to disable any steps in workflow except input and Join conditions.


To edit existing workflow sometime we may required to remove few steps, it is better if we have option to disable and update mapping instead of delete.

I think the Cache and Run Workflow option is a good addition in Alteryx 2018.3 but I think it needs more work to be useful.


For example I build a simple workflow where each tool is fed in by one tool and is used by one tool. So you have a sequence of tools. A -> B --> C --> D -- > E

Say I build A -> B -> C and I put a Cache and Run Workflow option on C, it will run the workflow and cache the output out of C.


But if I build D and E onto it after that event and put the option Cache and Run Workflow on E, it will run the whole workflow ignoring the cache output from C.


Can it be changed where E's Cache and Run Workflow will respect C's Cache and Run Workflow?





Option to select start and end time per day


e.g. between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM every 2 hours

  • Setup & Configuration

I'm a brand new user to Alteryx. I have Designer + Scheduler. I had read about the advantages of MongoDB. I went into the Scheduler System Settings and changed it to MongoDB to find that the service didn't start, among other issues. 


Come to find out, MongoDB is not supported for Scheduler-only installs/licenses. 


Therefore, I believe that the option to change the db storage for scheduler-only installs should be disabled

We have a lot of workflows with a lot going on in them, as I'm sure a lot of you do.

Sometimes, the way that Alteryx draws the connections between tools is loopy, literally.

It would be very helpful if we could explicitly control how the connectors were routed, as this would allow us to prevent them from cutting across other complex areas of the workflow.

Also if we could bundle the connectors (think tying together a bunch of cables with a cable tie) so that things that were heading to the same part of the canvas could route there as a bundle.

So I just realized that if I click F2 I am brought to the annotation window in the configuration window. 

It would be great if I can click F3 to bring me back to the Configuration window! Often times I switch back between configuring and annotation a tool multiple times. 





When attempting to save from Designer to Gallery the last step of the save is the validation step.  The validation step, as I understand it, checks to make sure there's a valid license on Gallery.  This counts as one of the processing "threads".  If your organization is constrained by the throughput on Gallery, this can cause delays. 


Our business only has the 2-thread service level for Alteryx Gallery.  Consequently, if someone is running long, drawn out workflows on Gallery, this can create delays in saving the file from Designer to Gallery.  It can also cause delays if there's a long "line" of workflows waiting to run.  I presume that the save attempt is put in line along with the other jobs on Gallery that have to run.  If this is the case, it could take a long time to complete the validation--tens of minutes or longer.  


That window being open keeps the user from being able to use Designer at all.  Very inefficient.  There should be a requirement that the user has both valid licenses on Designer and on Gallery before they can run anything on Gallery.  However, the validation of both of those is already accomplished by virtue of the fact that Designer checks for a license whenever the program loads.  Also, if Gallery checks for the license anytime the workflow runs, then the second half of this check is already accomplished and, therefore, renders the check when saving to Gallery unnecessary.  Please correct me if i'm wrong on this. 


Change #1) Please the validation of Gallery license when saving from Designer to Gallery.

Change #2) Please adjust Designer such that you can continue to edit workflows on the same session while other files are being saved to Gallery.

Change #3) If we can't get #1 or #2, please change the queueing process to put attempts to save to Gallery in the front of the line because they should take <1 second to validate the license while other workflows could take many minutes.

Right now we can only change the alteryx log folder but not the log file name. If we can change the log file name , it will be great because that gives us the ability to parse certain logs and check for errors/issues and send out emails accordingly.

There are quite a number of XML configurations available in Alteryx Designer as well as in Alteryx server.  And there are possibly in different locations and each of them them is specifically for different configuration options.


Currently, there it isn't a official list of all these configuration files as well as all the configurable options.  It would be good to have a centralized area to configure and visualize all these.  This not only helps easier to know how to customize the tool but also help easier to maintain the backup/restore of the configuration files.


Moreover, there are possibly some settings go into the registry.  This would be also good to have this centralized as well.


Ideally, a user interface would be good for these configuration with general/advanced tabs to classify the possible configuration.  For server, ideally, it could be comes up the controller to distribute all these settings.  For Designer, once it is configured to the Gallery, it should be able to grab the configuration and apply in the machine.


Hope all these make sense and do-able.






  • Setup & Configuration

In regards to the little ALTERYX box that pops up every time I run my YXWZ file..

This is COMPLETELY ANNOYING!  I don't want to click the dang thing every time to close it.  It has ZERO VALUE.  I already know its ALTERYX.  SO LETS LOSE THIS WASTED STEP!  I have to run this many times when testing and for production, WHY DO I HAVE TO CLICK IT EVERY SINGLE TIME TO CLOSE IT!


I have a second suggestion... I tried to enter this suggestion, AND I KEEP GETTING A SNAFU because the IDEA LABELS feature in your submit tool.  LOSE IT or make it so I don't have to fill it in.  I get you want to somehow CATEGORIZE, but, if you can't come up with something useful, I am not a mind reader and I don't have time to sit here and figure out WHAT MIGHT BE THE MAGIC WORD that might be associated with my idea.  GIMME A BREAK!



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