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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Identify that a workflow is already open



I opened up WorkflowA and WorkflowB.  Later, I went to Windows Explorer, and clicked open WorkflowA, because I wanted to make another change in it.  Not realizing that it was already open, I inadvertently forked WorkflowA into two versions.


It is desireable to be able to open a workflow twice.  Say, I made several changes and wanted to compare that to the original. However, it would be nice if Alteryx produced a warning saying that the workflow has already been opened.  In my case, WorkflowA was pretty complicated, and I don't know if I "un-forked" the workflow correctly.  A notice would have prevented this scenario, which has happened to me multiple times.


Thank you,


Joe Kelly

7 - Meteor

I now have another user in my office, and this is going to be a bigger issue if we both try to make a change to the same workflow.  Fortunately, we sit close to each other.  


In general though, I can see how UserA would open up a workflow at 9AM, UserB would open it at 9:30 AM.  They would both take an hour to make their changes, then all of UserA's edits would be gone and only UserB's edits would remain.

Status changed to: Inactive

The status of this idea has been changed to 'Inactive'. This status indicates that:


1. The idea has not had activity in the form of likes or comments in over a year.

2. The idea has not reached ten likes.

3. The idea is still in the 'New Idea' status. 


However, this doesn't mean your idea won't be implemented! The Community can still like and comment on this idea. With enough renewed interest, this idea can be brought back into the 'New Idea' status. 


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