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Sometimes I want to set up a filter to compare the values in two fields in my data set. The basic filter option would be much more powerful and configuration would be quicker if this option allowed this.


For example, currently I must use a custom filter to check if Field1 and Field2 are equal:




I would love to have the option to either use a static value in the basic filter (as you can now) or select a field name from a dropdown:



Documenting your Alteryx workflow is important because it allows others to understand and modify it as needed. To document your workflow effectively, you should provide detailed information about your inputs, outputs, tools used, and any assumptions or limitations.


When it comes to documentation, annotations are often more practical than the comments tool. However, the comments tool in Alteryx offers a useful feature that allows you to customize the background, font, and border colors. These customizable colors can be beneficial when reviewing workflows, as they help draw attention to specific details or notes.


In the screenshot below, you can observe that the highlighted comment attracts more attention compared to the annotation on the left side, even though they contain the same comment.


It would be great if the color customization features available in the comments tool could also be added to the annotations of any tool.






Hi there,


the Snowflake documentation only refers to connection strings which use a DSN such as this page Snowflake | Alteryx Help which refers to the connection string as odbc:DSN=Simba_Snowflake_JWT;UID=user;PRIV_KEY_FILE=G:\AlteryxDataConnectorsTeam\OAuth project\PEMkey\rsa_key.p8;PRIV_KEY_FILE_PWD=__EncPwd1__;JWT_TIMEOUT=120


However - for canvasses which need to be productionized on Alteryx Server - it is critical to use dsn-less connection strings so that the canvasses can be deployed and run on any worker node without having to set up DSNs on every worker node.


A DSN-less connection string looks like this: 



Please could you consider making an update to the help texts to provide and describe a DSN-free connection string as well as the DSN driven connections?


Many thanks


Toggle individual expressions on/off in the formula tool.   

On more than a few occasions I have a number of expressions in a single formula tool and find myself wanting to turn off a few or many, but not all. 

It'd be great if there was a checkbox to activate/inactivate : on/off : include/exclude : select/deselect (whatever language you like for the concept) an individual expression.


Simple as a text box.  with maybe a 'select/deselect  ALL box available incase you want to turn most off then only select a single one? 

This is a feature request based on my comment submitted here: Email Tool: Format "From" field to accommodate "Di... - Alteryx Community


It would be great to provide an option in the Designer Email Tool to allow us to specify a "Display Name" when sending emails.  The "Display Name" is a common part of the email specs listed here: RFC2822 - Section 3.4 (Address Specification) 


The email gateway/service that I'm using will send emails, but the "From" line will reflect only the email address.


For example, it will show an email as being from "" where I would love for it to show up as from "Smith, John".  This would make emails appear like other internal company emails in our company Outlook clients, and in general provides more useful flexibility for the Email tool. 


Many other email clients support using Display Name, but it appears that Alteryx currently doesn't.


The format of an email address with Display Name is something like "Smith, John" <> (with or without the quotes).

It would be awesome if the Filter tool pre-populated info from your data so you could select what you want to filter by vs having to type it into a text field. When I filter data, I sometimes don't recall the exact word I'm needing to filter by. For example, if I'm needing to filter results for all Ground Operations data in the department column, I may have to look at the data to see if it's called Ground Operations, Ground Ops, GO, etc. I find myself having to use a summarize tool to see the different words in a specific field so I know how to specify it in the filter tool. 


My proposal is that the Filter tool displays all data options in the field for which you're filtering. So, if you're filtering the department field and there's 10 different departments in your data, those departments could display as selectable options in a dropdown menu.


Here's my example:


I want to filter for "Safety & Security" in the "medtype_name" field.



But, I don't remember if it is spelled with an ampersand or the word "and" or if it's abbreviated. I would have to look through the data in this column to find the specific way this word is listed so I know exactly how to write it in the filter tool. But if there are thousands of records, it would be hard to scroll through everything. So, I add a Summarize tool to group the different data points in this field. Then it is easy for me to scroll and find the one I'm looking for. Now I know exactly how to type the term into the Filter tool.


My idea is that the Filter tool does the work of the Summarize tool in that all data points in the specific field are shown in a dropdown, and you just select the one you want to filter by instead of having to write it in the text box. 




I searched but didn't see this idea, so please forgive me if it's already been mentioned.

Perhaps a little niche but it's something I come across quite a lot so thought I'd throw this out there as a quick QoL suggestion!


Currently when developing apps and such, we often just show results to end users via a Browse tool. However, when this output is a large table of data or a map for example, the initial results window doesn't scale out and we can often only see a tiny edge. To add to this, if we do want to resize the initial results window, we have to manually drag this as there is no maximise option like in other interfaces. Below is a quick example of what I mean.


App runs and produces this output:




The actual data/results within:




To get this second image, I have had to manually click and drag the outer edges of the Browse window, due to the lack of a maximise button. I'm aware that we can click to pop this out to a new window that does have a maximise option, but this feels like an unnecessary additional step.


So the idea here is fairly simple. Either a) increase the default size of the results window, and/or b) add a maximise button to Browse outputs.




I appreciate this is a very underused element of Alteryx Functionality, however, I have noticed a few issues with the description of fields. 


Firstly, if you set a description on a field within a select tool:


And then attempt to clear the description later in the workflow (in another select tool), you cannot. When you delete the description, it will clear back to the original value (in this case, 'test'):


This can be easily recreated, and can be more applicable to yxdb outputs that contain the description of fields. In that scenario, you cannot go back to the previous select tool and remove the description. The closest you can come to easily clearing the description is replacing it with a space ' '.


As a secondary issue, as current the score tool removes field descriptions and overrides the source. For example if I open the Score tool example workflow, and add a select tool/description:



You can see the meta data going into the score tool:



But unfortunately the output of the tool looks like:



Showing that it has completely removes the descriptions, and also replaced all of the 'source' information. My suggestion for this would be that it would not replace the source information or descriptions.



Thirdly - and quite a niche issue, but an int64 field specifically will break when the description differs between the data and the model.

Again, easy to recreate within the Ccore tool example workflow. Apply a Select tool to both streams, setting 'First_Years' to an int64. Within the bottom stream (the model creation), set a description, in this case, 'test':



Make sure to leave the top streams description blank.

Run the workflow, observe the error:
Error: Score (106): Score: The variable testFirst_Years is missing from the input data stream.
Interestingly, it seems to be using the description as part of the name within the Score tool, which is causing issue when the descriptions differ. My suggestion for this would be that it would not utilise descriptions at all.


Kind Regards,


Idea removed, regex will do the job. 

I have found a few examples in which the formatting options can be more finely tuned when editing the XML of a workflow but is not allowed by the user interface.


Border widths are just one example. The smallest border width is 1px, whereas if you edit the XML to "0.5" and save, you will get more narrow borders.

When you have a "reminder"/"Notification" , there needs to be the option to permanently ignore the update.  

Some updates only give you a timeframe for ignore/remind as little as 7 days. There should absolutely be options for longer time frames, and should include a permanent reminder of do not display/remind me of 'this' update again. 

Fine for another reminder when there is another new update, but don't repeatedly place the notice of a reminder for the same system/version/data set etc etc etc update. 


There are times companies don't provide updates for a year or more. You shouldn't have to keep dismissing update reminders/notices when you don't intend to update until maybe the next version or a year from now. 


Remove the constant update notification. 

When searching for a workflow in the application we severely struggle with being able to locate the workflows we need. The same thing happens when searching in the gallery.  The information entered that will pull up a workflow doesn't seem to search across the workflow name nor does it seem to use any regular search engine function e.g. "search term" will return all and only results that contain exactly those parameters.  


WF Name:  "Magic_Workflow_business_purpose"

We can search for

  • Magic
  • Workflow
  • business
  • purpose
  • Magic_Workflow_business_purpose

For THIS particular workflow, let's say only the search term of "business" works. 


It seems to be completely inconsistent. We've had MANY circumstances where NO entered search parameters return the desired results and we find ourselves having to sort all workflows by name and slowly scroll through (waiting for more to load) until we locate the named workflow. Out of all the amazing things Alteryx can do, if we can't find the work we've developed in it, we can't use it.


Thank you!  


Regards, MAKpfe

Add the remove or add Prefix or Suffix Feature on the Summary Tool because this is where the prefix is added automatically by the Summary tool, so instead of adding a new select tool after the Summary tool to remove the prefix. why not to embed it with the summary tool it self. 









Not sure I'd call this a user setting, but I couldn't figure out the right heading this belongs to. 


When opening files, there are often times a couple of files at that aren't run on any kind of schedule or set time frame but you come back to when you need to run them.  


There should be a way to set "FAVORITES" for a handful of files that you find yourself referring to on a repeated basis, but too far back to be on the 'recents' list because you open too many other files. 

There is an irony in asking for what is essentially the Alteryx version of 'Formula Wizard' from Excel


As great as the guides have been in the community, the Batch Macro is one of most difficult to repeat and explain.


It would be great for users to have a prompt that recognises a Directory input of excel files and at the point of adding a Macro, having a series of prompts at each stage help build out the desired result (whether that be returning all sheets or specific sheets).


It would further highlight one the great features & key enablers of Alteryx 

Hi all!


Based on the title, here's some background information: SHAPLEY Values


Currently, one way of doing so is to utilize the Python tool to write out the script and install the package. However, this will require running Alteryx as an administrator in order to successfully load, test, and run the script. The problem is, a substantial number of companies do not grant such privileges to their Alteryx teams to run as administrator fully as it will always require admin credentials to log in to even open Alteryx after closing it.


I am aware that there is a macro covering SHAP but I've recently tested it and it did not work as intended, plus it covers non-categorical values as determinants only, thereby requiring a conversion of categorical variables into numeric categories or binary categories. 


It will be nice to have a built in Alteryx ML tool that does this analysis and produces a graph akin to a heat map that showcases the values like below:



By doing so, it adds more value to the ML suite and actually helps convince companies to get it.


Otherwise teams will just use Python and be done with it, leaving only Alteryx as the clean-up ETL tool. It leaves much to be desired, and can leave some teams hanging.


I hope for some consideration on this - thank you.



Add the ability in the select records tool to use formulas not just record numbers. 

There is no tool that exists that outputs all records that are duplicates (those sharing the selected values with at least one other record) and also outputs the records that are not duplicates (those not sharing the selected values with at least one other record).


The Unique Tool is not sufficient.  It only provides the first record of a unique duplicate group along with any non-duplicates and then provides a secondary output that only contains the additional records of a duplicate group.  Sometimes you only care about the duplicates and want to quickly see what differs between the unique groups.


For example, if there are 4 records with the City of Austin and I am looking for duplicates on City I want to see all 4 records with Austin in the output so I can quickly compare additional fields to see what might differ, or if they are all indeed truly duplicates.


Many of today's APIs, like MS Graph, won't or can't return more than a few hundred rows of JSON data. Usually, the metadata returned will include a complete URL for the NEXT set of data.


Example:$count=true&$top=999&$filter=(startswith(operatingSystem,'W...') or startswith(operatingSystem,'Mac')) and (approximateLastSignInDateTime ge 2022-09-25T12:00:00Z)

This will require that the "Encode URL" checkbox in the download tool be checked, and the metadata "nextLevel" output will have the same URL plus a $skiptoken=xxxxx value.  That "nextLevel" url is what you need to get the next set of rows.


The only way to do this effectively is an Iterative Macro . 


Now, your download tool is "encode URL" checked, BUT the next url in the metadata is already URL Encoded . . . so it will break, badly, when using the nextLevel metadata value as the iterative item.


So, long story short, we need to DECODE the url in the nextLevel metadata before it reaches the Iterative Output point . . . but no such tool exists.

I've made a little macro to decode a url, but I am no expert. Running the url through a Find Replace tool against a table of ASCII replacements pulled from probably isn't a good answer.


We need a proper tool from Alteryx!


Someone suggested I use the Formula UrlEncode ability . . .


Unfortunately, the Formula UrlEncode does NOT work. It encodes things based upon a straight ASCII conversion table, and therefore it encodes things like ? and $ when it should not.  Whoever is responsible for that code in the formula tool needs to re-visit it.


Base URL:$count=true&$top=999&$filter=(startswith(operatingSystem,'W...') or startswith(operatingSystem,'Mac')) and (approximateLastSignInDateTime ge 2022-09-25T12:00:00Z)


Correct Encoding: 

Formula UrlEncode:
As you can see, the initial "?" was altered, as were all the "$", and the result is rejected by the http server. Also, the spaces around "and" and "or" should convert to + in this case, but I THINK the standard %20 would also work.
So, I don't know what the Download Tool is doing when it encodes, but it does a good job at it. Formula UrlEncode, while one would expect it to do the same encoding as the Download Tool, is not and therefore fails.
So, I have a couple of asks:
1. Copy the code from inside the Download Tool for Encoding and make it into a separate tool. (UrlEncode Tool, perhaps in Parse Tab?)
2. Using that copied code but in reverse, create a Url Decode Tool. (UrlDecode Tool, again - perhaps in Parse Tab?)
3. Fix the formula UrlEncode

Add ability to name the columns for the text to column fields tool.