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Issues Searching for Workflows in Application & Gallery

When searching for a workflow in the application we severely struggle with being able to locate the workflows we need. The same thing happens when searching in the gallery.  The information entered that will pull up a workflow doesn't seem to search across the workflow name nor does it seem to use any regular search engine function e.g. "search term" will return all and only results that contain exactly those parameters.  


WF Name:  "Magic_Workflow_business_purpose"

We can search for

  • Magic
  • Workflow
  • business
  • purpose
  • Magic_Workflow_business_purpose

For THIS particular workflow, let's say only the search term of "business" works. 


It seems to be completely inconsistent. We've had MANY circumstances where NO entered search parameters return the desired results and we find ourselves having to sort all workflows by name and slowly scroll through (waiting for more to load) until we locate the named workflow. Out of all the amazing things Alteryx can do, if we can't find the work we've developed in it, we can't use it.


Thank you!  


Regards, MAKpfe

5 - Atom

I couldn't agree more. The only thing I don't like to use in Alteryx is "search" function. It's been time-confusing to search/identify the workflow I'd like to use. I had too many circumstances where NO results returned with my search key words.

Really hope any solution like above could be available as soon as possible. Thanks.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
6 - Meteoroid

This is a very annoying issue that needs to be addressed. Alteryx, please fix this. 

6 - Meteoroid

Please put some effort into releasing a usable search bar. This should not be a feature request, since the search functionality already exists. It need to be improved. 

8 - Asteroid

I posted about this months ago and got 1 comment. Glad to see that someone else was baffled about it and it's actually getting attention. 


Search indexing shouldn't be that difficult if Alteryx can do some advanced ML tooling...