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Annotation colors

Documenting your Alteryx workflow is important because it allows others to understand and modify it as needed. To document your workflow effectively, you should provide detailed information about your inputs, outputs, tools used, and any assumptions or limitations.


When it comes to documentation, annotations are often more practical than the comments tool. However, the comments tool in Alteryx offers a useful feature that allows you to customize the background, font, and border colors. These customizable colors can be beneficial when reviewing workflows, as they help draw attention to specific details or notes.


In the screenshot below, you can observe that the highlighted comment attracts more attention compared to the annotation on the left side, even though they contain the same comment.


It would be great if the color customization features available in the comments tool could also be added to the annotations of any tool.






17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Agree. It is a great idea @SaadNaser!

8 - Asteroid

@Emil_Kos thank you so much Emil appreciated 


ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

ACE backed! Fantastic idea. This really will help highlight those areas in the workflow where humans need to interact versus understand without having to add comment tools.

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

I can get behind this!  Good idea @SaadNaser 

8 - Asteroid

thank you so much for your insight @Samanthaj_hughes 

8 - Asteroid

@Watermark appreciated mate, thank you so much


5 - Atom

Great idea - especially for those of us with high documentation requirements like audit departments!

13 - Pulsar

This would be handy!

7 - Meteor

I would love to see comments have Rich Text or HTML formatting options as well.  Ability to bold or change color of certain words would be very helpful.

6 - Meteoroid

I would like to see more functionality in the annotations! Changing the text would be great. I'd also like to be able to separate text that always shows on the workflow vs text that I have to hover or click on the tool to see.

So as an example, maybe I always see "Join File 1 and File 2" as an annotation.

But if I hover or click, I see a lot more information that I wouldn't want displayed in the annotation but I don't want to add comment boxes to every tool.