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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Toggle individual expressions on/off in the formula tool

Toggle individual expressions on/off in the formula tool.   

On more than a few occasions I have a number of expressions in a single formula tool and find myself wanting to turn off a few or many, but not all. 

It'd be great if there was a checkbox to activate/inactivate : on/off : include/exclude : select/deselect (whatever language you like for the concept) an individual expression.


Simple as a text box.  with maybe a 'select/deselect  ALL box available incase you want to turn most off then only select a single one? 

Status changed to: Coming Soon

Stay tuned - this idea is in the works!

Status changed to: Implemented

Excited for the addition of this new feature in our 24.1 release, allowing you to enable & disable individual expressions in a Formula tool!

BONUS: You can even interact with it dynamically using interface + Action tools, giving you limitless ways to use this cool new dynamic capability 😁


Check out this new feature (and all the other 24.1 goodies) in our Designer release notes! Happy Alteryx-ing!