Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

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A new idea to suggest a new community feature or improvement

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Pinned discussions appear at the top of the Discussions page.  The current 3 pinned posts haven't had a reply in 2,3,15 months.  Would it be possible to move pinned posts to the right side of the screen, along with Top Solution Authors and Top Starred Posts?  This would provide more space at the top of the page for active discussions.

The weekly challenges provide such a rich resource for strengthening your Alteryx abilities but for new uses a lot of time is spent merely collecting the older challenges to work on them.  I would suggest creating a page with all of the start files, and a page with all of the solution files so that all of the challenges can be downloaded from a single location.  This would also provide an opportunity for a new weekly challenge to build a workflow that downloads challenges within a specified range, create windows folders for each week, and cleanse the pesky underscores from the front and end of many of the files.

Which post am I starring below? The lines below the attachment serve to separate out the post above and make the Star and Reply buttons appear to belong to the post below. This isn't clear to me, let alone new users of the site. Can the theme be improved to make this separation clearer.



When I recieved a notification of a private message (see screenshot below), the font was Times New Roman.


I guess it could have been worse . . . it could have been the font that dare not speak its name.


I suggest a change to be a more appealing san-serif font.








This is a minor thing, but it's kind of funny so I thought i'd post on it. Ever use the spell checker when typing posts or replies? It thinks that "workflow" is a misspelled word. Please add "workflow" to the Community spell checker's dictionary!

It would be great if we could subscribe to our User Group so that updates are sent via email just like other parts of the community.


Visualize Alteryx Ideas


The IDEAS landing page should have a visually appealing dashboard.

Visualization should track each idea over time, it should be filterable with a keyword search based on a Period, an Idea's Title or Tagged Label.


Appealing color code should be able to distinguish individual Idea's Star Rating.


Viz contents/layout can be inspired from the inputs of community users.


Top Ideas should be released as new product features.




Hi all,


Is there a way to find out whether the solution to the weekly challenge has been accepted?

Is it also possible to track the status of the challenges - e.g. which ones have been replied to, and of them which have been solved?


Many thanks!

So we have specific divisions on the community;


  • Designer


  • Server


  • Connect


  • Promote


but nothing for Datasets!


Actually Connect and Promote are "additional capabilities" to Server as you can see at the pricing pages;


So are the datasets so I would suggest a Dataset division on the left hand side...

  • This will enable us to ask specific questions about the ever evolving and quarterly updated datasets...
  • Plus we will be (at least me) able to provide new ideas and sources of datasets...
[Old Dog] + [New Tricks]

Here's a gripe.  I'm used to typing "" (or a shortened version of it) into my address bar when helping others in the community.  Now you get redirected to a landing page for 3 products and have to choose which Alteryx product you are asking for help with.  I've thought of a few alternatives to this including which would bring you to the most recent version of the help page. 


I try to include hyperlinks to help articles when practical.  Hopefully it gives the hope that help can be found in the help documentation (LMGTFY).  To that end, perhaps a button (to help) on community would be useful?




While this is probably a stretch, I think many of the developers would love to see the option to use Markdown when authoring their posts and/or blogs.

How about a filter that would reveal all ZERO reponse items in the Discussion forums?  This would reveal old questions that never found a response.

When I've attempted to register for exams, my address is not recognized as valid. It wants a "business" email. But I think that it should definitely accept the email address associated with your community profile and probably just accept anything a user wants, considering that it already also asks for your community profile user ID.


My understanding is that the community email part is already under consideration. Just tossing out an expansion on that idea.

Can we add tags to posts so we do a more advanced post search?

I would like to be able to search the Alteryx Gallery by user, and have the gallery items available for view on a community users profile page.


This will allow community members to be able showcase not only their community engagement, but also their Gallery catalogue in the one place.

Hey wanted to see what people's interest would be for a certification around the intelligence suite?


We don't have any place to post idea about the cloud products. Since it's clearly new products, isn't it relevant to ask your users about what they need?

Best regards,


Hi all!

This idea stems from my team's need to have Alteryx materials on hand. We have a repository internally built to store all Alteryx related presentations and materials, but it would be great to have it available to Community members if it comes directly from Alteryx.


For example:

  1. Presentation slide templates with high production value curated by Alteryx can be shared to Alteryx teams to showcase results, workflows, value engineering, and so much more! It should also cover common topics like how Alteryx and IT Security go along, the requirements to run Alteryx, what is needed to use Alteryx etc. This helps teams get passed the hurdle of actually introducing Alteryx to their companies too. 
  2. It will also be good to have slides or PDFs that explain roadmaps, best practices, and a sample doc which all teams can use as a base for their governance or just for references. 
  3. Alteryx image assets (as long as it used strictly for Alteryx purposes / demo and not outside commercial purposes) will be great too! Adds flair to what we do in our documentation. This discussion is pertinent! 

Screenshot 2023-07-04 085658.png


I am M&A Analytics Leader, managing a team of analytics professionals in India.


I am always interested in hiring the best analytics professionals, with skill set in Alteryx and M&A.


I think if Alteryx starts a Job Board, where prospective hiring managers can post relevant jobs, this will be really appreciated by our community.


LinkedIn saw big engagement spike once they integrated Job Board into their website. I think Alteryx community can also take benefit in a similar way.


As of now, we do have job board in SparkED section. But I am asking for a separate section altogether - something on the face of the community - just like LinkedIn.





A little recognition for the users who have the most contributed to implemented ideas. We can imagine a badge for 1, 5,.... 1000 ideas implemented on the model of likes/ solved, etc.



Best regards,
