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Weekly challenge - status tracker

Hi all,


Is there a way to find out whether the solution to the weekly challenge has been accepted?

Is it also possible to track the status of the challenges - e.g. which ones have been replied to, and of them which have been solved?


Many thanks!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @brandnewday


From my experience, the weekly challenge is generally solved within hours of being posted, and all of them that are currently posted are solved and have dozens of people who have posted their solutions.


the great thing about the weekly challenges is that people have all taken different approaches to solve them so you can use this as a resource to find many different ways to solve the same problem.



Well worth browsing around the weekly challenges and working through them according to your current skill level - and then comparing your solution to others who have already posted - it's a great way to learn




Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Under Review

Great idea! We are looking into something similar if not exactly the same. We have somethings we need to vet out to make sure it is even possible that is the reason for the Under Review status.




7 - Meteor

Many thanks @DanM for the update! Something simple would absolutely work, e.g. a color-coded table.


If I can help to the team with anything, please just let me know)


Weekly Challenges TrackerWeekly Challenges Tracker

7 - Meteor

Hi @SeanAdams, sorry for misleading phrasing - I referred to tracking your own solutions instead of general status solved/not solved. Thank you for your reply!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

:-) hey @brandnewday - I really like the idea of a tracker that we could use for our own progress.    Sadly I use a far more rudimentary method (folder on my OneDrive with every challenge either in a Completed or NotCompleted folder and your idea would be much better.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Implemented

@brandnewday: Similar to what I mentioned in this idea, something you could do is look at a URL like this:


42128 is your user id (as seen on your profile page: and you can scope the board-id to weeklychallenge to only see posts made in that section. It is not a tracker as elegant as you mentioned, but I hope it helps for your own personal tracking of what weekly challenges you have participated in.


Also, weekly challenges are not actively reviewed for accuracy, rather it's an honor system. As soon as you post one, you can consider it as being "accepted".


As a final note, here is a post with a download to a progress tracker made by members of our community - may be something to check out :)

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: New Idea
22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @KylieF ,


I just happened to notice that status of "Weekly challenge - status tracker" idea has been changed to New idea as of from last Thursday. And also some of previous posted trackers not working.


And if a user submitted solutions are accepted.


I recently designed a "Weekly challenge - progress tracker". And i am looking for submitting it as a solution for the idea.

PS: previous trackers did help me with how to approach


My workflow scrapes the user posts and checks for posts with weekly challenge subject and also tags time and attachment for it.

It uses a python script to make requests and download data instead of a download tool. Since python showed higher request success rate.


This was tested as of today 6-Apr-2020. With 2-3 different usernames. And assuming to be working correctly.

Hoping for response and feedback.


Please find the snapshot of the interface and the link below for the packaged workflow.






Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Hi @atcodedog05 ,


This idea was moved to New Idea due to a community update we conducted on Thursday, April 2nd to push all the ideas onto the same status system. Ideas affected by this maintenance will be progressively moved back to their correct statuses in waves as to not spam any users subscribed. You can check out the details of the community update in our Release Blog.


As mentioned by JeffS there are methods of achieving the original ask through our search. However, we do appreciate you posting your workflow as it provides a well designed method of achieving a more in depth analysis of each user's weekly challenge status.


Our Community product manager will also be better able to speak on implementing a greater tracker when they update the status of this idea.

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @KylieF ,


Great to hear about the new updates. Really exited to start seeing them in the community 🙂


Thank you for your response. Really appreciate it 🙂