Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

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A new idea to suggest a new community feature or improvement

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Let me start by saying that badges are awesome, and I love being able to see what I've earned and how that compares to others in the Community.


I think it would be fantastic to be able to search for users who have earned a given badge.  Today, you can really only find out if someone has a badge by actively searching for their profile and checking every badge they have.  This can be particularly challenging if I'm interested in seeing, for example, the user accounts of every Alteryx ACE in 2017, or who has earned the Genius badge.

This can also be really helpful if I'm looking for users with a certain level of certification.  I can see by poking around that a few users I know have achieved Alteryx Advanced Certification, but I'd really like to be able to see all 30 people who have the badge as of today.


Overall, I think this would be a really powerful feature that would help improve the Community experience.


I've seen a few posts in the past couple days, mostly from new Community users, who are finding old posts from 2015 and 2016 and replying to them with "tweaked" versions of the problems solved in these posts.  This is tough for a few reasons:

1) The people on that thread may not frequent the community today, so the question might not get visibility

2) The new poster can't mark any suggestions as a solution

3) This causes notifications to active users from old threads, which may not be appropriate if their issue was already solved.


I think if there was a date after which threads were locked that would help.  To enable ease of use for new users, I think adding a new button "Create Related Thread" to these posts would help new users to post their question quickly.

Clicking this button might inherit the Tags that the old question had, and write the header for the user, and maybe include a link to the old thread for context?

I think this would help a lot with the experience of new users on the Community, and would also give more visibility to these kinds of "modified" requests.

Sometimes, Ideas are posted by users that have solutions or workarounds that meet the user's need.  When others in the Community respond with these suggestions, the ideas usually end up in a status of "Not Planned".

I think it would be really helpful to be able to mark these as "solved".  An example of this is the following post:


Here, the user posted a suggestion, and I as well as @mcarrico were able to provide suggestions that met this need.  I think marking this post as Solved could help other users who have the same thought in the future.

I also think that this might be an opportunity for an additional tag for Community ideas, either "workaround available" or "already implemented".  "Not Planned" doesn't necessarily read as well as it could in cases where a solution exists.

Alteryx Team, When someone attempts for certification exams, results should be sent to registered email ID immediately after completion of exam. Currently the PDF's are not sent automatically and candidate needs to follow up for the same. In case of Pass - A PDF copy of certificate can be sent. In case of failed - Along with the result, areas of improvements can be shared where the candidate need to put more effort when appearing for next time. How many attempts are remaining for current month? This feature will be a useful feature for the candidates appearing for certifications.
  • General Suggestion

Not sure it happens in every browser but here is how it looks on me;





  • General Suggestion

I needed to mention Alteryx Support team,

in order to inform them about an issue I came across...


But couldn't find any users called


  • @AlteryxSupport or
  • @Ayxsupport or just
  • @Support

we need to mention them in our community post I belive to make sure the issues clients and potential cliens hwho are trying the demo are answered on time etc...



Post authors can mark zero, one or many solutions as answers to a post.  I'd like to see more solution alternatives posted in Community.  There are always many ways to solve a given challenge.  While giving stars is an option available to all, perhaps once a certain "level" is achieved you can also mark replies as accepted solutions.


Thanks for your consideration,



I got a subscription update today for the SANTALYTICS Weekly Challenge, and noticed that the person who responded used spoiler tags, and that the spoiler'ed information was immediately visible in email.

 if I needed any more reasons to love the Summarize tool... of course it has an option to combine images!





At the very least, I think these spoilers should be hidden in the Weekly Challenge thread, but I think hiding spoilers altogether in the emails would be helpful since currently you don't have the option to not "spoil" yourself.

When reading discussion threads on mobile user names don't link to user profiles. Could this be fixed?
  • General Suggestion

It would be really great if we could organize our Community friends into groups (ex. local users, personal friends, coworkers) and be able to send private messages to the group instead of one for each individual.

Could the online status for a user be put next to their name everywhere in the community and not just in the 'My friends' section of our profiles? It would really help knowing for when I want to send a PM to someone about a quick question or something. It would also just be pretty interesting to know.

  • General Suggestion

It would be nice if users could 'check in' when they attend certain events together like Alteryx Inspire, Tableau Conference, or a local community event.

The event people are checked-in to could be posted as a status next to a user's name (ex. JoshKushner - at Alteryx Inspire 2018) and popular events could be summarized on the community home page.


This could publicize to other community users meet-up opportunities they might not have been aware of and could facilitate community engagement in real life.

  • General Suggestion

The Alteryx community serves many people across many continents.  When a user posts a comment or wants to read a post, there should be an option to "Translate" the post to their preferred language.




We got,


Why not an;

  • General Suggestion

Could we add the capability to quickly get to the list of ideas that I have posted so that I can check on them and / or add to them?


The use case here is that often I'll say to someone "Yip - we suggested this as an idea, please add comments here...", but with hundreds of ideas in the system, it's not easy to see the ideas that are mine so that I can quickly refer someone to the right link.   This can be done via the advanced search, but this is somewhat awkward to use (you have to search for something, then hit advanced search, then filter for yourself as author and Ideas as category, and then go through this page at a time)


A nice way of doing this may be to embed a tableau dash in each users's profile page, so that you can see your own ideas, grouped by popularity or grouped by tag, or by date posted etc.



  • General Suggestion

Idea for @PatrickN


Really love the certification - it's a tremendous tool for both the community at large, and for Alteryx to grow their trained user base.  

How would you feel about bringing a page into the "Academy" section of the community site so that people can easily find this (that seems like a logical place to keep this)?


thank you again for the work on the certification program - @patrick_digan mentioned to me that there are now over 50 people certified already (56 this morning) - not bad at all for a 6 day old certification program!



  • General Suggestion

Hi there

(cc @AshleyK ; @JoshH ; @BenG ; @LDuane ; @JulieH )


Looking at the ideas board for the Alteryx Product Ideas - it's clear that these ideas are not being processed by the product teams.   76% of all the ideas logged are still in "New" state, with 1033 unique ideas out there which have not yet been moved into a state which would indicate any sort of consideration.


Is there anything that we as a community can do to help?


Note: Many of these ideas point to similar issues, so with some curation this number can be brought down significantly.


Thank you




  • General Suggestion

Lumping Connect in with Gallery makes it difficult to find things specific to Connect. There is already one thread tagged as "Connect," which has nothing to do with Connect. I know it is new, and there is little activity, but with the issues I am experiencing, I expect the space to explode very quickly.

right now if someone wants to change their e-mail subscription to a particular board, they need to scroll through the subscriptions on every item ever posted to get there:


Could we add a quick filter to this subscriptions page to allow someone quickly to get to board or knowledge base subscriptions (i.e. filter out the topics and ideas and articles that have been auto-subscribed by replying).


Thank you




  • General Suggestion

So - one of the common things that I do almost every few days - is to pass on an article on the community to someone who I work with.  

Right now - the only way to do this is to share it using the share button (which then goes via e-mail or twitter etc) or otherwise create a personal message, or even worse you can do a reply with "plus person XXX" but this just creates noise on the thread


Could we add 3 features to the community to make this MUCH quicker:

- Share with community user/group of users

- Allow me to create my own group of users like "Admin team" or "Designer users" or "my direct team" which I can forward the message to

- create a notification in the notification section for shared articles


This would make sharing content MUCH faster.