Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

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There is a way to find all the unanswered but there isn't a way to get to a list of all the posts that have NOT been solved yet. Can you make this available on the community? 


Like this: 




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I was posting a question today about sorting, but didn't see a label for sort, sorting, or a question label. Not sure what the qualifications are for making the label list, but I suggest that "Question" and "Sort" be added.

Video Documentation

More vlogs on the usage of all Alteryx tools will be awesome. Some tools do not have example of its usage so more documentations most especially video documentations (vlog)  will be helpful

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I am attempting to re-take the Alteryx Designer Core Exam again this morning - yes I attempted last Saturday as I am very determined to achieve Certification!  Could we please have the Time Zone added to the notification?  Hopefully the image I posted below comes thru ok.  I am on ET time and its 10:27am ET 04-18-2020 but the exam time zone must be a different one !



Thanking you !!  I will wait until my Exam becomes available for me again !



Can we have a guide on how to utilize community macros? Under My Settings>Macros there are a lot of slots for different macros, but no explanation of what they are, how to use them, or even when they should (and should not) be used.


We currently have ideas boards for Designer; promote; Connect and server; along with this Community ideas board.





Could we please add an ideas board for the SDK; which would be the place to log ideas for:

- SDK for formulae (I'm looking at you @jdunkerley79 ) 

- SDK for using the API in various APIs across the product stack

- SDK for building custom plugins (HTML; C++; Python)


That would also align well with the fact that there's already a discussion board for the SDK



Hi all,


I love the (somewhat) new look of the community.  It's much more helpful to find what you're looking for through search and the menu buttons on the left.  One small enhancement I would request is a better fitting of the menu icons along the left side of the page.  It might be my smaller screen size (Lenova Yoga 920) but not all of the menu items fit to my screen.  So I have to use the mouse wheel to scroll to see all of the buttons (the Alteryx Resources button!).  And the situation gets worse when you hover over the menu to scroll as it adds a box displaying the URL of the page (see screenshot below), which further hides the Alteryx Resources menu item (I actually didn't even realize it existed for a few months).  Also, once I do scroll to the bottom to see the Alteryx Resources menu, the submenu suffers from the same cutoff problem as well (second screenshot attached).


If this is an easy fix, it would be much appreciated!


Menu button for Alteryx Resources hiddenMenu button for Alteryx Resources hiddenSubmenu for Alteryx Resources hiddenSubmenu for Alteryx Resources hidden




John Miller






Our team loves the weekly exercises and value the lessons learned-- or should I say earned--  from them each week. However, finding them is a little, well, weird especially when I am trying to explain how to find them to colleagues: "Well, so, you go to search, type weekly and then select results from the last week and then each of the previous weeks exercises will be held in that most recent workbook. Smiley Frustrated" What I would love to see is these in their own space within the community so one would not have to search for them each week. Bonus points if we were able to DL all workbooks as a single zip that we could have for new-hire training material! 






It may be nice to be able have quicker access to social media for shareing questions, solutions, challenges...

On facebook, twitter with shortcut links to community, instagram with workflow and tool pictures etc...


By the way;

Have you voted in the @kdnuggets Analytics poll? Support @alteryx only tool both in gartner's BI and Analytics MQ



I'd like to have the "Mark All as Read" option in the Knowledge Base like it is in other sections. Not that I could ever read them all, but this is my system for identifying new posts.


Can't find inspire 2016 and 2017 videos web pages on Alteryx web site are they removed?

  • Content

Hello Maveryx Community,


Wouldn't it be nice to be able to save your open source projects directly to the community page, as you would when saving a workflow to a gallery? This way we could upload and download our workflows from the community page, and treat it as a repository/portfolio page with Alteryx specific projects. It could be even tailored so that you can preview it, in a form of a html page without download, to see how the workflow looks, without having to download it. Option to mark projects as private or public would be nice too, to filter out who can and who can't see the given project. What do you think about this idea, not needed, or a cool addition?


Best Regards,

Szymon Czuszek


Hello all,

Sadly our community is against attack by spammers. This causes damages to all, since it pollutes the forum. Maybe having a team of volunteer to clean that mess could be helpful?



Best regards,


  • Content

I love the current feature where users can mark something favorite by clicking the "" button at the bottom of a post, blog, article, etc. and the content will show up in the Favorite Posts carousel on their profile. But the Favorite content seem to be limited to content within the Alteryx Community. I'd like to have the ability to add external links (outside the Alteryx Community) to the Favorites board, kind of like the Featured section on LinkedIn where people can put whatever links they want that showcase their skills or links they frequently use and want to share with others. Not sure if anyone else wants this feature or the amount of work needed in the background so just want to post this idea and get feedback. If anyone knows any way to feature content to the profile please let me know! 😀


Problem: I am seeing that sometimes to solve a single topic, a thread of messages start between the OP and some specific user, and in the end, some OP`s can give 5 to 10 (yes, 10) marked as solved answers for this specific user for just one topic/problem. 


I understand this situation as a problem for 2 reasons:


1-It can harm the Community Hygiene. If users start to crack the game and flood topics just to try to get more marked as solved answer point`s per topic, the topics will start to get messy and confusing.


2-This is unfair from the points perspective. Some users that are trying to give concise and correct answers are and will get far less points than the ones that are possibly cracking the game.



Real example of a topic with 10 marked as solved answers for just one user


Solution:  I undestand that if only 1 marked as solved point was accounted for each user that had the answer selected as a correct answer per topic, the incentive for this behaviour would decrease.