Alteryx Server Knowledge Base

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Viewers cannot execute workflows in Collections after upgrade to 2020.1


Environment Details

  • Alteryx Server
    • Version 2020.1
  • Windows Authentication for Alteryx Gallery


After upgrading to 20.1, viewers are not able to execute workflows shared with them via Collections. The following error is seen:

"This Workflow is published in a private Studio.
An Analytics Gallery Membership is required to run Workflows published in private Studios.
Contact the Artisan who shared the Workflow to request a Membership.
For more information on Memberships, please contact"


In 2020.1, users who want to run workflows shared with them in a Collection need to have their role set as Member.


Role management has changed in Alteryx Server 2020.1. In previous versions, users set to the Viewer permission were automatically converted to Members. 2020.1 now has Members as a Role. For customers using Windows Authentication, all users assigned the "Viewer" role will be assigned the "Member" role upon upgrading to 2020.1. If this process fails, this is the result.


The Gallery Administrator should set the role of all former Viewers to Members. This can be set by going to the Admin section > Users tab.

idea Skyscrapers
10 - Fireball

How do you restore if all 1300 users have defaulted to viewer and no new users are showing up?

9 - Comet



After upgrading from 2018.3 to 2020.4 all my (Windows authenticated) Viewers are still Viewers.


Not having a great time sorting out calls from multiple users who can no longer run workflows 😞