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TGAL 6357 Open Workflow From Gallery Window Immediately Exits



The open workflow from the Gallery window in Designer immediately exits when trying to open a workflow. 

Error in the logs: 

GET,/gallery/api/apps/workflows/,500,78,Exception caught by ErrorHandler and marshaled to client,"Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.ParseException: Cannot parse '{query}' too many boolean clauses ---> Lucene.Net.Search.BooleanQuery+TooManyClauses: maxClauseCount is set to 1024-> at Lucene.Net.Search.BooleanQuery.Add(BooleanClause clause)


Environment Details

  • Alteryx Designer, Server
    • 2021.4, 2021.2


This error message is in relation to the number of assets the user has access to via collections. This issue is happening because the search that occurs with Lucene is looking for each workflow in these collections as a separate boolean search. Lucene has a limit of 1024 booleans (at least in our product) in a single search.



The workaround: 

Reducing the number of workflows the user has access to via collection to under 1022 or so (as the query includes a few searches for the user's subscription and public workflows) via either removal of groups or collection access causes this error to go away

As a curator, they can add their user or group at any time to these collections without having to have all access at all times