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How to Pass List Box Values Using the Gallery API


How to Pass List Box Values Using the Gallery API


This article shows an example of how the available list box values can be retrieved and submitted together to /workflow/{appId}/jobs endpoint.



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    1. Use /v1/workflows/{appId}/questions endpoint to get the questions from the app. Here is an example of a response:
        "name": "List Box (11)",
        "type": "QuestionListBox",
        "description": "Select the value",
        "items": [
            "key": "TNG",
            "value": "TNG"
            "key": "STV",
            "value": "STV"
            "key": "TOS",
            "value": "TOS"
            "key": "DS9",
            "value": "DS9"
            "key": "STE",
            "value": "STE"
        "multiple": "True"
    1. To pass in the selected list box in one of the endpoints below, enter the values in the value name separated by a comma.
      • /v1/workflows/{appId}/jobs
      • /user/v2/workflows/{appId}/jobs
    Here is an example:
      "questions": [
          "name": "List Box (11)",
          "value": "'TNG', 'STV'"
    NOTE:  "TNG" and "STV" in the above examples are the values from the "value" name in Step 1.

      Additional Resources

      5 - Atom

      Thanks for the help, It was very useful.

      5 - Atom

      Hi, I am trying to pass multiple values to a list box using Gallery API, but it seems that the system is not recognizing the values. Here is an example:


      "name": "List Box (501)",
      "value": "'VFX-VFY','GHA-GHX"


      Any help?