Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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We will not be enabling DCM for the time being (see  


But, when you do not enable DCM, you get an annoying pop up every time you open Designer that says "DCM toggle is not enabled". 


Please give us the ability to turn this pop up off.


Instead of current logic standing behind Round function ([variable1]/[variable2], mult) more intuitive will be approach known for example from SQL where the second operator represents number of decimal places, i.e. [variable]=23,4567 with new logic - Round([variable], 2) = 23,46.

Please provide the ability to toggle on a dark mode for the Designer. The new version of Alteryx has changed the UI from a blue to a white. Its straining on the eyes with the lack of any contrast in the toolbar. I know about the ability to change the canvas colors, but it would be nice to toggle the entire UI from a white to a grey.

Often I need to add filters or other tools early on after the workflow is already been mostly built. If a tool connects to one tool I can drag the filter over the connecting line and add the filter seamlessly. However in large workflows there is often this situation:    


The Filter will only connect to one of the lines I'm hovering over. If I could connect to all lines simultaneously and drop in the connection to achieve this (would be awesome):





Due to different file formats whether it is .xlsb or any other formats, sometimes it requires end user to install additional drivers/engine.


Some of these driver installations require installations of outdated software e.g. Microsoft Access 2013 (Microsoft Access Database Engine 2013), which poses unnecessary security risk.


Therefore we recommend that in the future version should take note and incorporate such drivers into the installation package so that there is no need to install them separately.


The language options have been so helpful for our Global team; is a Korean language option under consideration for Designer & the online training courses? 

Many users will probably follow best practice style guides with Alteryx to use comment boxes under tools to describe in detail what is happening with these tools - such as this one shared by @BenMoss.


However a limitation of this is the comment boxes do not move with the tools, so if you have a well documented workflow but then need to add a new tool, you need to adjust all the spacing and re-align the tools, which with a large workflow can be time consuming. 


Alteryx Community Idea.gif


Therefore the improvement would be to have an ability to lock comment boxes to individual tools (similar to a group function in Office).


Please remove all stopwords that help to identify the sentiment of a text. E.g. words like 'no' and 'not' are currently removed when you enable the 'remove stopwords' options. Here is an example:






People will probably use the option to remove stopwords without even thinking about issues like this and might remove relevant information from texts and then do a Sentiment Analysis afterwards and wonder why the results are bad.


Dear Alteryx, please find a better stopword list or remove some words from the list.

The Azure Machine Learning Training and Scoring Tools seems great to improve Azure ML process.

Introducing: The Azure Machine Learning Training and Scoring Tools 

We tried to use this tool but can't log in to Azure ML correctly. We have several Tenant ID then log in to another tenant for office 365 not Azure ML.

====================== <Error Message> ==========================================================
Error: Azure ML Training (367): UserErrorException:
    Message: You are currently logged-in to 55f0a...-.............................................. tenant. You don't have access to d846a...-............................................. subscription, please check if it is in this tenant. All the subscriptions that you have access to in this tenant are =
 [SubscriptionInfo(subscription_name='Microsoft Azure Enterprise', subscription_id='754c5...-...........................')].
 Please refer to for different authentication mechanisms in azureml-sdk.
    InnerException None

Microsoft states that tenant needs to be specified if we have access to multiple tenants.

Set up authentication for Azure Machine Learning resources and workflows 

Could you add Tenant ID into Azure credentials so that we can use this tool? 


Could we please have a Type field added to the "Select Fields to Cleanse" configuration window for the Data Cleansing Tool? This small feature would save a lot of time (saving the time needed to check the Metadata for every field every time I use the Data Cleansing Tool). Similar functionality to the way the Summarize Tool displays both Field and Type (just one additional field).





Future Version:



Pardon my sad photoshopping 🙂

Note: I realize the Data Cleansing is a macro and this functionality is not currently available with the "Check Box" interface tool.


Thank you!


When you use Create Points tool - you then almost always need to use a Select tool to rename that point.

Can we please add a single text field to the Create Points tool - which would then allow us to create and name a point in one step?


Annotation 2020-07-04 103732.png

I'm really liking the new assisted modelling capabilities released in 2020.2, but it should not error if the data contains: spatial, blob, date, datetime, or datetime types.


This is essentially telling the user to add an extra step of adding a select before the assisted modelling tool and then a join after the models. I think the tool should be able to read in and through these field types (especially dates) and just not use them in any of the modelling.


An even better enhancement would be to transform date as part of the assisted modelling into something usable for the modelling (season, month, day of week, etc.)




Before Designer 2019.4 there was a "bug" in the workflow statistics collection that under the "SampleModule" data from the UsageGallery collection the name of the workflow run from within Designer was available.  We used that information to determine the common workflows run in our community as well as generating a measure of community growth.  The "bug" was removed in 2019.4 and now we can only determine the number of runs, but not the number of distinct workflows that were run.  This idea to do return the workflow name run to the information stored in the Mongo database.




When writing an expression in a Formula tool, I love that you can just type an open bracket and suggestions pop up that allow you to auto-fill the rest of the variable name. What I find frustrating, however, is that once you type the open bracket, the highlighted field automatically moves to the one where your mouse is pointing, regardless of if you have moved your mouse or not. I think it makes more sense to always highlight the first field in the list and only take mouse position into account once it has actually moved.


It is hard to describe in just a picture as opposed to a video but essentially I had my mouse below where I was typing in the screenshot below then when I typed the open bracket, the 3rd field listed automatically got selected even though I never moved my mouse.




Cc: @Hollingsworth 

I personally think it would work better to tab from 'Select Column' to 'Enter Expression Here' and not the 'Functions' List as probably people who are tabbing would immediately like to start typing the formula rather than going through functions, fields, etc.





I found a great use for the visual Layout Tool which solved the formatting issues I was running into. Unfortunately it doesn't pass through additional columns from the source. This means that I am unable to use the batch rendering (the "group data into separate reports" functionality in the render tool). See images below.


Image 1: Layout keeps columns in output 🙂


Layout Keeps Columns.png



Image 2: Visual Layout drops columns in output


Visual Layout Drops Columns.png


Currently when you add an event to notify you of workflow failure / success - you have to enter the SMTP settings every time.    It would be more efficient to set this up as a user setting which can be used for the default across all canvasses that this user creates.


Annotation 2019-12-27 180328.pngSettings.png

It would be useful to be able to select a single container (containing a data input) or multiple containers using Shift, and run those and only those.


When building a new element to a larger workflow, I often enter a new Input in a new container, the ability to run just that container without having to turn off all my other containers would be really useful in speeding up the start of joining things together.


Hope that makes sense.





I think it would be nice to be able to more easily reorder fields that you're joining by in the Join tool.




For example, I have already joined by CASS_Address and CASS_City. After I did this, I realized I wanted to go back and join on Name, too, and I want that to be first. How the tool is configured now, if I want Name to be first, I must redo all of the drop downs. I would like to be able to add Name to the next set of open drop downs then use some arrow buttons to be able to move them up in the order (similar to the Summarize tool).

At present, Alteryx allows for users to run 2 versions of Alteryx at once - one installed using the "Admin Installer" and one via the "non-admin installer"


However, in corporate environments, only the Admin Installer can be used (all installers are repackaged for corporate environment / endpoint management)


This leads to a situation were we cannot run two or more different versions of Alteryx on one machine (like you can with Visual Studio or other platforms).   This also prevents us from participating in the BETA program because the BETA version would overwrite the users's current version.    Finally - this also makes version upgrades more risky since we cannot run the new version in parallel for a period to evaluate and identify any issues.


Request: Please can you change the installer for Alteryx to default to parallel install per version - so that a user can run 2019.1; 2019.2; and 2019.2 BETA on one machine in a way that is fully isolated (i.e. no shared components - have to be able to uninstall one instance cleanly and leave the others in a fully functional state).


Many thanks




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