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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Show Type in Data Cleansing Configuration

Could we please have a Type field added to the "Select Fields to Cleanse" configuration window for the Data Cleansing Tool? This small feature would save a lot of time (saving the time needed to check the Metadata for every field every time I use the Data Cleansing Tool). Similar functionality to the way the Summarize Tool displays both Field and Type (just one additional field).





Future Version:



Pardon my sad photoshopping 🙂

Note: I realize the Data Cleansing is a macro and this functionality is not currently available with the "Check Box" interface tool.


Thank you!


Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your idea! 


The visual is super appreciated (and looks very nice!), and while the Data Cleansing tool is a macro we still appreciate all the feedback we can get on how to improve it and our product. I've added a couple extra labels to this idea to insure the correct product teams have visibility. If you haven't yet be sure to check out our updated Submission Guidelines for any board or criteria related questions!

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Not Planned

Thank you for your idea!


Our product team has reviewed this idea and we've determined that we're unable to include these updates to the Data Cleansing tool onto the road map at this time. While we like this idea, we're unable to include it due to technical restrictions and several other limiting factors. 


However, should we be able to return to this idea in the future, we'll be sure to update this idea accordingly.

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @Data_is_mymiddlename 

Since Data Cleansing is a macro, you can achieve what you want with an HTML UI. Like this (this is a screenshot of an actual cleansing macro, showing the data type):


Screenshot 2021-01-20 194351.png