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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Ability to Run a single Container

It would be useful to be able to select a single container (containing a data input) or multiple containers using Shift, and run those and only those.


When building a new element to a larger workflow, I often enter a new Input in a new container, the ability to run just that container without having to turn off all my other containers would be really useful in speeding up the start of joining things together.


Hope that makes sense.





6 - Meteoroid

I have an app with several containers that do different things, so I added a checkbox tied to each of them and set them all to disabled. Now, after I choose my input, I just uncheck the one(s) I want to run.


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Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Not Planned

Thank you for posting to the Alteryx Community! Your idea is interesting to us, however we have determined that we are unable to place this idea on our road map for the product due to several factors. However should we be able to return to your idea in the future we will update the status back to Under Review.