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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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I often receive .xlsb files from clients that have different sheetnames that I'd like to incorporate in input batch macros.

I think it would be awesome if I could read in the list of sheetnames from .xlsb files as well in order to be able to build such batch macros to input data from multiple .xlsb files.



Please create an In-DB version of Dynamic Rename Tool. Or at least, suggest some alternative.


Renaming 45+ columns manually is just insane.


In-DB version are very fast & there isnt any need to stream-out or stream-in. So i hope to do this ETL in-db

To avoid some errors occurring during upgrade or even installation, it would be great  to add an option in the installer to go with a fresh installation (remove any previous Alteryx Designer).


If selected, option would:

- Warn users that everything Alteryx related is going to be deleted

- Generate a log of what is going to be removed

- Rename folders and registry keys listed there:

(rename instead of delete to avoid "bad surprises")


A similar option could exist when one would like to uninstall Alteryx Designer.


This would remove the frustration of having to rely on a "white knight" when something happens in the middle of an upgrade or an installation.





As a GIS department, we use numerous spatial datasets on a daily basis.  Many of these are quite large and we are looking for ways to optimize their performance.  Right now, we are forced to use an indexed folder system to increase performance, but we would like to move to Calgary databases.  The problem is, that Calgary databases only hold point features which limits the number of our datasets that we can use it with.  If we could spatially index line and polygon features as well, that would dramatically increase the usefulness of a Calgary database.

For the love of god. Put the key to use doing exactly what the name suggests....escaping from windows.


It would be extremely handy to be able to close any open window or dialogue box with the escape key.

This should be an extremely easy fix...


What do you guys think?




The "Text To Columns" Tool Can do Split to Rows and Split to Columns, the name says that it can Text To Columns but it can Text To Rows also, it would be great if it has name something like "Column Splitter" as it can split data horizontally as well as vertically i.e. in form of Columns or Rows!!


It would sound cool !!!



I am in a corporate environment where our proxy settings are centrally managed and I do not have the ability to change them locally.

Our proxy requires authentication to access the Internet.

Many applications that read the system settings for proxies have a way to let the user enter her credentials, either in a configuration dialog beforehand or with a pop-up for each connection.

Having at least one of these options would save me a number of steps I must currently take manually, out side of Alteryx.

I cannot get an exception on the proxy for my IP address or MAC because that violates our security policy. I am sure I'm not the only one in that situation.

A request, to have a screen shot auto generated as like tableau have.


When we want to share/document the workflow, people has to use third party tools to get the screen shots. I believe its worth to have a screenshot as thumbnails, like tableau has as part of the twb files.


I'm sure we can do this with snipping tools, but i believe its worth to auto-generate an thumbnails and have as part of the alteryx files when user save the document as like tableau does.




It was possible to read and write .gml (geography markup language) files in Alteryx. From 2018.2 and up, only write is supported. I do not understand why such a feature was removed, considering that this has become one of the standard geoformats. Joining data from .gml and .shp files is one of the key activities when dealing with geodata. Now I have to spend time converting the files (e.g. in QGIS or ArcGis). FME can read/write .gml just fine, so why can't Alteryx?

*This is an idea from @fmvizcaino  from the Portuguese Community*


  • Global DateTime support

When calculating distance from a single point (or a list of points) to many other points, it can require a lot of processing time to append the single point into the same table as the multiple points (especially with very large datasets).  Seems it would be more efficient to allow the single point as in input to the distance tool and bypass the timely append step.

I would like to have feature to disable the fitter tool so that all the filters added within the filter tool are ignored when the filter tool is disabled and data flows through to the next tool . At this moment there is no way we can achieve this as adding a tool to a container and disabling it stops the data flow to the next tool.

One of the common things that I find myself doing is to create a random data-set to learn a tool or to test a theory or to build an experiment; or to load-test a flow.


It would be helpful to have a data generator input that allows you to specify some attributes, which then allows you to generate randomized outputs:

- For Int: random between X and Y; with Z rows

- For dates: random between X and Y; with z rows

- for strings; random strings of length X; with z rows; with selectors to allow for letters; whitespace; numbers; and invisible (e.g. control) characters

- Spatial



This would really make it very rapid to whip together data to test a process

Adobe analytics api current version is 2.0 but the connector still uses 1.4. This works for log in access but does not for automated access since the end points are changed and 2.0 uses a new key structure

Currently Alteryx Designer Custom schedule window only support specifying 1 hour. I would like to request it be changed to Hours of the Day with checkboxes from 0 to 23, similar to Days of the Month.


Alteryx schedule window.png

May I suggest that you include a facility to word wrap the cell viewer in a browse. When working with long OuterXML strings, for example, it would be very useful to see the full extent of the string. 


Thank you

The Select tool already has some really useful column rename options like add & remove prefix.  Please add uppercase & title case to these options.  I know I could do this with the Dynamic Rename Tool, but this will involve adding two tools if I'm already doing other select type options like removing fields.  Anyway, I'm assuming this would be an easy add for the DEV team and would make my life a little easier! 


Many thanks!



It would be helpful if some of your tools had an optional input.  For example, the directory tool is of course very helpful at the beginning of a workflow, however I have several workflows that create or pull in files, rename them, edit them, etc.  I then need the directory tool to check that folder for the newly created files and then to feed that downstream.  The problem is that when I have the directory tool feeding into the workflow, it fires immediately noting that no files are in the folder.  I would love if the tool had an optional input so you could choose to put it in the middle of a workflow in an attempt to force it to hold off on firing until its turn.


Even better would be if the dynamic directory tool would allow for dynamic folders to be fed in rather than pinpointing a specific file....since it has an input, that would suffice and the user could either pick the regular directory or the dynamic directory if they wanted it to fire off in the middle of a workflow.




My idea is to have the AlteryxEngineCMD.exe to run a workflow as part of the standard Alteryx license.


Use case - be able to run Alteryx from the command line without the need to buy the entire Scheduler package (at $6,500/seat).


I understand why certain features are add on, but the ability to run AlteryxEngineCMD.exe (I feel) should be part of  the standard license which is already $5K+. For those who only need to be able to run a command line execution of a workflow $6.5K is a lot of money!

All your tools should have a mirror rotate feature.

As a good housekeeping practice, I want to create a workflow where connection lines are crystal clear and do not overlap or mess up with other lines.



I want to create my workflows in both directions to make it tidy, as shown here:






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