Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Reading .gml (geography markup language): at the moment only write possible

It was possible to read and write .gml (geography markup language) files in Alteryx. From 2018.2 and up, only write is supported. I do not understand why such a feature was removed, considering that this has become one of the standard geoformats. Joining data from .gml and .shp files is one of the key activities when dealing with geodata. Now I have to spend time converting the files (e.g. in QGIS or ArcGis). FME can read/write .gml just fine, so why can't Alteryx?

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Your idea and feedback is appreciated!


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Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Designer can read the GML file, but why doesn't Alteryx officially support it?

And then, there is a problem for reading the GML files which are located on 2-byte character path.


In Japan, the government provides map data in GML format. I think that the Designer should support GML offcially.