Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Currently we are limited to chossing one of two layout direction options, vertical or horizontal.  Why not make the direction assignable at the tool icon instead of as a module level control.  I could right click the tool and have layout direction as an option which would activate a visual handle which could either allow infinite rotation control or rotation control in 45 degree increments.  You can use Viso as an example of rotational control for a shape.  In Visio the shape rotates, in our case since we are really looking to change the flow direction the icon could remain in the same orientation as it does now but the conenctor point(s) would rotate around the compass in say 45% increments base on the drag of the rotation handle that appears

Hello Community & Devs!


This idea consists of a couple of requests that are related to the same topic - table styling using the formula field.  As most probably know, the table tool offers column/row specific formatting.  Some of the basic formatting offered in the configuration are: fonts, texts colors, and backgrounds.  For anything that doesn't fall into these types of formatting rules, there is a "Formula" option that allows the user to define CSS-like statements to format the selected column, row, or cell.  Related to this formula, I have two requests:


  1. I would like a double border to be included as an option.  After speaking with a support engineer, they do not believe this is currently available.  The double border is used in most financial documents as the "sum line".  I see a lot of uses for this, especially in my industry.  I would expect a formula like this: "border-top: 1px solid double black;" to give a result like this:Desired OutputDesired OutputBut it gives a result like this:Current Alteryx OutputCurrent Alteryx Output
  2. I would like to see additional documentation on this Style Formula field so users have a reference when attempting to do advanced styling on a table.  I don't think it's sufficient to say, "Use of this requires a solid understanding of CSS styles" if all CSS styling options aren't available.  Documentation would at least let us know that what we are attempting to do isn't possible.


Thanks for considering my ideas!





We have several .txt input files (same structure) that need to be combined into one file.  But all the files have summary information on the first 6 rows.  Alteryx help me created a macro to skip the first x rows but it is involved - but it works.  Having a "start data import on line x" would greatly simplify the process.

Would be nice to have the option of disabling the append of the "action" to the variable in the summarize tool.  Sometimes it's useful to leave the variable name as is when making tweeks to your module. 

When you right click on a macro, and say Open Macro - it opens up a new copy even if there's an existing copy of exactly the same file open already.


Please can you change this to focus on the existing copy by default?    I've wasted hours editing the wrong one, or doing split editing across two copies of the same file.




We face a big issue for our performances since we cannot as of today create tables in orc.

Connexion parameter for write :


Without option text file (default parameter in Simba) :




With the option, the WF doesn't fail but :


We want :
-to use the hdfs to write the data with data stream in
-to write the new tables with the write-indb in ORC

I think that it would be useful to add two new Rename Modes to the Dynamic Rename tool -- here are the existing ones:

I would add:
Take Field Metadata from Right Input Metadata
Take Field Metadata from Right Input Rows

These would allow mass changes in data type, size and scale based on either an existing data table's metadata or an external metadata table.
In the histogram tool, I would like the ability to specify the bins, not just the number of bins, but the values of the bins. That would be especially helpful when comparing different data sets when I want to see an apples to apples comparison across two different histograms. 
For an email event, there are several defaults that are shown in the body (e.g., %User%, %ComputerName%, %WorkingDir%).

It would be nice to add a date in there, maybe %Date% or %DateTime% or something like that which would display the computer system time.



My problem: I've used the download-tool to download a 40mb XML. Parsing the DonwloadData-field containing this XML results in about 6600 records. The XML-Parse Tool passes the orginal DownloadData field to each record, resulting in quite a bit of memory usage:



XML-Parsing ProblemXML-Parsing Problem


Suggestion: An option in the XML-parse Tool to not pass the parsed field in its output. 



When running an app on your desktop, nested radio buttons work wonderfully.  You can collapse groups and drill down to your heart's content.  If you promote the app to the gallery, it doesn't work.  I reported this as a bug to Client Services.  Their response leads me to believe that they designed it this way.  I'd like nested buttons to work both as a local app and as a gallery app.


Please star this idea if you agree...


Dear Mark,  


This email has been sent to confirm that your technical support ticket has been closed. Please contact us if you need any further assistance.


Case #: 00095540

Case Subject: Radio buttons- different functionality between Gallery and local version



Your comment:  

when using radio button to activate a sub set of questions that also use radio buttons then entire group has to be unselected then reselected to make additional change either activate/deactivate selectoins.


link to recorded webex that demonstrates issue:


Would love to have a 'common used' tab, rather than a favourties box (as that lags what I am currenty using).


Would be nice to have it look at my usage and create sort by frequency of use table. Could also be done with all users as well (some kind of opt-in telematary data?).


Working on Dataiku DSS and there is a cool feature : they can tag tools, parts of a worklow.. and then emphasize the tools tagged.



Best regards,




Hello all,

A few years ago, I asked for svg support in Alteryx ( ). Now, there is Alteryx Designer Cloud with other icons... already in svg !


So I think it would be great to have an harmonization between designer and cloud.

Best regards,


Hello all,

As of today, we use the good old alias in-memory to connect to our datasources in in-memory. We have several environments so we use constants in order to change the name of the in-memory alias during execution.

To illustrate :




Depending of the environment, the constant « v_gp_contexte » will take different values :

  • GP_DS08_SIDATA for la dev.
  • GP_EE_SIDATA for prod.

Sounds nice, right? But now, we would like to use DCM and the nightmare begins :

We can't manually change the name and set the question :



if we look at the xml of the workflow, we only find an id so editing it is useless :



(for informationDCM connections are stored in some sqlite db in C:\Users\{yourname}\AppData\Local\Alteryx

So, I would like to use the DCM inside the in-memory alias (the in-memory alias is stored and can be edited), just like for in-db connection alias.

Best regards,




Pretty much only time I add Browse tools during development now is to get access to the Cell Viewer to examine values better. 


Would love to be able to do this on the output window

While the Select Tool allows users to save a particular "configuration", that "configuration" data only includes selected fields and the associated data types.  It does NOT save the field order.  Since one of the features of the Select Tool is being able to reorder data fields, this should also be part of the saved configuration.  Currently, if you connect a Select Tool to a data source, the order of the columns reverts to match the source data field order, which is very frustrating.

This is a particular pet peeve of mine but I think it would tremendously beneficial.  I would love to see Alteryx hold the layout created in the visual query builder.  

There are situations where I have multiple tables from which I am joining.  when I leave this scree, the format changes back to a standard layout.  It takes valuable time to pull this apart so I can see what I am working on.


This is a feature request based on my comment submitted here: Email Tool: Format "From" field to accommodate "Di... - Alteryx Community


It would be great to provide an option in the Designer Email Tool to allow us to specify a "Display Name" when sending emails.  The "Display Name" is a common part of the email specs listed here: RFC2822 - Section 3.4 (Address Specification) 


The email gateway/service that I'm using will send emails, but the "From" line will reflect only the email address.


For example, it will show an email as being from "" where I would love for it to show up as from "Smith, John".  This would make emails appear like other internal company emails in our company Outlook clients, and in general provides more useful flexibility for the Email tool. 


Many other email clients support using Display Name, but it appears that Alteryx currently doesn't.


The format of an email address with Display Name is something like "Smith, John" <> (with or without the quotes).

When searching for a workflow in the application we severely struggle with being able to locate the workflows we need. The same thing happens when searching in the gallery.  The information entered that will pull up a workflow doesn't seem to search across the workflow name nor does it seem to use any regular search engine function e.g. "search term" will return all and only results that contain exactly those parameters.  


WF Name:  "Magic_Workflow_business_purpose"

We can search for

  • Magic
  • Workflow
  • business
  • purpose
  • Magic_Workflow_business_purpose

For THIS particular workflow, let's say only the search term of "business" works. 


It seems to be completely inconsistent. We've had MANY circumstances where NO entered search parameters return the desired results and we find ourselves having to sort all workflows by name and slowly scroll through (waiting for more to load) until we locate the named workflow. Out of all the amazing things Alteryx can do, if we can't find the work we've developed in it, we can't use it.


Thank you!  


Regards, MAKpfe

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