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Hive, HDFS and ORC. Make Alteryx Smart on Hive.

We face a big issue for our performances since we cannot as of today create tables in orc.

Connexion parameter for write :


Without option text file (default parameter in Simba) :




With the option, the WF doesn't fail but :


We want :
-to use the hdfs to write the data with data stream in
-to write the new tables with the write-indb in ORC

1 Comment

I have an 11.7.6 and the behaviour is quite different :


Even without the Textfile option, Alteryx creates the table in textfile when the write is on HDFS (csv). 

Why not taking into account the default hive format and allowing a dual functionment for write?
-when using the data stream in (where it makes sense to use the hdfs connection)

-when creating a table without a data stream in (by default : the Hive default format but you would have an option to change that to the format you want)


ORC is very powerful.