Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Take this example macro


I've build in a message on the tool to inform the user that the macro is set up in test mode. What this macro does is it will either filter the records based on a condition which the user provides in the macro configuration via a text input tool, for example Contains([Name],"Goodman") or they can select a check box to override the testing mode.



What I want is the user to be notified when there is a filter condition being applied, so they can quickly identify where in the workflow data might not be the full dataset. At the moment this is achieved using the error tool, but due to be it being the error tool you are limited to only specifying the red !


Therefore my idea is to update the error tool to allow the user to specify additional indicators, such as a warning triangle, because the message I am displaying is actually a warning to the user. Additionally it would be great if you could provide custom images (for example a glass flask) to show it's in a test mode, like you can with the macro image tools.



At the moment, in order for users in our organisation to run apps, they need to be added to permissions for the data connection for the server/DB the app uses (as we use Gallery connections for ease of collaboration within the Analytics team).


This is fine provided users running the apps do not have Alteryx Designer, however, we have users across the business who do use Designer - we don't always want these users having direct access to query the server/DB through designer just because they have the connection in order to run workflows on the Gallery. It's my understanding that at the moment this is necessarily the case, which is not ideal.


Would be great if we could grant permissions for users to use the connection to run apps in the Gallery without that enabling them to use that connection in Designer to query the DB however they want.

Hello everybody,


I'm seeing an increased usage of geojson and kmz files across many popolar open data.

Would it be possible to add them to the supported Alteryx input formats?



Would be great if anytime a tool (macro tools in particular such as "Data Cleansing" tool) is copied all items from the copied tool are retained to the new pasted version of the tool. Would expect in the instance of the Data Cleansing tool for example that in lieu of not showing the fields that were in the copied from tool to be shown similar tool in which they show but noted as "Missing" and then as the new copied tool is attached to a like data source (likely same data source elsewhere) they then are checked or not checked and no longer showing as "Missing". 


This would allow these tools to be copy/pasted and repurposed vs wiping out as they won't be associated right away on the pasting process until manually moved into the proper place on the respective new or updated workflow.



It would be nice to be able to concatenate numeric values (integers, doubles, etc.) directly in the Summarize Tool.


I know this would involve converting it to a string on the backend, but I don't believe there would be any data loss when going from numeric to string. I know this can be done by using other tools like Select of Formula to convert to string before the summarize but I don't see any reason why this couldn't be accomplished in a single tool.







I think the undo/redo capabilities in Alteryx could be greatly improved. Here is an idea that I think would be beneficial... 


I'd like to see which exact tools are affected by my undo/redo actions. An idea was suggested a couple years ago to move your location on the canvas, but that was not added to the roadmap. Instead, is it possible to add the tool ID to the undo menu so that it is obvious which tool each line is detailing?


This is the current debug menu that shows your previous actions:



When a tool is created, the ID can be displayed in this menu, but this is not shown when a change is made to an existing tool. My suggestion is that the menu would say:

4. Change Sort (3) Properties


This same change should be made in the Edit dropdown menu.




Dear Development Team,

Can we bring back to multiple-column X-axis feature for chart?

The old (depreciated) Charting Tool allows to output 2 dimensions on the X-axis in addition to having an option for "Dynamic/Unknown" column(s). This is not possible with its supposed replacement the Interactive Chart Tool.

A possible use case is Weekly Challenge #91 Challenge #91: Getting into the Weeds - Alteryx Community

If we use the current Interactive Chart Tool, we will need to manually specify 64x layers to cover all bases. Even then the solution will still fail if more "weed types" are added to the datasets.

Considering that bar/column chart is likely the most commonly used and also most basic chart, please can we either bring back the fully supported Charting Tool or add this feature to the current Interactive Chart?

Thank you.


Hello All,


I am not sure whether my idea makes sense or not. 


In today's advanced analytics world, we used RPA for various automation, process simplification, etc. There are CO-BOTs that are designed to run the Alteryx flow as well. Through RPA we are able to log in to the system and tools like Cognos, Oracle, TM1, and so on.


So, I am thinking, if Alteryx developed RPA as a tool in the Alteryx Designer like other tools such as Join, Transform, ML, Computer Vision, Interface, etc. 


I believe the implementation of RPA in Alteryx will prove an Asset, and make more powerful.




Although this could also effect ANY formula, the RegEx tool does not support a flag for Multiline.  Often incoming data contains multiple lines of data and the user must replace new lines and carriage returns with a space or other delimiter in order to operate a regular expression on all of the data.


RegEx has a multiline flag (for Alteryx it would be a checkbox) that allows it to handle each line separately.


if these are individual records, then \w+\.com$ works wonderfully,  if these are all contained in a single EXCEL cell, then you need to write to community to figure out what to do.





Hello all,

I really appreciate the ability to test tools in the Laboratory category :


However, these nice tools should go out of laboratory and become supported after a few monhs/quarters. Right now, without Alteryx support, we cannot use it for production workflow.


Example given :
Visual Layout Tool introduced in 2017

Make columns Tool also introduced in 2017

Transpose In-DB in 10.6 introduced 2016

etc, etc...

Best regards,


Imagine the scenario where you have an input that has new columns everyday, like the one that can be seem above. But with millions of rows. And you need to build the Total column. This cannot be achieved with the formula tool, because the columns of the input are dynamic. 





The default way that i use and see people using to solve this type of problem is transposing the data/summarizing/joining back the data. I tested this with the Enable Performance Profiling for 10 million rows (workflow attached), and as expected, when you transpose/summarize/join back a large volume of rows, you spend too much computing power. For this test, at least 5x more time than by just using the formula tool (workflow attached):




So, what i propose here is:


1) That the Multi-Field formula could be able to evaluate a set of columns dynamically and generate just one new column (the sum of the evaluated columns, the concatenation of it...).


Example of Designer Discussion that would be benefit from it


2) That the Multi-Field formula could be able to reference column-1, column-2, column+1, column+2, like the Multi-Row formula is.


Example of Designer Discussion that would benefit from it:




Why Alteryx does not have an easier way (Drag, Drop, Click and Run) to calculate moving averages with a specified lookback? There are so many things that one has to adjust before calculating moving averages for a simple numeric column.

I understand that there is a CrewMacros called "Moving Summarize" which does that, but it has a limitation of a lookback period of 100. What if you have data with millions of rows where you need a lookback in 1000s then there is no easy solution to this.


Does anyone know that this configuration is in the making? Moving Average is bread and butter for analysts like me. I am urging Alteryx developers to build this tool asap. and it will bring lot of comfort to my troubled soul.


Maybe i am clearly missing something here, please enlighten me!


Thank you!

Shouldn't have to stick a sort after every Multi-Row formula to reorder the records back to the same way they entered the tool.  Simple



Users are not able to change keyboard shortcuts. Because some Windows keys take precedent, the Alteryx keyboard shortcut will not work. 


For example, I would like speed up performance by selecting Disable Auto Configure in User Settings, and rely on using manual canvas refreshes (F5). However, Windows is reserving F5 for the Snippet tool. As such, F5 does not work for me. And in this case, there is no button or drop down for manual refreshes. Corporate IT security prevents me from remapping my keys. 




In user settings, allow a user to modify the full list of keyboard shortcuts.




Problem : when I develop a macro, I often change the configuration in the "Template input" part of the "Macro Input" tool from "Text Input" to "File Input".

Doing that loses the previous data : moving from "Text Input" to "File Input" removes the data entered and moving from "File Input" to "Text Input" removes the pointer to the file.

Which is annoying.


Solution : keep the data or file pointer in the "Template Input" so that it doesn't disappear when changing configuration choice.

Checkbox ability to ‘not’ output the original column on a text to columns tool


For the summary tool, allow for the field data definition type of the output.  

Can a function be added to the Text-to-Column tool that allows selecting "split on entire entry" or "split on entry-as-a-whole" for the delimiters field?



Currently if we type  vs.  in the delimiters field, it'll look for each character separately including spaces.


The recommendation in the tool help is to use RegEx for splitting on whole words, but for some, RegEx is quite intimidating and adding this function would be a big help for new users.


Proposed Change:

2 Radio Buttons added to the Text-to-Column tool

  1. Split by Each Entry
    1. Current functionality
    2. Should be default
    3. Splits on every letter, space, punctuation, etc. separately
  2. Split by Entire Entry
    1. Allow splitting by using entire entry in the field
    2. Still includes spaces, letters, and punctuation, but now sees as "whole-word"


Example of function:

  1. Radio button set to "split by entire entry"
  2. Delimiter field has:   vs. 
  3. Tool sees  ______ vs. ______  in a column in the data
  4. Tool splits ______  and  ______ into new columns leaving out the entire vs. including the spaces entered around it


Thank you!


1. Schedules에 등록된 workflows 목록에서 여러개를 선택해서 한번에 once schedule을 등록할 수 있는 기능(button)이 있었으면 좋겠습니다. 많은 workflows 등록하고 관리하는 경우에, 네트워크 장애 등으로 실행이 제대로 되지 않았을 경우 한꺼번에 schedules를 추가하고 실행 해야하는데 현재로서는 하나하나 Designer에서 열어서 실행시키거나 schedule에 다시 각각 등록하는 수밖에 없습니다. 일괄적으로 실행시킬 수 있는 기능이 있다면 관리가 매우 편해질 것입니다.


2. open api를 이용하여 데이터를 download 할 경우, 웹 사이트에 따라 안되는 경우가 많습니다. 안되면 결국 python을 이용해서 데이터를 download 하는데요, Designer의 download를 이용해서 데이터를 받을 수 있으면 좋겠습니다. 이미 많은 이슈가 있는 것으로 알고있습니다.


It looks like as of 2022.3, workflow tabs get shortened to a specific width. This is fine however now the asterisk that lets me know if my workflow has changed doesn't display in the tab anymore. I would have to look at the top of the screen to see this. I know this isn't a huge deal, but it would be nice to still be able to see the asterisk in the tab so that I can still know which workflows have been saved even if I am currently looking at a different open workflow. One solution may be to move the asterisk to the front of the workflow name.


Also, would users want a setting to allow them to keep full workflow names versus shortening them?






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