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Concatenate Numeric Fields in Summarize Tool

It would be nice to be able to concatenate numeric values (integers, doubles, etc.) directly in the Summarize Tool.


I know this would involve converting it to a string on the backend, but I don't believe there would be any data loss when going from numeric to string. I know this can be done by using other tools like Select of Formula to convert to string before the summarize but I don't see any reason why this couldn't be accomplished in a single tool.







Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
7 - Meteor

Hi Paul, 


I just found out that if you use a Select tool to convert the data from numeric to string, run the workflow and then "Delete and Connect Around" the Select tool, the data will be concatenated as numeric values in the Summarize without having to change its type.


Only problem to this ; the output of the Summarize tool will be displayed as V_String 🤡  We still need to convert its type afterward.


It's just funny to learn that you can "force" a data type.