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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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I am wondering if it is possible to add search function in the browse tool/preview results. It would be easier to locate the key words and not necessarily to add filter for checking and re-run the workflows for extra number of times.


Another thing is about the connectors, is it possible to allow manual adjustment on the connecters or the positions of the tool container? It would be great to adjust the lines when handling complex workflows.







Would love the option to pass a field to the AWS S3 Connector for the Key & Secret Access key. We are building an extensive datamart using AWS S3 and instead of manually changing keys each quarter (per our security) manually in each workflow & tool, we'd rather change it in one spot and have it filter into all affected workflows. 



We have a number of clients now using Exasol databases and they would like to connect Alteryx to this data source.  There is currently some difficulty connecting using Alteryx and so it would be good if this could be fully tested please.

I have a need to get Wave Analytics datasets as inputs into my Alteryx workflow.  The ultimate goal would be to take a Wave dataset, combine it with multiple external data sources, and then output it back to Wave as one master dataset.  This would be a HUGE win for our use with Wave and make a lot more possible.



Hello Alteryx Team,


it is very important to upload json strings to snowflake. The reason is to built data vault 2.0 on snowflake side to have a scalebale dwh. I tried many different ways to do this but nothing works for me. Please can you implement for me this feature for the output tool.


best regards



Leverage Oauth 2.0 security protocol for the Alteryx connector
In Salesforce Input Tool, when your salesforce password changes, changing your credentials again erases the previous information in the input tool.
I want the table and item settings to be retained as in v3.1 when changing credentials


Like for Salesforce Input and Output tools, the Salesforce Wave Output should offer the possibility to change the URL for the connection.


I struggled connecting to Einstein Analytics (Wave) in one of our company sandbox. I could not. However, I succeeded when I changed the harcoded url in both the macro and its related javascript.



There are some minor tools like Twitter Search ( and Grazitti's Facebook Page crawler...


But we need tools for accessing and blending more of the existing semi-structure social data,


  • no YouTube connector to search between videos and track impressions yet...
  • no LinkedIn connector to crawl public and full profiles (with permission) to do HR analytics yet...
  • no Instagram connector yet, to crawl marketing data and do trends and competition search
  • no Flickr connector to grab pictures to do Image search and recognition...


Top social media sites Updated February 1, 2017;

1 | Facebook 1,100,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors
2 | YouTube 1,000,000,000

3 | Twitter 310,000,000

4 | LinkedIn 255,000,000
5 | Pinterest 250,000,000

6 | Google Plus+  120,000,000

7 | Tumblr 110,000,000

8 | Instagram100,000,000
9 | Reddit 85,000,000

10 | VK 80,000,000

11 | Flickr 65,000,000

12 | Vine 42,000,000
13 | Meetup 40,000,000

14 | 37,000,000

15 | ClassMates 15,000,000

The Delete and connect around in the right click menu is really nice for not having to go find the connector and re plug it in. I would ask that there is essentially the same option when cutting a tool. When the tool is cut the data path is uneffected. Also, it would be nice to be able to right click(or left click and ctrl+v) on a data path and paste the tool directly in, instead of having to paste then connect everything back up. Lastly, I often find myself pulling out the wrong tool/wanting to replace a tool with another. I think it would be nice to have the option of dropping a toll directly onto another to replace it. Again connecting drectly into the data path.

Would like to see more connection options than Oracle and SQL Server as the connection string through Other can be problematic and difficult to configure for certain connections. does not necessarily reflect the connection string that the Alteryx Service is using or would authenticate. Alternatively, have a mechanism for a user to generate the connection string of any input tool they have configured (older versions of Alteryx did this but now they use odbc aliases by default).

It seems Alteryx does not have option to add metadata while adding the S3 object using S3 data connector. It has to be done using REST API calls via download tool or via javascript tool. As S3 is widely used now to store large files it would be handy to be add the functionality to add or extract metadata via S3 connectors.

It will also be useful if S3 connectors accept a field name in the object name instead of hardcoding the name or path.

Please add the ability to interface with Oracle Siebel CRM. Preferably, this would be a built-in connector similiar to the SFDC Connector.

The current Power BI Connector can only be used to publish to Power BI in the cloud but not to a local Power BI server. I would like to suggest the idea to improve this connector and configure it in a similar way to the Publish to Tableau Server Connector. The connector should allow to publish to a local url. See attachment.


The current Salesforce connection tool is cumbersome and buggy.  It would be nice if there was a way to easily connect to salesforce so that I didn't have to update my passwords and tokens everytime I make a change.  IT would also be nice if i didn't have to do this from the server on every single salesforce connection object I have.  This current product is tiresome and cumbesome.  At Inspire I was told I should just use an odbc connection.  But after researching that those come at an additional cost as well.

I would like to be able to load large amounts of data into my MSSQL database using a faster interface.

Currently, when you use a User login for AA and GA connectors, the latter make you re-enter your credentials at regular intervals, which is fine, but the problem is that the connectors you set up in the workflow at that point forget all of the configuration settings you set. There is really no good reason, in my opinion, that this should be happening. You should be able to re-enter your credentials and keep all of the settings you previously used. This is how Tableau connectors function. I wasted a lot of time re-entering the configurations for the connectors, which defeats the purpose of having a pre-built workflow.  

Hello Alteryx Community!


My suggestion is for a ColdFusion connector - specifically Web Services built in *.cfc files....


Perhaps being able to connect to any *cfm webpage to bring in and identify the data from a webpage or Web Service and then import into an Alteryx Workflow & thus be able to output some meaningful informational reports.

Right now, I have to do a little voodoo to get a user to select a sheet within an excel doc to use as a source.  My use case is that I have an excel file provided by other users in which the relevant data could be in one of many excel sheets, and there isn't a good programmatic way to determine the right sheet.  Thus, I want to prompt my user to select the sheet when running an analytic app.


I have to start with a file browse option to prompt the user for the excel:

File Browse Options.JPG

From here, the prompt will only ask for a file:


file selection.JPG



At no point will it prompt for the sheet it wants within the file.  And the action options don't give you the ability to change the sheet (it reads it from the file input after the pipe):


action options.JPG

To solve this, I have to create a app that only prompts for the excel sheet and then set it to output the sheet names.  From there, I do a little formula magic to split it into key-value pairs with the value being the entire file path pipe concatenated with the sheet name, save it to a file, then read the file in a second workflow which presents the sheet names in drop downs.  It looks something like this:


prompt flow.JPG


This all seems unnecessarily complex given Alteryx seems to have already figured this out in designer:




My idea:  Use the same file selector in the "Input Data" tool for the File Browser when setting the File value from an Action.  It would save me from having a separate workflow just to prompt a user for an excel sheet.



it would be good if this was supported among the conenctors, I can connect via third party ODBC (paid) driver but it's not really as user friendly as I'd like, I'm sure you guys would do a much better job of building a connector (hoping flattery will push help push this idea up a little 😄 )

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