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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Cut and Connect Around/Paste Into Flow/Drag and Drop Overwrite

The Delete and connect around in the right click menu is really nice for not having to go find the connector and re plug it in. I would ask that there is essentially the same option when cutting a tool. When the tool is cut the data path is uneffected. Also, it would be nice to be able to right click(or left click and ctrl+v) on a data path and paste the tool directly in, instead of having to paste then connect everything back up. Lastly, I often find myself pulling out the wrong tool/wanting to replace a tool with another. I think it would be nice to have the option of dropping a toll directly onto another to replace it. Again connecting drectly into the data path.

7 - Meteor

Agreed, I think a "Delete and Replace with Clipboard" functionality similar to "Delete and Connect Around" would be useful. Often times I will want to replace a tool with an updated version located in a different workflow. I then have to "Delete and Connect Around", drop the tool in, and move it to the connection, where I would like to just replace it all in one go.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Under Review

Thanks for posting your idea on the Alteryx Community. Your idea is very interesting and we’ve noticed! We are currently reviewing your idea for a possible future release. We are excited to vet this idea and will keep this post updated with its progress. Please note that this review process may take some time, but we will do our best to let you know the status.

Status changed to: Implemented

The ability to Cut and Connect Around (Ctrl+Shift+X), or Delete and Connect Around (Shift+Delete) is available in the 2019.4 release:


The ability to fully drop and overwrite a tool outside of these shortcuts is not available yet, but we might consider that functionality in the future.