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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Data Connections Gallery

Would like to see more connection options than Oracle and SQL Server as the connection string through Other can be problematic and difficult to configure for certain connections. does not necessarily reflect the connection string that the Alteryx Service is using or would authenticate. Alternatively, have a mechanism for a user to generate the connection string of any input tool they have configured (older versions of Alteryx did this but now they use odbc aliases by default).

1 Comment
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Accepted

Hi @Inactive User,


Thanks for the idea! The Data Connection Manager released in v11.x was another step in our journey to help manage the ever important data connections. We plan to continue building on that and add more and more functionality. As you may have seen, we offers dozens of different data connections and several ways to authenticate to each. We hope to make the management experience easier in a future release. Please continue to provide feedback and ideas. Thanks!