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Hi all,
I love the (somewhat) new look of the community. It's much more helpful to find what you're looking for through search and the menu buttons on the left. One small enhancement I would request is a better fitting of the menu icons along the left side of the page. It might be my smaller screen size (Lenova Yoga 920) but not all of the menu items fit to my screen. So I have to use the mouse wheel to scroll to see all of the buttons (the Alteryx Resources button!). And the situation gets worse when you hover over the menu to scroll as it adds a box displaying the URL of the page (see screenshot below), which further hides the Alteryx Resources menu item (I actually didn't even realize it existed for a few months). Also, once I do scroll to the bottom to see the Alteryx Resources menu, the submenu suffers from the same cutoff problem as well (second screenshot attached).
If this is an easy fix, it would be much appreciated!
Menu button for Alteryx Resources hidden
Submenu for Alteryx Resources hidden
John Miller
Would love to have more flexibility to filter and/or sort the community discussions. It would be great to filter to just unsolved questions or unanswered questions etc...
downloads.alteryx.com works well --> but download.alteryx.com returns an error...
drivers.alteryx.com works --> but driver.alteryx.com
gallery.alteryx.com is ok, sometimes crashed when demoing to clients though ;) -->galleries.alteryx.com nada...
forums.alteryx.com --> forum.alteryx.com doesn't respond
I would also add;
customers.alteryx.com for easier access...
A list of subdomainz
Subdomain IP address
mail.alteryx.com | |
sso.alteryx.com | |
pages.alteryx.com | |
ns03.alteryx.com | |
dev.alteryx.com | |
help.alteryx.com | |
forums.alteryx.com | |
gallery.alteryx.com | |
drivers.alteryx.com | |
devgallery.alteryx.com | |
smtp.alteryx.com | |
downloads.alteryx.com | |
ns01.alteryx.com | |
webmail.alteryx.com | |
autodiscover.alteryx.com | |
ns02.alteryx.com | |
community.alteryx.com | |
www.alteryx.com | |
communications.alteryx.com | |
This mainly comes as an idea due to the Weekly Challenge threads which get an overwhelming number of replies compared to other threads.
Our team loves the weekly exercises and value the lessons learned-- or should I say earned-- from them each week. However, finding them is a little, well, weird especially when I am trying to explain how to find them to colleagues: "Well, so, you go to search, type weekly and then select results from the last week and then each of the previous weeks exercises will be held in that most recent workbook. " What I would love to see is these in their own space within the community so one would not have to search for them each week. Bonus points if we were able to DL all workbooks as a single zip that we could have for new-hire training material!
Every time I search to see if someone has already made a suggestion for our community, the search returns results from everywhere, and I have to start ticking checkboxes to limit the search. But, even when I do that there's no specific area on the search page for community ideas.
To minimize duplicate suggestions, it could be great if we could more easily search for ideas previously submitted.
It would be great if there were a way to see the all the product ideas I've starred. Right now, if I want to review those ideas I'm going to need to scroll through all of them looking for gold stars. Perhaps some kind of activity log in the user profile could provide us with this information?
When I surf around the community, a quick survey pops up
It does so simultaneously in multiple open pages and even though you complete one the others start popping again...
And I receive the survey nearly everytime I log on... It gets a little annoying...
It may be nice to be able have quicker access to social media for shareing questions, solutions, challenges...
On facebook, twitter with shortcut links to community, instagram with workflow and tool pictures etc...
By the way;
Have you voted in the @kdnuggets Analytics poll? Support @alteryx only tool both in gartner's BI and Analytics MQ http://ow.ly/OgQk300eTvE
I'd like to have the "Mark All as Read" option in the Knowledge Base like it is in other sections. Not that I could ever read them all, but this is my system for identifying new posts.
Can't find inspire 2016 and 2017 videos web pages on Alteryx web site are they removed?
Why is there no Label in the Community specific to "Reporting"?
I love the Weekly Challenges. Unfortunately, my corporate security has deemed them insecure. I cannot any longer download the starter or the challenges. Could we also have the starter in a word or text description so that we can recreate it on my side. I can still download documents... I think!
(Dogbert Principle of Security: "Ideally, perfect security is only achieved when there is no possibility of achieving meaningful work .")
The link on this page for Educators does not work. Please fix it.
Is it the same for you that I see an awkward menu and half logo on Alteryx web site?
Not looking professional maybe?
Hi Team,
Please add an option of adding only Error in the Email Event. Currently we can send full Output log but cannot filter only errors from the output log.
My proposal is to include a field that identifies the post language. Ive seen a few questions on spanish recently and I would like to help. But is difficult to fitler themy pr
It will be nice to have a filter that letting you select the post based on the amount of replies.
It is mainly to ensure that all the new posts that have 0 comments will be reviewed. As people keep posting questions some are more popular and some less and to ensure that all the post been reviewed it will be nice to be able to filter it on 0 and see if any of the posts are not any more on page 1 and not visible anymore, and the person does not get his question an answer.
The knowledge base site is a great resource for finding help, but it lacks the ability to favorite or bookmark articles for easy access in the future, similar to how community blogs/posts can be saved.
That is all. 🙂