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Alteryx Community Ideas

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I really like the new Community design and I think that splitting discussion by product is a fantastic way to direct users.

I would like one more page, that functions similarly to the designer/server/promote pages, which have links to discussion, knowledge base, and ideas.


Ideally, this page would have a link/button that would bring you to each of the ideas pages for the various products, so eg:

User clicks a "Idea Center" link.


Here there are 5 links:
Community Ideas
Connect Ideas

Designer Ideas

Server Ideas

Promote Ideas


Each of these links is basically identical to the ones that already exist today (maybe the icon changes to be a lightbulb and the image for that particular product?)

That way it is easy to navigate specifically to suggestions, which I think will be helpful for ease of access.

I would like to see a beta testing badge. It would be cool for each version so we can see who is pushing for a better Alteryx future.

I see I can go month by month but takes quite a bit of time. The weekly challenge index is very helpful and useful :) 


Why is there no Label in the Community specific to "Reporting"?



A great way to promote and share the awesome Alteryx Certification process is to allow Badge and Certification URL  to show up in LinkedIn.  Here is example of IBM certification badges:



[Old Dog] + [New Tricks]

Here's a gripe.  I'm used to typing "" (or a shortened version of it) into my address bar when helping others in the community.  Now you get redirected to a landing page for 3 products and have to choose which Alteryx product you are asking for help with.  I've thought of a few alternatives to this including which would bring you to the most recent version of the help page. 


I try to include hyperlinks to help articles when practical.  Hopefully it gives the hope that help can be found in the help documentation (LMGTFY).  To that end, perhaps a button (to help) on community would be useful?





The link on this page for Educators does not work. Please fix it.



How about a filter that would reveal all ZERO reponse items in the Discussion forums?  This would reveal old questions that never found a response.

When I've attempted to register for exams, my address is not recognized as valid. It wants a "business" email. But I think that it should definitely accept the email address associated with your community profile and probably just accept anything a user wants, considering that it already also asks for your community profile user ID.


My understanding is that the community email part is already under consideration. Just tossing out an expansion on that idea.

It would be great if we could filter our own posts by type (idea, blog, etc,) to better manage our history and perhaps follow up on previous posts.

Maybe this is just a "temporary" badge, but I had the thought that as we register for Inspire18, that we could earn a registration badge.  You could see who's coming to inspire and communicate beforehand.  Similarly, if I see a post from someone that isn't registered I could suggest a session for them.





Is it the same for you that I see an awkward menu and half logo on Alteryx web site?

Not looking professional maybe?



Alteryx Team, When someone attempts for certification exams, results should be sent to registered email ID immediately after completion of exam. Currently the PDF's are not sent automatically and candidate needs to follow up for the same. In case of Pass - A PDF copy of certificate can be sent. In case of failed - Along with the result, areas of improvements can be shared where the candidate need to put more effort when appearing for next time. How many attempts are remaining for current month? This feature will be a useful feature for the candidates appearing for certifications.

Post authors can mark zero, one or many solutions as answers to a post.  I'd like to see more solution alternatives posted in Community.  There are always many ways to solve a given challenge.  While giving stars is an option available to all, perhaps once a certain "level" is achieved you can also mark replies as accepted solutions.


Thanks for your consideration,



I got a subscription update today for the SANTALYTICS Weekly Challenge, and noticed that the person who responded used spoiler tags, and that the spoiler'ed information was immediately visible in email.

 if I needed any more reasons to love the Summarize tool... of course it has an option to combine images!





At the very least, I think these spoilers should be hidden in the Weekly Challenge thread, but I think hiding spoilers altogether in the emails would be helpful since currently you don't have the option to not "spoil" yourself.

When reading discussion threads on mobile user names don't link to user profiles. Could this be fixed?

Could the online status for a user be put next to their name everywhere in the community and not just in the 'My friends' section of our profiles? It would really help knowing for when I want to send a PM to someone about a quick question or something. It would also just be pretty interesting to know.

The Alteryx community serves many people across many continents.  When a user posts a comment or wants to read a post, there should be an option to "Translate" the post to their preferred language.




We got,


Why not an;


Idea for @PatrickN


Really love the certification - it's a tremendous tool for both the community at large, and for Alteryx to grow their trained user base.  

How would you feel about bringing a page into the "Academy" section of the community site so that people can easily find this (that seems like a logical place to keep this)?


thank you again for the work on the certification program - @patrick_digan mentioned to me that there are now over 50 people certified already (56 this morning) - not bad at all for a 6 day old certification program!