Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

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The knowledge base site is a great resource for finding help, but it lacks the ability to favorite or bookmark articles for easy access in the future, similar to how community blogs/posts can be saved.



That is all. 🙂


Hello Maveryx Community,


Wouldn't it be nice to be able to save your open source projects directly to the community page, as you would when saving a workflow to a gallery? This way we could upload and download our workflows from the community page, and treat it as a repository/portfolio page with Alteryx specific projects. It could be even tailored so that you can preview it, in a form of a html page without download, to see how the workflow looks, without having to download it. Option to mark projects as private or public would be nice too, to filter out who can and who can't see the given project. What do you think about this idea, not needed, or a cool addition?


Best Regards,

Szymon Czuszek


My company has gone through merging event last year and I have two domains account registered in Alteryx. 

I have use the new account domain to register for the Alteryx licenses but my old account domain (current account) for practice and learning including exam. 

Looking for opportunity to merge the two accounts together with new account domain.

  • My Alteryx


We don't have any place to post idea about the cloud products. Since it's clearly new products, isn't it relevant to ask your users about what they need?

Best regards,


I've posted here on the General sub:


First off, I would like to thank @simonaubert_bd for his fantastic workflow. He has put together a workflow that scrapes through the Alteryx community profile to gather all the badges one has acquired. 


I've added on to his version by picking out the User ID and User Rank as well for a full view. 


It would be great if this could be packaged into the Alteryx workflow as part of the Alteryx Designer app so that users everywhere can benefit from this. 


The benefits are most profound when you want:

  1. A way to measure your team's Alteryx progress via the Community
  2. Marking it as part of a KPI as part of performance reviews or to serve as justification to maintain license

Of course, there are many more reasons and I am sure that the community will improve on the workflow further to include other items as well. 


A time-series component of when the badges were earned or even user activeness in postings, comments, likes, etc. can also be measured. 


There's a thousand ways to take this, and I think it is worth sharing with the community as an idea!


Thanks all!




As of now, if a community member has to access the community, there are 2 ways:


1. Log in to the website from Desktop

2. Log in to the website from Mobile


When we are working on Alteryx workflows, it makes sense that accessing from Desktop is the best.


But when we are away from Desktop and having a conversation on a thread, it get's really bad from a user experience perspective that we have to go to browser, login and then access the community.


I think Alteryx should develop iOS and Android App for the community. It will increase the engagement of community members considerably.





Lets hope that 

Making new groups and working on some tools and learning about that tools and related information by making this will help new joiners and students to improve their skills and knowledge in alteryx software development projects and making it possible to work with alteryx easy and flexible..

Let's make sure to join in the team group and learn more .... Thanks if you are agree with the topic like this or else just live it... 👍 


I often access the Alteryx community on-the-go and find myself using the forums quite a lot on mobile. There have been several instances where I have replied to a post and then needed to edit this afterwards. Without waiting to get to my laptop, I have so far found that the only option I have is to post another reply correcting my original post. Unless I'm missing something, I can't seem to find any functionality to simply 'edit' posts on mobile and from a search of existing posts/ideas, I can't find anything else requesting this. Apologies in advance if I have simply missed something here!





Hi there community team,


We've discussed this before but I wanted to re-raise this for consideration.


The Alteryx Community is super important to the alteryx platform and it is a big part of why people love and buy Alteryx.

The question is how we make this more available and convenient for people to use and be a part of.


Part of the solution seems to be offering the mobile experience - the underlying technology for (khoros) does have a mobile app - and it seems that by making community available in more places and in more ways it will allow more folk to contribute.


Is this something that we can consider for this year?


thank you
