Our submission guidelines & status definitions before getting started
The community for a solution or existing idea before posting
By clicking the like in the top left corner of an idea you support
A new idea to suggest a new community feature or improvement
Not going to bore you with my use case (but if you really want to know, send me a private message), but I think it would be an added bonus to specify which email address you want to use for community subscriptions, even if it's not the email tied to your community profile.
Currently you can filter for all boards for posts with no responses, but you can't apply that to specific boards.
Could this be added? Can help identify those that haven't had any help yet (and similarly those that don't have a solution yet)
I've seen a few posts in the past couple days, mostly from new Community users, who are finding old posts from 2015 and 2016 and replying to them with "tweaked" versions of the problems solved in these posts. This is tough for a few reasons:
1) The people on that thread may not frequent the community today, so the question might not get visibility
2) The new poster can't mark any suggestions as a solution
3) This causes notifications to active users from old threads, which may not be appropriate if their issue was already solved.
I think if there was a date after which threads were locked that would help. To enable ease of use for new users, I think adding a new button "Create Related Thread" to these posts would help new users to post their question quickly.
Clicking this button might inherit the Tags that the old question had, and write the header for the user, and maybe include a link to the old thread for context?
I think this would help a lot with the experience of new users on the Community, and would also give more visibility to these kinds of "modified" requests.
Hi there,
In the ideas board, there are many ideas which have been marked as Inactive, indicating that they didn't receive enough support, or that they have been unchanged for over a year.
example: SELECT TOOL: Right Click to Select Fields - Alteryx Community
the challenge with this is that ideas may still be useful, but they have been marked as inactive because lack of change (which may well be because the product team is focussed elsewhere for now)
Now - for ideas stuck in this state - the community has started reposting them, as a way to resurrect the idea when it's useful / important.
In order to reduce noise - could we instead have a way of resurrecting inactive ideas like the one above so that the Product team can include them in their thinking, and the community can vote on them? It would reduce wasted time on the product community; reduce noise; and also make the community feel that their ideas are valued.
Thank you all
Is there any way to add filter/sort functionality on the events page when they are shown as a list? It looks like the default is to show events in chronological order, but maybe someone wants to see only events in Kansas or only events that are user group meetings.
Could the online status for a user be put next to their name everywhere in the community and not just in the 'My friends' section of our profiles? It would really help knowing for when I want to send a PM to someone about a quick question or something. It would also just be pretty interesting to know.
It would be nice if users could 'check in' when they attend certain events together like Alteryx Inspire, Tableau Conference, or a local community event.
The event people are checked-in to could be posted as a status next to a user's name (ex. JoshKushner - at Alteryx Inspire 2018) and popular events could be summarized on the community home page.
This could publicize to other community users meet-up opportunities they might not have been aware of and could facilitate community engagement in real life.
We got,
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right now if someone wants to change their e-mail subscription to a particular board, they need to scroll through the subscriptions on every item ever posted to get there:
Could we add a quick filter to this subscriptions page to allow someone quickly to get to board or knowledge base subscriptions (i.e. filter out the topics and ideas and articles that have been auto-subscribed by replying).
Thank you
How is Alteryx a spelling error on the Community? Can we adjust it?
I think it would be great if there was a knowledge base section(or something similar) for any user to post random workflows that they find useful and want to share/solicit feedback from the community. Several posts from the last few weeks would fit well in this new category and sparked the idea: https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Setup-Configuration/Polling-a-directory-for-changed-files/m-p/51019 by @N___ or https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Publishing-Gallery/An-API-Client-for-Alteryx-Gallery-in-R/m-p/49464... by @michael_treadwell. Instead of having these great workflows buried/mixed in with all the questions, it would great if there was a single spot for people to post various workflows back to the community and get comments/feedback/enhancements from fellow community members. I think many more people would be open to sharing and commenting on posts like this if they had a spot to post them that is separate from all the Q&A style spots.
It would be great to have a forum for users/partners to submit their solutions to each of the weekly challenges (moreso the advanced ones).
Would be a good way to see how others have approached problems, and create a bit of competition as to who can get the 'slickest' answer!
Kaggle competitions are widely known in academia but not so much in the industry, at least in MENA region...
Mostly college grads, ML practicioners and analytics consultants are attending who frequently code... Instead Community can provide
To name a few tutorials;
Some recent interesting competitions are;
It may even be a nicer idea if someone publishes a top %1 solution in competitions using Alteryx,
discounts to inspire events or personal licenses may be provided or automatically becoming an ACE for 6 months/a year etc.
I have had a number of times where I've responded to forum posts only to discover upon posting that someone else has posted an (often better) answer ahead of me, and my answer is now redundant.
It would be nice to have a notification before posting that the thread has changed.
Hi all!
Just had a fun thought over Christmas and didn't find the time to post it. But the general idea is to increase participation in User Groups, and to have more unique flairs to it.
I think being part of a UG is pretty cool - but having badges that are designed to the UG location would add more flair to it and encourage people to explore UGs too. Tableau does this in a pretty cool way, an example is how they design base on location like for Singapore:
Joining badges helps users to know about UGs and contribute within. Having more activities is fun!
Have UG badges that indicate contributions within as well. For example, being a proactive member by hosting several UGs or events should warrant some form of badge / honor as well.
I think small pockets can hang out on their own online and have sessions that can help one another. One problem is that UGs are usually dependent on UG Leaders organizing, but if individual users can setup sessions and share their sessions would be good and should be counted too. This helps current UG Leaders find talent and also to plan for succession should a UG Leader wish to step down.
Having more support from AYX on these programs. I know hosting events and catering is expensive in general. Support from Alteryx in the form of USD 150 per UG setup is already pretty neat. It would be great if we can have more support - some arrangement can be made I'm sure.
That's all I have for now! Will comment to add more.
Could we add the capability to quickly get to the list of ideas that I have posted so that I can check on them and / or add to them?
The use case here is that often I'll say to someone "Yip - we suggested this as an idea, please add comments here...", but with hundreds of ideas in the system, it's not easy to see the ideas that are mine so that I can quickly refer someone to the right link. This can be done via the advanced search, but this is somewhat awkward to use (you have to search for something, then hit advanced search, then filter for yourself as author and Ideas as category, and then go through this page at a time)
A nice way of doing this may be to embed a tableau dash in each users's profile page, so that you can see your own ideas, grouped by popularity or grouped by tag, or by date posted etc.
Idea for @PatrickN
Really love the certification - it's a tremendous tool for both the community at large, and for Alteryx to grow their trained user base.
How would you feel about bringing a page into the "Academy" section of the community site so that people can easily find this (that seems like a logical place to keep this)?
thank you again for the work on the certification program - @patrick_digan mentioned to me that there are now over 50 people certified already (56 this morning) - not bad at all for a 6 day old certification program!
It would be nice to have a Community format that is also geared toward sharing custom Macros and Workflow solutions as a way to give back to the Alteryx Community, rather than base the entire interaction on question / problem posting and offering solutions. I use Alteryx mostly on the software development side, so most of my solutions have to be more dynamic and universal. Most of us don't have time to stay on top of all of the new question posts and help users with "one off" workflow challenges, so it would be great for us to have a place to share some dynamic custom macros / solutions / tools that could save people a ton o f hassle and time.
Something along the lines of sharing "Use Cases" in combination with some custom dynamic workflow / macro solutions. I have tried to share things in the past and the Community structure is completely geared toward Q & A.
Lumping Connect in with Gallery makes it difficult to find things specific to Connect. There is already one thread tagged as "Connect," which has nothing to do with Connect. I know it is new, and there is little activity, but with the issues I am experiencing, I expect the space to explode very quickly.
Hey there,
Please forgive me if I'm the only one who works like this - but one of my standard processes with the alteryx community is to frequently scan new posts, and then make a note to come back to the ones that either I want to respond to; or spend learning time on etc.
The way I currently do this is to take the URL, and pop it into Google Keep - I have 3 google Keep lists:
- One for Learning
- One for community stuff (general responses)
- one for my immediate priorities (generally stuff that I owe someone a personal response on).
Not sure if anyone else would find this useful, but i'd really value the ability to do this within the alteryx community site itself. What I'm thinking of is:
a) mark a topic as "Add to list" and then like on the Amazon Wishlist I can select which list
b) I can then print out a digest of the posts that are in a particular list for reading on the train / car / flight etc
c) this list becomes my 3rd notfication list then - currently we have notifications for alerts; personal messages - we can then add this as a 3rd item.
Essentially this could work like youtube "Save for later".
Anyone else find this useful - if so, give it ia star :=_
Happy Wednesday