Alteryx Server Knowledge Base

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GCSE-234 - "Error: Invalid PDF - Your PDF file is invalid or corrupted. Select a valid PDF file" while uploading a PDF file, in the Image Template tool.


Error: "Error: Invalid PDF - Your PDF file is invalid or corrupted. Select a valid PDF file" while uploading a PDF file, in the Image Template tool.


Environment Details

When a user clicks on "Open File" button on the Image Template tool in Alteryx Designer, and opens up a PDF file with a filename containing hashtag(#), the following error is thrown:

Error: Invalid PDF - Your PDF file is invalid or corrupted. Select a valid PDF file
  • Alteryx Designer
    • 2021.3.2.54175
  • Alteryx Intelligent Suite
    • 2021.3.2.54175



This is a known issue in 2021.3.2 and this has been tracked through this defect - GCSE-234. This error is thrown when the PDF file has a hashtag(#) on its filename(example - Invoice#1)



  1. Rename the PDF file, to remove the hashtag(example - Invoice-1)
  2. Re-upload the file in the Image Template tool.
  3. The file would be uploaded successfully:


Additional Resources


I have this issue and none of the PDFs I am attempting to load have a hash. They are all alphanumeric. They have spaces, but I tested removing the spaces and that did not solve the problem.


same for me too. I keep getting the same error as below. I have renamed pdfs, to have simple names without special characters, but still it does not work.

Error: Invalid PDF
Your PDF file is invalid or corrupted. Select a valid PDF file.
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@amruta @JBO 
If you have figured out what resolves this error for you, please let everyone know.  If you have not figured it out on your own, please report it to Customer Support, and be sure to provide an example file that triggers the error, together with the full version information for Designer/Server and the full version information for Alteryx Intelligence Suite.  (Please note that if you are running a version of Designer or Server between 2021.4 and 2022.1 patch 2, you might need to check the <installation directory>\Settings\InstallInfo.ini file to identify what patch you have installed.)


Hey, we ran into this issue and were able to resolve it as follows;


  1. Move template pdf/json to desktop
  2. configure image template tool off the desktop files
  3. change the paths to our network path via edit xml
  4. Note: Editing/clicking on the image template tools will activate the error again and the above steps would need to be performed again