Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Designer Desktop experts.
This article provides the instructions to address "Alteryx is not installed" error when installing Alteryx starter kits.
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Is it possible to add a comment to an expression used in a Filter or Formula?
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How to install two versions of Designer on the same machine.
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ORA-12154: TNS: could not resolve the connect identifier specified
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When using the download tool with an SFTP or HTTPS connection, you may receive the error - Error transferring data: failed initialization. This often occurs when Designer can't agree on a cipher suite to communicate with the host server.
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How to find the relevant information and configure a Databricks connection through the Manage In-DB Connections window. The Databricks connection includes bulk loading capabilities that allow users to load large data sets faster. 
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Creating Dates from Excel Date Formatted as Number
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One of the best things about Alteryx is the ability to read in multiple files very easily and automatically combine them into a single dataset. This becomes a bit trickier when dealing with files that have different schemas or Excel files with multiple tabs. Adding both multiple excel files with multiple tabs, and having the schema change within each tab takes it to another level.
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This article covers how to use Run Command events to run a workflow.
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Instructions for installing Python packages for Alteryx Designer in the command line
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This article discussed about the Alteryx Connectors deprecation, for initial set of connectors, and clarifies the questions around the Connectors deprecation.
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Error: "You have found a bug. Replicate, then let us know. We shall fix it soon." when pulling data from Snowflake.
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How to check the current Salesforce API version of the Salesforce Input Tool being utilized.
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FAQs on the automatic login with Designer to a Windows Authentication Gallery
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Steps on using the CEF debugger to troubleshoot issues with Designer
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This article is part of the CS Macro Development Series. The goal of this series is to communicate tips, tricks, and the thought process that goes into developing good, dynamic macros.
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Engine logs are captures of your Results Window and so much more. They can be profoundly useful for troubleshooting, but you have to know how to enable them and how to use them.
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The Alteryx License Server, or ALS, is a locally hosted license server meant to help customers with network restrictions activate in an online environment. It is built to exist outside of a company’s network and able to communicate directly with our third party licensing service, Flexera, but also communicate with user devices on secure local networks. Here are some helpful commands for working with it. 
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