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Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

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The 'How to Guide' to Google Analytics



Here is an overview of the new GA tool in Alteryx Designer 11.0:




Connecting to Google Analytics is becoming more and more popular and

There are a fewthings you need in order to use the Google Analytics macro:

  • A Google Account (e.g., Gmail)
  • Authorized Access to an existing Google Analytics account


Step 1: Set up a Google Analytics account





  • On the landing page for Google Analytics you will need to add the Account Name, Website Name and website URL.
  • Once you have entered this information you can click ‘Get Tracking ID’ and this will generate a Tracking Code for the website you would like to attain information on.
  • Once you have generated this code this will take you to Google Analytics Home Page.
  • Creating the Tracking ID creates a Profile ID and/orView ID with the associated website URLs which are usedinthe back end in the Google Analytics Macro within Alteryx.
  • If you would like tofind this information please click on the Admin tab on the Google Analytics home page and navigate to the ‘Property Settings' and 'View settings' to see the Tracking ID and Profile ID/View ID respectively.





Step 2: Now it is time to set upthe Client ID, Client Secret, and Refresh Token needed for the Google Analytics Macro:


  • Go to the Google developers page:
  • You will now need to navigate to the 'Google APIConsole' (This can be found at the bottom of the page).

GA 1.png


  • Onceon this page you can click on the 'Analytics API' link


GA 2.png


  • When on the landing page for the Analytics API please press the ‘Enable’ button. Once this is enabled the button should change to ‘Disable’.



  • Congratulations! You have registered your application by creating a project.



Step 3: Generate your Client ID and Client Secret

  • Within the API Manager you should see a 'Create credentials' option. Click‘OAuth Client ID’ when the drop down menu appears.



  • On the next page make sure the Application type selection is Web application



  • This will generate additional required information below. You can leave the Name as Web Client 1, but please change the Authorized redirect URIs (second option under restrictions) to:
  • Hit Create and wait a few seconds for Google to create your new project.



Acquire your Refresh Token

  • In another tab in your Web Browser please navigate to Google’s OAuth Playground
  • Once on the landing page firs click the cog icon button near the upper-right corner of your monitor
  • Check the box Use your own OAuth credentials and make sure Access type is set to Offline
  • Paste in your Client ID in the ‘OAuth Client ID’ field
  • Paste in your Client Secret in the ‘OAuth Client Secret’ field
  • Hit Close


  • In the sidebar on the left, scroll down to the Google Analytics API v3 under Step 1 Select & authorize APIs
  • Click the little grey triangle on the left and select
  • Hit Authorize APIs (you will be directed to another page)


  • When prompted, hit Allow. You will be redirected back to the OAuth 2.0 Playground.
  • Once you’ve been redirected back to the OAuth 2.0 Playground hit the Exchange authorization code for tokens button.






  • Your Refresh Token will be contained in a JSON object towards the bottom of the Request / Response section. You can copy this string and save in the same location as your CLient ID and Client Secret.


  • Congratulations!! You now have all the pieces you need to use the Alteryx Google Analytics Connector!!


Step 4: Lets move to Alteryx!

  • The Google Analytics macro can be downloaded hereand found inthe Connectors tab
  • Once you have the macro on the canvas you will have two login options:


  • Online Login: This will take you to your Google Login and will automatically create a Client ID, Secret & Refresh Token
  • Offline Login:This will allow you to enter in your Client ID, Secret and Token. This process is recommended for those scheduling the GA tool.


  • Once logged in you will be promptedto select an available Account; WebProperties; Profiles. Each configuration window will prompt you to pressNext to move to the next screen.
  • The GA tool will allow you to select the Date, Metrics & Goals, Dimensions & Segments and give you a summary view to show you selections
  • Once you see this summary press run and you will now see your data.


Tips and Tricks

  • Check out the S datastream output – it contains summary information with each run, and in this case shows all of the account/property/view combinations that are associated with the credentials and loaded in. The D stream will show the data from Google Analytics.
  • When querying custom metrics, dimensions, or segments, you can only be allowed to select a certain combination. The GA tool will notify you of this.
  • Every query requires you to select a profile, at least one metric, and a date range. Everything else is optional.


Click on Spoilerto see all error messages and troubleshooting tips!


Spoiler (Highlight to read)

Common Issues (Prior to Version 3)


The Refresh token lasts about 1 hour so please remember to refresh the token as this will prompt errors.


  • Please repeat Step 4 above to refresh the token. Rememberto add your Client ID and Secret into the oauth credentials before Authorizing the API!


‘The Field ‘id’ is not contained in the record…’(Upgrade to the latest GA tool)


This error message can allude to a number of issues. However, to limit trial and errorI have prioritizedthe solutions below based on prior troubleshooting experience(I know im awesome).



  • Please request 'Full control' or as minimum 'read & write' permissions to the supporting macros folder.
  • For Admin installs this folder can be found in: C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin\RuntimeData\Macros\Supporting_Macros (Relative to where you installed Alteryx).
  • For Non-Admin installs this folder can be found in:C:\Users\{USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Alteryx\bin\RuntimeData\Macros\Supporting_Macros (relative to your user name) (App data is a hidden folder so youmay need to turn hidden folderon)
  • The reason is outlined in more detail below, but in short, the GA connector reads &writes files necessaryfor the API connection in these locations. If we do not have write permissions the API connection will fail and give us the error above.
  • ****DISCLAIMER - YOU WILL NEED TO GET YOUR IT PERMISSION TO DO THIS. Unless you have admin rights to your machine.


  • Your refresh token has expired
  • Please follow Step 4 above and rememberto add yourClient Secret and ID into the Oauth credentials section on the right hand side before Authorizing the API.


  • Are you inside your company firewall?
  • If you have tried the above solutions and neitherof them worked please try outside of your company firewall (With your IT departments blessings of course)
  • I have not seen many instances of this but this did resolve the issue in a few cases.




‘Tool #349: Tool #4 Error Transferring data: Failure when receiving data from the peer’(Upgrade to the latest GA tool)


  • Check Profile ID
  • This can also be firewall issues, check with IT if they are blocking transaction from Google Analytics to the user.



‘Tool #574: Tool #522: Error creating the file "C:\Program Files|Alteryx\bin\RuntimeData\Macros\Supporting_Macros|GoogleAnalytics.DIMENSIONS.xml": Access is denied.’(Upgrade to the latest GA tool)

‘Tool #574: Tool #706: Error creating the file "C:\Program Files|Alteryx\bin\RuntimeData\Macros\Supporting_Macros|GoogleAnalytics.PROFILES.xml": Access is denied.’(Upgrade to the latest GA tool)


  • The Google Analytics macro is dependent upon deleting and updating four files within Program Files. These four XML files are the Profiles, Dimensions, Segments and Metrics. Currently a command line window flashes for a second at the start of running in Update mode – this is to circumvent an access limitation (because the installation files are located in Program Files, they cannot be overwritten – but they can be deleted and written anew). This allows the metrics, dimensions, and segments XML files to be updated.



  • Sometimes due to internal setting these files cannot be accessed and you may get an error saying ‘Access Denied’ (error referenced above). If this is true you can contact your IT to give you permissions to this file location. Alternatively you can run Alteryx as Administrator and this may give you the elevated Admin privileges to right to this Location from Alteryx (Right click on the Alteryx Icon and ‘Run as Administrator’.



‘You have set up the Google Analytics Connector Tool and want to know the # of records is produced in the data output? ‘(Upgrade to the latest GA tool)


  • The macro aggregates the data across the entire time period, and is grouped by dimension. If you don’t choose any segments in the query, then there will be one row. If segments are selected, then you’ll get multiple rows back for each possible value of dimensions. If you want to retrieve one record per day, the best way really is to setup a little batch or iterative macro to loop through a collection of dates.



‘You have got a Client ID, Client Secret and a Refresh Token however you do not return any results. ‘(Upgrade to the latest GA tool)



‘Receiving a createRecord: A record was created with no field’s error.’(Upgrade to the latest GA tool)

  • Try right clicking on the Alteryx Designer Icon and ‘Run as Administrator’. This can give elevated permissions to access the dimensions, Profiles and Metrics in Program Files.



‘Unknown Variable’(Upgrade to the latest GA tool)



  • This error will appear when youe enter in the Client ID, Secret and Refresh Token. Do not fear, just configure the search tab and this error will be removed once you run the GA connector.
  • Please refer back through the steps above as you have more than likely missed a step in the configuration. This error has appeared when the ‘Analytics API’ has not been enabled.



Could not find file…’(Upgrade to the latest GA tool)




  • Please check the ‘Reset to default’ option and run the Google Analytics Connector. This will re-write the four XML file into Program Files.


Common Issues (Prior to Version 3) The Refresh token lasts about 1 hour so please remember to refresh the token as this will prompt errors. Please repeat Step 4 above to refresh the token. Rememberto add your Client ID and Secret into the oauth credentials before Authorizing the API! ‘The Field ‘id’ is not contained in the record…’(Upgrade to the latest GA tool) This error message can allude to a number of issues. However, to limit trial and errorI have prioritizedthe solutions below based on prior troubleshooting experience(I know im awesome). 1) Please request 'Full control' or as minimum 'read & write' permissions to the supporting macros folder. For Admin installs this folder can be found in: C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin\RuntimeData\Macros\Supporting_Macros (Relative to where you installed Alteryx). For Non-Admin installs this folder can be found in:C:\Users\{USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Alteryx\bin\RuntimeData\Macros\Supporting_Macros (relative to your user name) (App data is a hidden folder so youmay need to turn hidden folderon) The reason is outlined in more detail below, but in short, the GA connector reads &writes files necessaryfor the API connection in these locations. If we do not have write permissions the API connection will fail and give us the error above. ****DISCLAIMER - YOU WILL NEED TO GET YOUR IT PERMISSION TO DO THIS. Unless you have admin rights to your machine. 2) Your refresh token has expired Please follow Step 4 above and rememberto add yourClient Secret and ID into the Oauth credentials section on the right hand side before Authorizing the API. 3) Are you inside your company firewall? If you have tried the above solutions and neitherof them worked please try outside of your company firewall (With your IT departments blessings of course) I have not seen many instances of this but this did resolve the issue in a few cases. ‘Tool #349: Tool #4 Error Transferring data: Failure when receiving data from the peer’(Upgrade to the latest GA tool) Check Profile ID This can also be firewall issues, check with IT if they are blocking transaction from Google Analytics to the user. ‘Tool #574: Tool #522: Error creating the file "C:\Program Files|Alteryx\bin\RuntimeData\Macros\Supporting_Macros|GoogleAnalytics.DIMENSIONS.xml": Access is denied.’(Upgrade to the latest GA tool) ‘Tool #574: Tool #706: Error creating the file "C:\Program Files|Alteryx\bin\RuntimeData\Macros\Supporting_Macros|GoogleAnalytics.PROFILES.xml": Access is denied.’(Upgrade to the latest GA tool) The Google Analytics macro is dependent upon deleting and updating four files within Program Files. These four XML files are the Profiles, Dimensions, Segments and Metrics. Currently a command line window flashes for a second at the start of running in Update mode – this is to circumvent an access limitation (because the installation files are located in Program Files, they cannot be overwritten – but they can be deleted and written anew). This allows the metrics, dimensions, and segments XML files to be updated. Sometimes due to internal setting these files cannot be accessed and you may get an error saying ‘Access Denied’ (error referenced above). If this is true you can contact your IT to give you permissions to this file location. Alternatively you can run Alteryx as Administrator and this may give you the elevated Admin privileges to right to this Location from Alteryx (Right click on the Alteryx Icon and ‘Run as Administrator’. ‘You have set up the Google Analytics Connector Tool and want to know the # of records is produced in the data output? ‘(Upgrade to the latest GA tool) The macro aggregates the data across the entire time period, and is grouped by dimension. If you don’t choose any segments in the query, then there will be one row. If segments are selected, then you’ll get multiple rows back for each possible value of dimensions. If you want to retrieve one record per day, the best way really is to setup a little batch or iterative macro to loop through a collection of dates. ‘You have got a Client ID, Client Secret and a Refresh Token however you do not return any results. ‘(Upgrade to the latest GA tool) Make sure you have installed a Google Tracking Code on the target website. If not this is something the web developer would have to do. For more information please look here: ‘Receiving a createRecord: A record was created with no field’s error.’(Upgrade to the latest GA tool) Try right clicking on the Alteryx Designer Icon and ‘Run as Administrator’. This can give elevated permissions to access the dimensions, Profiles and Metrics in Program Files. ‘Unknown Variable’(Upgrade to the latest GA tool) This error will appear when youe enter in the Client ID, Secret and Refresh Token. Do not fear, just configure the search tab and this error will be removed once you run the GA connector. Please refer back through the steps above as you have more than likely missed a step in the configuration. This error has appeared when the ‘Analytics API’ has not been enabled. Could not find file…’(Upgrade to the latest GA tool) Please check the ‘Reset to default’ option and run the Google Analytics Connector. This will re-write the four XML file into Program Files.



CONGRATS you have now made it through the worlds longest but most informative Google Analytics Article (in my opinion).


Now go free and play with your Google Analytics Data in Alteryx!



However, if you continue to have problems with the Google Analytics connector please reach out toAlteryx Support





Jordan Barker

Client Service Representative

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@JordanM - Thanks for taking the time to write this out and for maintaining it well over time.


Today a client asked about an error that matched word-for-word to one of the "Common Issues" you recently added. This article solved the issue in 5 minutes flat. Cheers, mate!

12 - Quasar

This was a great guide and I was able to follow it clearly step by step even though some of the Google Developer Console screens have changed slightly.


My organization blocks any user from writing to anything in the C:\Program Files\ directory.  Thus this tool doesn't work with our admin-version of Alteryx, only the non-admin version.  It would be incredibly helpful if a future release of this macro sought to write to something a C:\Users\ directory in all cases for the temp data it needs to store.  That would make the macro more universially useful as blocking access to C:\Program Files is fairly typical for larger enterprises.


Hi @dataMack,


This has been spoken about internally and would be an improvement to this great connector. Thanks for raising this concern again!


I will also look to update the article screenshots. 




Jordan Barker

Solutions Consultant 

12 - Quasar

@JordanB Glad to hear the team is already looking at it.  Saves me the effort of cracking open the macro and trying to re-do it :)

5 - Atom

When I check the "reset to default" to write the 4 missing xml files it doesn't work. The xml files are still not there.


Any thoughts


Hi @scott54


Can you make sure that you have write permissions to the Alteryx program files folder. If you don't you can get the orginal four XML files here




Jordan Barker

Solutions Consultant 

5 - Atom

Hi @JordanB


I updated the permissions and place the 4 xml files into the location as per guide. When I run the macro now, it deletes the 4 xml files and I'm back to the error as per below and your guide. Any further thoughts?




Hi @scott54


Insert the new files again and leave it in update mode, don't click the 'reset to default' option as the files are already defaulted. This should then update those files when you run the module. 






Jordan Barker

Solutions Consultant 


11 - Bolide

 Hi Thouhgt i would post a tip for anyone using this, based on recent experience i had with the analytics connector. 


The error scott54 posted was something i got today. GA_error.jpg


For some reason the credentials i used seemed to have expired (or that's what i think happened). 

The solution was to reset the secret and get a new token. Easy enough when you have just one connector. 

I had over 50 in one workflow. 


So if you are setting up mulitple connectors, use the text interface tool and action tool to enter the credentials you need. Then it's real easy to replace should this ever happen. I just wasted an entire morning conneting 400 wires across 2 workflows... 




5 - Atom


Hi @JordanB 


I'm getting the following error when I run the connector, it is also only returning 4 profiles whereas there should be 20+


Any ideas?


Alteryx-GA error.PNG


Hi @JonWright


There is currently a bug in the tool which is being taken a look at by the products team. To remove this error if you go the metrics xml file (Admin alteryx - C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin\RuntimeData\Macros\Supporting_Macros)




Go to line 48 there should be some syntax which looks different to the remainder of the XML schema. If you delete this parent and child values and save the file you should now see the metrics section.


This tool currently only return 4 profiles, so if you want to choose more profiles you can specify them in the manual entry section and use a batch macro to process them all at one time. 


The products team currently have a whole team working on this tool aiming at release as soon as possile. This tool will show all your avaliable profiles.


Please let me know if you have any further questions.




Jordan Barker

5 - Atom

Hi Jordan,


I am having the same problem as JonWright - the hexademical error, and unable to view metrics.


If I go to the GoogleAnalytics.METRICS file, line 48 does not appear to be any different than the rest of the schema. Is this the right line to delete?




Hi @Pete


Yes. You will need to remove the parent values as well. 


If you save the file after the metrics shouel now appear.





8 - Asteroid

Hi Jordan,




I am attempting to retrieve data specific to an account, property & view.


When I run the GA macro, I recieve the following error:



So, my question is two fold:


1) How do I resolve the above?


2) Once resolved, do you have any tips on how to retrieve data specific to an account >> property >> view






Hi @alex_reevoo


The steps are outlined above below the post from JonWright. The new XML files are avaliable in my reply to Jon.





8 - Asteroid

Hi Jordan.


Ahh yes, sorry about that!!


I encountered a similar error when attempting to select my segments (see below) - would this be resolved using a similar method (delete parent / child values at the associated lines? capture.PNG


Thanks for your continued help!



5 - Atom

Hi Jordan,


I have the same problem and although I followed the instructions, I could not get it to run the macro. This appeared:




Do I have to delete all these values?:


I have done it and it does not work for me!

Thanks for your supporting.

7 - Meteor

We seem to have an issue with the Google Analytics connector (version 6).  When we try to add a filter, it does not retrieve all the data.  We noticed that a large percentage of the data it’s missing.  We installed the latest Google Analytics connector (version 7) that was released two weeks ago.  The new connector doesn’t give you the ability to filter or to specify a site by Profile ID/View ID.  We need to add a filter to look at US data only.  We need the ability of specify a Profile/View ID because the connector doesn’t show all the sites in the drop-down.  Any Suggestions?


Hi @MelissaDemcsak


How many Profile ID/View ID do you have within GA? I am struggling to replicate the behavior you mentioned above.


Regarding the US data what are you currently filtering on? Could you use Country within Dimensions?




Jordan Barker 

6 - Meteoroid

Many thanks @JordanB - very useful article & responses (eg post of XML files)!! and to scott54 who had already posted the error i had so i could try the fixes.


Thanks to GavinAttard who, like me, continued to have problems and who said he got new credentials.  Even though i did not get the errors Gavin did & there was no clear message indicating a problem with credentials, I retrieved another Client ID, Secret & Refresh Token & this made it work.  


I have got a new Refresh Token in the past when things didn't work as expected and this fixed it, but I never had to get a new ID and Secret. 


Does anyone know what drives the need to retrieve new ID & Secret &/or Token?  

If you schedule a flow to pull GA data I guess at some point it will fail cos it needs some/all new credentials - anyone had this happen?



11 - Bolide


I haven't come across the reason as to why, and so far it has only happened once.

However because I am pulling from over 50 properties I have now connected 2 text boxes to the api tool to feed in the credentials. They are hidden from the interface screen so other users cannot see them.

Gavin Attard
Digital Analyst

5 - Atom



I am getting the same error:




And have followed your recommendation to delete the three rows highlighted below that enclose line 48. However, the problem persists. Any suggestions?








Hi @vwang


Please download the latest Google Analytics Macro this will avoid this error. 




Jordan Barker

Solutions Consultant

9 - Comet

Hi @JordanB,


I've been having an error this morning with the new tool.  I have downloaded and am using version 7.


I've connected to my account via the "offline" credential process.


My Available Accounts populates with the one account I need, however "Available WebProperties" and "Available Profiles" both return [null].


There isn't anything to select, so I can't move on from this screen to try and pull any data.  Any idea on what might be required to get past this step?  Do I perhaps not have enough access or permission within my instance of GA?


Any help you could provide would be great, thanks!


GA macro error.JPG


Hi @Matt_Curtis


Have you tired to login using online to see if you can see the views as well. This should help us narrow down the reason for this.





9 - Comet

Apologies!  I meant to say Online mode.  I am connected via Online mode.



HI @Matt_Curtis


Do you have access to the Google Analytics webpage? Can you see the following screen?







9 - Comet

Yes, I do have access and can see that screen.  I have one account, a half dozen properties, and 4 views.

6 - Meteoroid

Hello @JordanB,


Again very helpful. The new Google Analytics Connector is easier as I found the "online sign in" simpler to setup during installation.






HI @Matt_Curtis


Can you check the admin properties for property & view?







7 - Meteor

Did I miss it or it doesn't say how to obtain a refresh token for the "Offline" login?


Hi @Angela_Cheng,


I have added the information back into the article. 




Jordan Barker

Solutions Consultant



7 - Meteor

Thank you it's perfect!

11 - Bolide

Great write up!

5 - Atom

Hi Jordan,

A couple of questions about the GA connector:


  • Is there an ability to apply filters (as opposed to segments)? If not, will this feature be added any time soon?
  • Is there any visibility over sampling rate - ie whether the data has been sample, and the sampling level? 

Many thanks




Hi @Pete


We are constantly looking at innovating the GA tool so feel free to suggest this on the ideas page to increase visibility.


When you run the GA tool in the message tab within the results window this will show you when the data is sampled and at what rate.







6 - Meteoroid

Hi Jordan,


The new GA connector is great and a lot more 'stable' than the old one.  I just have one little issue. Due to the volume of data, I'm using a workflow that takes the last 7 days of data from our GA account and adds it to the previous output I ran to have an incremental update of the data. This works great, but the preset date range always reverts back to custom which equals the last 7 days of the previous time a ran the workflow, which makes the tool not very usable when running it on a schedule. Is there anything that can be done about this?







6 - Meteoroid

Hi Jordan,


Would you be able to help me with the query I posted above?


Many thanks


5 - Atom

fixed my issues

6 - Meteoroid

Happy 2018 everybody. I'm having the same issue as @Matt_Curtis


I was able to procure a client ID, secret, and refresh token. I downloaded 'Google Analytics' macro ( the most recent one) and chose 'Offline'. 


However, I'm not seeing any accounts in the drop down for any of the 3 options: 


GA issue.jpg


Would anyone here happen to know why? Thanks in advance.

8 - Asteroid

Hi @JordanB,


I currently downloaded Google API latest version v7.

Using offline mode, and going forward, I am not able to go ahead after selecting the account. Is there any bug in this version?

Please see the below screenshot: If you see that the 'Next" option is disabled.



I have cross-verified with other credentials as well, but in-vain.

Your thoughts?





Hi @harsha384


Have you tried the online version to see if you get the same interface?






Hi @Robin-Schouten


I sent you an email.





8 - Asteroid


I love the new version of the tool. The Online option is so easy to use - I'm very happy to refresh every 60 mins. (Despite great support at Inspire London, I struggled with the Google interface for refresh tokens etc and hadn't pursued it further.) 


On my first run I get an error Tool #318:Iteration #2:Tool #15: The filed scheme for the output "Finished" changed between interactions. I removed both Browse tools so only the GA tool is on the canvas. I get the same error. 


Have you seen this before?





Hi @HelenL


I have never seen this error before. In the runtime settings (click on the white canvas>configuration panel>runtime) can you turn on all macro messages at the bottom and run the workflow.


Can you let me know which macro the error is happening within? (Within the GA macro there are 4 other macro's)


If you can screenshot that would be great.







8 - Asteroid

Hi Jordan,

Thanks for picking this up. 


I had a great support call on Tuesday with Sophia Fraticelli.


After running few scenarios, Sophia decided that the problem was that the query exceeded the allowable number of data records. The error message certainly did not make this clear. So she was going to report it.


I'm just about to start working on the task again. I'm finding it very confusing to select the right combination of dimensions and metrics but that's a GA API issue.  




11 - Bolide

Hi Helen

PM if you would like to discuss your dimension metrics selection. Been doing this a fair amount, so might be able to help you expedite your process.


Gavin Attard
Digital Analytics Manager

8 - Asteroid

Hi Gavin,

That is an unexpected and much appreciated offer, thank you. 
I didn’t know where I could turn for help (it seemed rather out of scope for the Alteryx Community). Having someone to ask if I get stuck gives me confidence to have a go. 
This is the situation:. I’m an associate with a consultancy that works with corporate comms to improve their digital presence. We run online surveys. For a few clients we pass online survey data into GA. A colleague is analysing the combined data within the GA interface. I want to investigate the alternative of pulling the combined data into Tableau. I think visualisation could provide additional insights e.g. into why particular visitor groups are succeeding or failing. I hope that sounds interesting. 
So far I’ve managed to get “something” out into Tableau. But I may need help framing queries to ask specific questions. I’m fitting this project in around other work so it might proceed quite slowly. But I’ll be in touch. 
8 - Asteroid


I said I loved the Online option and was happy to refresh every 60 mins! After playing for a few hours and making my selections over and over,  I realised I'd have to set it up for Offline.


It was such a pain to negotiate the Google Developers interface when I did it years ago (with the help of tech support at Inspire London). However, your instructions above are brilliant. Thanks so much. 


8 - Asteroid

Hi all!


:::: Alteryx Desktop x64 11.7::::


I've successfully set up my google analytics connector but the catch is that I can only extract summarised data into reports but I'd like to be able to set a date range for variables to look at and work with the full extracted data set.


For instance, I'd like to look at the transaction/e-commerce data broken down into age and gender from Year 'A' to Year 'D'

as opposed to getting this:


Year 'A' to Year 'D'--> [Sum of all rows]Year 'A' to Year 'D' Totals....Year 'A' to Year 'D' Totals....


Would like a better breakdown for this...Would like a better breakdown for this...





When I'd like to get this: 


Year 'A'

Month : Date : Time : Age  : Gender : Transaction --> $#.##

Month : Date : Time : Age  : Gender : Transaction --> $#.##

Month : Date : Time : Age  : Gender : Transaction --> $#.##

Month : Date : Time : Age  : Gender : Transaction --> $#.##



Year 'B'

Month : Date : Time : Age  : Gender : Transaction --> $#.##

Month : Date : Time : Age  : Gender : Transaction --> $#.##

Month : Date : Time : Age  : Gender : Transaction --> $#.##

Month : Date : Time : Age  : Gender : Transaction --> $#.##



Year 'C'

Month : Date : Time : Age  : Gender : Transaction --> $#.##

Month : Date : Time : Age  : Gender : Transaction --> $#.##

Month : Date : Time : Age  : Gender : Transaction --> $#.##

Month : Date : Time : Age  : Gender : Transaction --> $#.##



Year 'D'

Month : Date : Time : Age  : Gender : Transaction --> $#.##

Month : Date : Time : Age  : Gender : Transaction --> $#.##

Month : Date : Time : Age  : Gender : Transaction --> $#.##

Month : Date : Time : Age  : Gender : Transaction --> $#.##



Is there a way to extract and blend reports or am I only limited to receiving processed reports?