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I get the following message when running a macro with the Render tool inside

" Alteryx ppt testing1 (162) Tool #26: You have found a bug. Replicate, then let us know. We shall fix it soon."


I believe this happens when there is multiple line breaks next to each other and trying to put this into the render tool outputting to powerpoint within a table.I have the formula for updating the line breaks "Replace([Layout],"&lt;br /&gt;","<br />")" which works when there aren't very many line breaks but now I have integrated Python to regex out HTML the Render tool has stopped working


When using Dynamic Input with databases, the Database may be returning errors or other information that the tool cannot parse into a dataset.


It would be great if we could see the 'raw' response from the database somehow, as this might provide insight into why we are not getting the expected results. 


If the tool could output an optional error column that has the unparsed response from the database server, it might allow us to debug the problem ourselves. 


If the returned data is actually a string response from the database, but one that is flawed in some way, we might still be able to parse data out of it to 'ride over' the error.


Configuration window - Add feature to zoom in or out of the configuration window similar to the canvas.  There is alot going on in the Configuration window and it would be helpful (especially for those of us with eyesight challenges) to be able to zoom in/out similar to the Canvas. 


More and more people are making use of Plotly and Plotly Express to develop really great graphics.  However it is extremely difficult to extract either interactive charts (HTML format) or static images (PNG or JPEG).


The main issue for Plotly to save static images is the ability to install and use Orca (application) for R and kaleido (library) for Python.  Despite my best efforts I have had no luck getting either approach to work with the respective Alteryx environments


Migrate old R based charts and create new statistical charts in the interactive chart tool to provide enhanced statistical charting and visual data exploration capabilities.


This includes:

  • Error Bars
  • Distribution Plots
  • 2D Histograms
  • Scatterplot Matrix
  • Facet & Trellis Plots
  • Tree Plots
  • Violin Plots
  • Heatmaps
  • Log Plots
  • Parallel Coordinates Plot

This these URLs for more examples:


The ability to create, modify and enhance interactive chart types through custom plotly code in either R or Python.  This would allow new style of visualisation to be created and shared with other authors.


needs a much simpler way to configure this tool. Its way more obfuscated than it needs to be and the wording on the config is very confusing.


For heavy workflows (e.g. reading massive amount of data, processing it and storing large datasets through in db tools in Cloudera), a random error is sometime generated:  'General error: Unexpected exception has been caught'


This seems due to Kerberos ticket expiration and the related setting may not be modifiable by the Alteryx developer 'especially when GPO). Suggestion is to enhance the indb tools in such a way that they are able to automatically renew the Kerberos ticket like other applications do.


Br, Lookman


Hello All,


During my trial of assisted modelling, I've enjoyed how well guided the process is, however, I've come across one area for improvement that would help those (including myself) overcome any hurdles when getting started.


When I ran my first model, I was presented with an error stating that certain fields had classes in the validation dataset that were not present in the Training dataset.


Upon investigation (and the Alteryx Community!) I discovered that this was due to a step in the One Hot Encoding tool.


Basically, the Default setting is for all fields to be set to error under the step for dealing with values not present in the training dataset, but there is an option to ignore these scenarios.


My suggestion:

Add an additional step to Assisted Modelling that gives the user the option to Ignore / Error as they see fit.

If this were to be implemented then it would remove the only barrier I could find in Assisted Modelling.


Hope this is useful and happy to provide further context / details if needed.



Im troubleshooting a workflow with around 4,400 tools, breaking into separate workflows, and leveraging the crew macros to run the workflow sequence.  Well- I changed a few file names and have an interesting disaster where I need to go tool by tool to verify everything is properly configured.  



I used tool containers to group and label sections of tools to be organized, but it was becoming difficult to navigate the ocean of tool clusters.  So- I used blank comment boxes in the tool containers.  If everything works in the container, I made the comment box green.  If something is broken, I made it red.  From there, I made all of the red comment boxes green to make sure everything was diligently reviewed.  


New Cool Idea

Troubleshooting mode- make it easy to flip a lighthouse switch on the tool containers.  Colors are great for categories, but this makes it easy to focus or highlight containers with maybe a cool retro looking switch. 


Peace, Love, and Workflows....


Salesforce Input tool throws a conversion error if labels are longer than 40 characters:


Could the the size of the field be increased to whatever the the Salesforce maximum is, or at least be configurable from the tool configuration. 


Particularly annoying is that the conversion error cannot be ignored (as seen in the Union tool) but will continue to show the result as yellow in the Scheduler. We like to keep a green board! 


Using the Download Tool, when doing a PUT operation, the tool adds a header "Transfer-Encoding: chunked".  The tool adds this silently in the background.


This caused me a huge headaches, as the PUT was a file transfer to Azure Blob Storage, which was not chunked.  At time of writing Azure BS does not support chunked transfer.  Effectively, my file transfer was erroring, but it appeared that I had configured the request correctly.  I only found the problem by downloading Fiddler and sniffing the HTTPS traffic.


Azure can use SharedKey authorization.  This is similar to OAuth1, in that the client (Alteryx) has to encrypt the message and the headers sent, so that the Server can perform the same encryption on receipt, and confirm that the message was not tampered with.  Alteryx is effectively "tampering with the message" (benignly) by adding headers.  To my mind, the Download tool should not add any headers unless it is clear it is doing so.


If the tool adds any headers automatically, I would suggest that they are declared somewhere.  They could either be included in the headers tab, so that they could be over-written, or they could have an "auto-headers" tab to themselves.  I think showing them in the Headers tab would be preferable, from the users viewpoint, as the user could immediately see it with other headers, and over-ride it by blanking it if they need to.


It would be great if it was possible to output the top most influential features in producing the score for each individual entity/row when using the predictive and machine learning tools.


Similar to the way they work in DataRobot. Details here and here.


This would enable some simple interpretation of how a model came to an individual prediction and the most important features in that particular row/case.


With the Join Multiple tool, a connector line isn't colored correctly all the way to the input anchor.

I'm on version 2019.4


Example:  My Join Multiple has 4 inputs


When I click the output anchor on a Select tool that feeds into Input #1 in the Join Multiple, the connector is colored blue for only a portion of the distance to the Join Multiple tool.





Example: When I click the input anchor on the Join Multiple, the connector line isn't blue all the way to the prior Select tool.





Example of how the incorrect coloring can be confusing:


When the two tools are aligned horizontally, clicking the Select tool makes it look like it's not connected to the Join Multiple.





And clicking the Join Multiple makes it look like it's not connected to the Select.







Current insight tool can create dashboard but can not display content by user access control, for example: one insight dashboard has whole country's sales number. Would you please add an function to let different region's sales only see their own region data when log into this dashboard ? 




I find myself constantly in a situation where I am building a workflow and need to add a browse tool or branch out from the main path to test some ideas or check something and it is very annoying having to run the whole process again, I know that there is the option to cache but it the criteria is very impractical because you can't cache at different points in the workflow easily.


It should be possible to add some tools like browse or output to a file without having to re-run the whole workflow again.


Hi Everyone,


If possible I would like to see the Tool Palette Tabs automatically go onto a 2nd or even 3rd row if your screen isn't wide enough to show them all, and/or have the ability to order the Tool Palette Tabs yourself.


Most of the time I use IN/OUT, Preparation, Join & Transform... however I have set up my own Palette Tab for macros that I have made, but I find it a pain to keep scrolling left & right using the small arrow buttons KevinH_0-1593602909025.pngKevinH_1-1593602923038.png

I could reduce the number of Tabs to fit onto one screen, but whilst learning and looking for tools which maybe useful to a particular task, I have most of them already open and ready.



For example:




With the ability to have this in any order you wish, so you can place your most frequently used Tabs on the top/bottom row, with your own Tab at the beginning... if you wish.






In the Union Field, we have the option to manually configure fields.  This is currently done horizontally, which makes it difficult to see every field (if dealing with lots of columns), if we could have a tick-box, and switch this to vertical, then we could use a view similar to the select field. 





There are currently 7 data types related to numeric values, including byte.  Simply and standardize the way Alteryx handles numeric values.  Condense the numeric data types to one and provide a way to control the decimal places by indicating how many are needed to the right of the decimal.  The current numeric datatypes are confusing and do not behave the same with the formulas functions, like Round.


Adopt the standard numeric functions seen across multiple tools and languages like Excel, SQL, etc;  like RoundUp, RoundDown, AbsoluteValue, Integer, etc.  


Similar to "Start here" dataflow, it would be useful to specify a path within the User settings to open a dataflow "template" file when the users do not have permission to add or replace "start here" dataflow.


Within our organisation, we are required to have the dataflow summary. We have prepared a dataflow to meet these requirements but currently unable to share it like "start here" template so that every Alteryx session opens the agreed datalow "template" file.

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