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Tighter Plotly Integration in R and Python

More and more people are making use of Plotly and Plotly Express to develop really great graphics.  However it is extremely difficult to extract either interactive charts (HTML format) or static images (PNG or JPEG).


The main issue for Plotly to save static images is the ability to install and use Orca (application) for R and kaleido (library) for Python.  Despite my best efforts I have had no luck getting either approach to work with the respective Alteryx environments

1 Comment
Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your feedback!


We appreciate all the feedback we get, especially on our less commonly used portions of the product. If you can't I recommend you check out our Submission Guidelines and be sure to go like and comment on any other ideas you have interest in. It helps us better gauge what ideas would have the most impact for users.