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Currently, if the same Excel file is being updated on the workflow, but different sheets within the file, it will error out if the saving process overlaps one another. And there are some cases that using the tool Block Until Done will not work because there are two data streams (for example if you have a filter and is saving the data from the two outputs on the same file).


It would be great if we could output to the same Excel file more than once on the same workflow. 


Alteryx is extremely user friendly. It is simple to use, self explanatory, and manages to ride the difficult line in balancing pre-defined "canned" tools, yet allow enough user-customization to embrace advanced users' specific requirements. One area in which Alteryx could further improve upon though is additional options/inputs for users to change default tool and canvas settings, as well as improved overall formatting shortcuts.


One of the differences between a truly autonomous, ever-green, or "corporate" solution and a "user-specific workflow" are tool annotations, tool names, and the overall presentation of a workflow. Without annotations and/or a tool naming convention, any given workflow still requires significant time for any user to sit down and truly understand any given workflow. However, with the settings as-is, this can be extremely time consuming, tedious, and monotonous at times. This can be reconciled with some sort of inclusion of default settings that intelligently can use some sort of user-input settings to better annotate tool names beyond the current default, as well as tool names. Specifically - the default annotation settings are good in thought/design, but poor in practice. They clutter workflows, are truncated past the very first few lines, and are usually always changed in final workflow drafts. One solution would be to allow users to set default annotations for specific tools (i.e., "Calculated Fields" for formula bars, and/or no annotations ever even), and utilize the current default annotation settings used now and applied to a hint display box that appears when hovering over any given tool. A different solution may be as simple as taking only new calculated field names as the annotation, rather than each field and its formula. In that instance, I have yet to see any final workflows in which the default annotations for every tool are kept. An even better solution would be to have some sort of canvas view that allows users to make mass, stream-lined changes to tool and canvas formatting - i.e., select all formula tools, and apply a single user-input formatting schema. Select multiple tool boxes and adjust their visual appearance, etc. Other default settings that would be nice to adjust are toolbox and comment settings, as well as saving custom templates for toolboxes/comment boxes. This would just eliminate all the time in which we create similar templates over and over between workflows. This would de-clutter workflows, save needless time always removing/adjusting default annotations, and allow yet another "quirk" that separates Alteryx above the rest.



Again, these are just a few suggestions in which I feel Alteryx can continue to set the bar, and the standard for the rest of the industry. Thank you!




R has a very large number of useful packages and examples.  Often, we only need a few lines of R code.  However, integrating that with the data flow in Alteryx can be complex.  It would be ideal if there was a tool where you could drop in R code, and have the tool create named inputs and outputs for each variable in the R code, and create blank text documents or YXDBs with the correct column names and variable types.  This seems like it could be automated, and would eliminate a lot of trial and error in using small pieces of R code for specialty tasks.




It would be very useful if I could delete/remove fields while using the tool Join - manual configure fields directly instead of adding a "Select" tool next.




It would be very useful for me If I could consolidate in the same output two different inputs: 1- the whole output flow; 2- The summarize from the output. That would save some time from doing pivot table analysis for instance. 




Alteryx could have a way to, in select tool, choose the type of string field as numeric changing between comma or dot the separators without the needing of formula tool for that.


It would be extremely useful to be able to modify a tool parameter with a single row output from another tool within the same workflow.  My current solution is to use either the Append Fields tool or embed the other tool into a batch macro with a single row as the input.  This would greatly simplify workflows and allow for a much more robust "programmatic" approach to workflow development.


Hello all,


Would love to see an analysis too or a major upgrade to the browse tool.


9 times out of 10, if i want to understand the data that is in my browse tool, i have to export it into excel just to filter and sort. This functionality is very much so needed in alteryx in either a new Analysis tool or (more ideally) into the browse tool.


What are yall's thoughts?



Currently if I read multiple files through Directory Tool +Dynamic Input, I will not know which final records is from which file, which can be extreme useful.


I also know, the files need to be the same schema (a second limitation), but the filename itself will be handy


When building an analytic app which uses a Map Input, please enable Interface tool functionality which would allow the app user to change the base map (roads, imagery, etc.) within the app map interface.  Currently I believe the only way to accommodate different base maps in an app is to configure multiple Map Inputs – one for each base map.  The resulting map interface duplication clutters up the app and opens the door for configuration errors.


Enable app user control of base mapEnable app user control of base map



As we all know, we can filter only based on 1 condition on 1 column within our data-set using FILTER tool till date.

Idea is if people can add multiple conditions on same or different columns within same tool. e.g.

  1. Multiple conditions might be on same column (like column A > 1 and A is not null)
  2. Different conditions on different columns of dataset (like column A>=5 and B equals ="xyz"



One feature in the input tool that would be great to have added to the already existing "Output file name as field" option would be to set the field at the beginning of the data set or end (i.e. you could set your default, click a check box or select from two options). Because with large data sets sometimes you need to do data manipulation on that field and it can be easier to work with right away if at the beginning of data set. Right now you have to drag in a select tool to fix it.


When we open any workflow, its becomes very difficult to understand from which gallery I have opened the workflow(s). Could you please do something, so that once the mouse pointer gets move into the workflow tab in designer, it will display the corresponding path as well.


Many Times We have to do same transformation or Rules on Certain fields multiple times. and In even in my team multiple developers are also doing the same thing. If we have Tools re-usability functionality like. Build at one place and every one can pull that to each of their workflows and use it multiple times. This will be really helpful and save lot of time on duplicate works


Dear Alteryx Community,

I've tried my best to make sure this suggestion wasn't posted before so hoping I haven't missed a feature already present in Alteryx or re-posting an idea already submitted.


In any case, there is one operation I do so much that I wonder if it could be made easier.  I would consider myself a very basic Alteryx users so many of my workflows usually end in either Excel files, CSV, or Alteryx Database files. In any case, here is what I would love (if possible)


In my workflow, I wish I could Right-click on my Output Tool using a file-based output such as Excel, .csv, .yxdb and have a R-Click menu option which said "Start Workflow".  This would open a new Workflow with one input tool already present with a the path being the same as what was in the Output tool that I right-clicked on.


So many times I create an output and then need to use that output.  This usually means I have to copy/paste the path, create an Input Tool and paste that path in.  Would be so many easier if a few of these steps could be done automatically.


Otherwise, if the community knows a simpler/better way...I'm would love to know.


Thanks in advance



It will be very help full, if we have an option to ignore selected punctuation in Data Cleansing Tool under remove unwanted characters. 


For example i wanted to ignore "&" and "-" while replacing punctuation, currently there is no option to ignore characters.


Please check the possibility of Adding the feature 


As part of our documentation process, we'd like to save the documented image of the Alteryx workflow to a OneNote project folder. However, the image quality of the Print->Send to OneNote option is too low to capture many of our processes.


It would really help the project documentation process if we could increase the image resolution of the output image so that the workflow can be zoomed in to and seen clearly. I think this could be achieved by either enabling larger paper sizes in the Page Setup, or by giving the ability to increase the DPI of the outputted image.


I have a workflow that accepts 4 different sets of inputs.


It also has four different outputs.  However, I can easily output to separate files in four containers and just close the containers that don't pertain to the input.


On the input side, I keep having to delete the connections and connect the desired input.


I would like to connect multiple files to one tool and have the tool only work if only one of the inputs it's live.  Through the use of containers you would then choose which input was live.



Hi Team,


The data set has 2 columns with missing data, 





If the user wants to impute the

missing values in Amount column with '$0"  and

missing values in Age column with "mode",

it would be nice to have a single imputation tool to perform this. 


Please let me know your thoughts. 




Please add the ability to minimize Alteryx during loading as well as minimize the app. I would like to do other tasks while Alteryx is loading. However, it operates as its more important than other applications and can not be minimized. Additionally, it would be nice to hide/minimize the app.
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