Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Do we have a capability to read number or may be text for that purpose from a PDF format file as an input to Designer Tool we have a system which actually produces a PDF report and then we manually have to segregate the issues according to the categories. Can some one please suggest if there is a solution existing or in working stage

Some of the workflows I use have multiple inputs that can take a long time to initially load. The new cache function itself has been amazing, but there is one big drawback for me: I can't cache multiple tools at the same time.  Alteryx will allow me to eventually cache all of the tools I want cached, but it will take multiple times running the file.  This still saves me time in the end, but it feels a bit cumbersome to set up.

Google has recently introduced the concept of Team Drives.
Team Drives are shared spaces where teams can easily store, search, and access their files anywhere, from any device.
Unlike files in My Drive, files in a Team Drive belong to the team instead of an individual. Even if members leave, the files stay exactly where they are so your team can continue to share information and get work done.
I cannot see the files through the Google Sheets Input tool. I only see files in My Drive.
How do I access Google Sheets placed into Team Drives? Thanks in advance.
Response from Alteryx Support:

Hi Chris,

This is not supported with the current tool. The way that we pull the list of sheets only will pull the personal sheets that the user owns, even if a user creates a sheet in the Team Drive, the owner is not that user but the Team Drive. There are additional parameters that need to be added in order to pull the team drive sheets a user has access to, and we would need to use a different api (Drive API vs Sheets API) for the pull.

Please add this as a suggestion for a future enhancement on our idea center.

Thank you.

Angela Ogle | Customer Support Engineer

Currently, when one uses the Google BigQuery Output tool, the only options are to create a table, or append data to an existing table.  It would be more useful if there was a process to replace all data in the table rather than appending. Having the option to overwrite an existing table in Google BigQuery would be optimal.

Please have the Calgary Tools put the file names in the annotation automatically like all other input/output tools. 

Probably more of a bug. Not sure if this annoyes anyone else, but when a running workflow in a different tab completes, the current windows focus is gone, even you have the pop-up notification disabled. Check the video and see what happens at 0:11 when tab 105 finishes running while I'm typing a super complicated code 😉


I like the new cache option in 2018.3, but I would like it to function a little bit different. Let's say you cache at a certain point and then continue to build after that. If I reach another checkpoint and want to cache, it currently re-runs the entire workflow (ie it ignores my cache upstream and just goes back to the beginning of the workflow); instead, I would rather have it utilize the upstream cache. Personally, caching is usually an iterative effort during development where I keep caching along the way. The current functionality of the cache is not conducive to this. Thanks!

When I maximize the SQL Editor Window within the Input Tool only half of the screen show the SQL window.  The bottom half of the screen is useless grey space.  Why not have most all of the screen be the SQL window and only a small portion of grey border for the Test Qry, Ok, Cancel and Help button?  I'd like to see more SQL and less wasted space.  Thanks!

Hey Alteryx Devs - 


Simple fix that would keep me in the flow sometimes, is if I could hit F2 and get to a place where I could tweaky tweaky the annotation.  I keep on finding myself hitting F2 and then am annoyed that I have all these extra clicks to annotate meaningfully.  Easy fix and you don't have anything else attached to F2.  





edit:  Had wrench palette, needed pencil palette!

Right now the PublishToPowerBI connector only publishes to "My Workspace."  I manage datasets that feed reports for multiple workspaces, some of which are not necessarily personal workspaces (so there is no login associated). A drop-down that lets you select which workspace, that you are a member of, would be fantastic!


The workaround right now is to ETL in Alteryx then save the dataset out to OneDrive. You can then "Publish" the Excel sheet to Power BI natively, and the data refreshes once an hour. This works for some data, but we have use cases that need refresh rates much higher than that. Plus publishing directly to Power BI would be ideal.


It may just be me, but after I upgraded to 2018.2, the Table/Query edit window doesn't take up the full window when I maximize the parent window. 


I'm surprised no one else has mentioned this, maybe it's just me.  See attached.

// This is my new formula
MAX([Price] * [Quantity],0)
// This was my old formula
// [Price] * [Quantity]

Imagine being able to SELECT your text block (could be many lines) and right-clicking to see an option to Comment or Un-Comment those configuration statements.  I thought that you'd like it too.




Under the new licensing system (, I don't have the ability to truly release a license seat without user interaction. Currently, I have to revoke the license and then have that user start up alteryx on their machine to complete the process. Until the user starts up alteryx, I cannot reallocate that license. 


I would like the ability to obsolete a license where as soon as I click the button in the licensing portal, I can immediately reallocate that license to somebody else. This functionality existed in the previous licensing system and is not available in the new licensing system.

I'm only just starting to explore the python and html sdks, but I think this functionality would be really useful for Alteryx tools.

I foresee cases where a custom tool is developed and we want to install it for 20+ users.  Rather than having each user manually open and install the file, and troubleshooting for each of them (which could also become challenging if we want to deploy an enhancement to a tool in the future), I'd like a method (preferably via command line) to automatically install a tool for a user without any interaction/input.

This would allow for targeted tool deployment as well as large-scale tool maintenance as custom Python tools mature in the enterprise space.

I often have up to ten or more workflows open at a time, several are named and are active workflows that I want to save, and the rest are just scratch workflows where I'm trying something out. When I close Alteryx it asks if I want to save changes to workflows, with the list of all the workflows. If I don't want to save the scratch workflows, I have to cancel, close each one individually, then exit Alteryx again, saving the ones I want to save.


It would be great if there was a check box next to the workflows in the list where you could check the ones you want to save, and it would drop the rest.

Not sure if this has been submitted... or if this option is already in a newer version.

There should be an option, after correcting an issue/error within a workflow for users to start again at the error point instead of running the entire workflow again.

This option will help users to streamline the process of building workflows and avoid wasted time spent waiting for large complex workflows to complete or error out.    

A suggestion for the designer product...


When one right clicks on tab showing a workflow, an option should come up to duplicate workflow/macro/etc.


When you right click on a macro, and say Open Macro - it opens up a new copy even if there's an existing copy of exactly the same file open already.


Please can you change this to focus on the existing copy by default?    I've wasted hours editing the wrong one, or doing split editing across two copies of the same file.




When looking at a complex canvas - my first instinct is to group this into sub-modules (e.g. "/load Data"; "clean data") to make this simpler to understand.


We mostly do this through the use of Containers.

However - it would be more useful if you could then take an entire container and convert this to a macro.    This would be very similar to the way that Visual Studio allows you to take a block of code and convert it to a sub-procedure.


This would be a super-quick way to allow people to make canvasses more maintainable and easier to understand and test!


Thank you 


Do you have self diagnosed OCD?  Do you know why 59 could be a magic number in Alteryx?  After long bellyaching in these forums about distribute evenly (+1) and auto layout, and the clean my workflow features I suddenly realized, why not just snap to grid and make my grid size the size of an Alteryx tool?  Voila! only  Setting the grid size to 59 and snapping only intermittently works. There seem to be varying reference points used for the snap depending on the existence of containers, etc.  So my idea, maintain a single reference point for workflow snapping that should ensure everything snaps based on that point (aligns to the grid).


For those of you still wondering what I'm on about... note how the append tool is shifted.  Yes I know I can click and move it to align with the grid, but it gets cumbersome when dealing with many items in many containers.  One grid to rule them all.

Line UP!Line UP!



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