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PublishToPowerBI Connector - Select Workspace Ability

Right now the PublishToPowerBI connector only publishes to "My Workspace."  I manage datasets that feed reports for multiple workspaces, some of which are not necessarily personal workspaces (so there is no login associated). A drop-down that lets you select which workspace, that you are a member of, would be fantastic!


The workaround right now is to ETL in Alteryx then save the dataset out to OneDrive. You can then "Publish" the Excel sheet to Power BI natively, and the data refreshes once an hour. This works for some data, but we have use cases that need refresh rates much higher than that. Plus publishing directly to Power BI would be ideal.

10 - Fireball

Bumping this up. This is a much needed solution for PowerBI. 


There is an ongoing thread about a workaround solution - but we need a permanent one. The fact is PowerBI is growing at an astronomical pace and this is one aspect that needs to kept up with.

6 - Meteoroid

Has there been any change or recognition that this functionality needs to be addressed within the PowerBI connectivity?

6 - Meteoroid

So, I haven't heard anything official from Alteryx or Microsoft, but I just wanted to add a little information that could cause this to be delayed.  We use the full suite of Enterprise MS tools at my company and have really been pushing the boundaries on what they can do.  One thing that a contractor we use for MS support said, is that the whole "workspace" concept is going away.  Right now we use Teams to communicate with our assets in the field and when IT creates that "Team" it creates a "workspace" and all of the associated SharePoint Online sites and other MS stuff that goes along with it.  In the future, you will be able to create a "workspace" in Power BI without creating all of the other associated pieces.  Anyways, a little vague, I apologize, but if this does indeed happen then the tool would have to be reworked anyways. However, this could simplify things and it may not require as much modification to the tool in the end.

10 - Fireball

@rexeven Thanks for sharing this insight. This makes so much sense. We see the same thing on our end when a Team is creating on MS Teams. Hopefully we see some alignment from Alteryx when MS updates this concept.

Status changed to: Accepted

Hi @rexeven ,


you are right - the connector should be able to let you select which workspace to write into. We will definitely implement this feature into the next version of the connector.


Vojta, Product Manager

Data Connectors

Status changed to: Implemented

Hi everyone, I am very pleased to announce that the new version of the Power BI connector has been released and can be downloaded from our Gallery


The new version lets you select a workspace you want to work with, supports multiple multiple tables in a dataset, lets you overwrite, update, append or upsert data without breaking your dashboards and work in environments with proxy server as well. 

The most recent Alteryx Designer and Server, i.e. the 2021.2 version, is required. 


Vojta, PM for Data Connectors