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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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In Alteryx 11 the formula tool got redesigned but multi-field and multi-row tools have been left as it. It would be nice to have formula autocomplete and other new features in these tools as well.

In alterxy BI teams, we often need to hit the same data-store - however if shared connections are not adopted in the server environment, there's currently no easy way to share the connections among the team (none that I know of)


Would be great if there were a "share" button on the data connections tab in the designer, so that we could share connections with a team, or export known good connections to a file that can be kept under config-management / version control.


Thank you


It would be really usefull when we can filter fields by name and make selection. At times I have work with 300+ fields and it's really hard to scroll down to select few fields. Tableau has this feature. Wer can have this feature in select and all embedded select tools (join, append etc)

When creating a formula with the formula tool, it would be useful to be able to quickly tab into the data type column, then press D for Double and select this quickly.

Right now, you cannot use the keyboard to quickly type-ahead in this field, so every double field requires you to select, drop down, move the mouse to the bottom of the scroll window, click scroll down, then mouse back up to D for double.


(or "S" for Spatial etc - this is standard for most drop-down boxes)



Hi All,


My company has been using Alteryx designer for several years now but recently started a pilot for Alteryx server. One of the issues we have found is users keep trying to publish workflows that have aliased data connections. As our current Gallery Admin, i do not have permission nor do I know the wide range of connections that the users are trying to connect to. W would like to give users the ability to create/publish an aliased connection directly to Gallery. When this happens, it would automatically add that user to the data connection. They would also be given the ability to share the data source just like they can share a work flow.

One of our goals with this pilot is to promote self service, but having users wait on Admins to create the connections slows their process down.

It would be very useful to be able to add trendlines (linear, power etc) to charts (particularly scatter graphs) as in Excel.

Whilst not quite as efficient, the ability to overlay a line graph onto a scatter would enable the user to achieve a similar result as the points for the line can be calculated.

Sometime I confused DateTimeParse(dt,f) and DateTimeFormat(dt,f).

My idea is changing "DateTimeParse(dt,f)" to "DateTimeParse(string,f)" when we select DateTimeParse from function list.

Because DateTimeParse uses string type data as a first variables, not datetime type data.

No need to change DateTimeParse function itself.

I love that Alteryx came out with the visual layout tool. It's making some of the reporting I need to do much easier. Now for the challenges. I need this tool to allow me to either use a custom background or allow the overlapping of elements with the layout tool. Overlapping other elements would be the ideal way of doing this. But either will work.

FILE==>Open Recent==>

(add the ability to Pin Favorite Workflows)


The Pinned workflows will persist at the top of your recent files each time you open your Alteryx Designer Application.

Would like to see more connection options than Oracle and SQL Server as the connection string through Other can be problematic and difficult to configure for certain connections. does not necessarily reflect the connection string that the Alteryx Service is using or would authenticate. Alternatively, have a mechanism for a user to generate the connection string of any input tool they have configured (older versions of Alteryx did this but now they use odbc aliases by default).

The current Power BI Connector can only be used to publish to Power BI in the cloud but not to a local Power BI server. I would like to suggest the idea to improve this connector and configure it in a similar way to the Publish to Tableau Server Connector. The connector should allow to publish to a local url. See attachment.

In the Gallery, when reviewing the results of a recently run app, the option to save the results to Dropbox is currently an option.  This is a great, however, the only file format that is allowed to be saved there is .pcxml.

Please add the option to save any of the other report formats to Dropbox (.xlsx, .pdf, .pptx, .html, etc.).
When workig on a module with many tools, and one of those tools is the Allocate Input tool (Experian US), whenever you try to access or configure that other tools, there is a delayed reponse.  I'm assuming because the Allocate data set is so large.  But, it would be nice, if possible, that when accessing/configuring other tools you did not get that delay.  My workaround is to Container the Allocate tool and disable it.  
In recent months a new global app was added to allow the monitor of activity on an application. This is a great start but more details would make tracking a lot easier for our company.  We update the apps on a monthly basis due to the continual change of data, this will only allow us to track activity for the prior month only.  1 month's activity is not a beneficial gage for usage for us. 

What I would like to see is the ability to look at activity based off of a designated time frame of activity.  Since one of our apps can generate up to 5 different reports depending on what is selected, it would be a benefit to us to be able to track which report the user is running vs just running the overall app itself. 

Create a new module that outputs statistics after processing. For instance creating a table of all used modules by reference number with fields for records input, records output, processing time, processor load, memory used.  As well as starttime, endtime, username, hostname, etc.  This would make debugging quite a bit easier, expecially if the results could be output to Excel.

Within one of my modules I use the “Find Replace” tool quite often to find keywords within a customer name field.  By chance, I have found that irrespective of what order my keywords are sorted in, Alteryx will look at each word in the customer name and try to match them in order.
For example, the customer name of EAST RIDING YORKSHIRE COUNCIL, when matched to my list of keywords matches the word RIDING before it matches the word COUNCIL, even though COUNCIL appears higher up my list than RIDING does.
I would like to be able to prioritise my keywords so that Alteryx starts at the top and works its way down my list of keywords, rather than just taking the first word in a customer name that matches any of my keywords. Is this possible?
When using spatial processing tools please add the abilty to join between the target and universe based on a field.  This field based join could be used to narrow the geographies prior to performing spatial tests thus greatly improving processing time.

Copy & paste from my post here.


The Python SDK offers a possiblity to automatically install Python packages through pip when installing using the requirements.txt. Some changes to the virtual environment of the tool might not be covered by this: For example, downloading and configuring language models for spaCy cannot be solved through the requirements.txt alone (similar for training corpora for NLTK).


So, as an idea for future versions of the SDK: Allow us to specify a Python script that is run when a tool is installed. This way we might be able to set up the environment, load additional tools etc.

0 Curtidas

Love the new Sharepoint Files Input tool. Significant improvement over previous options! 


A suggestion that could improve the impact of the tool:


File Download Only


Current state: The tool performs two actions simultaneously: 1) downloading the file (csv/xlsx/yxdb) AND 2) reads the file into the data stream. When processing the supported file types, this is very convenient! However, the beauty of Alteryx is being able to read in raw data from almost any file type (pdf/zip/doc/xml/txt/json/etc) and process the data myself. Being limited to only officially sanctioned file types greatly diminishes the impact of the tool. 


Suggestion: Allow the user to 1) specify a filepath, 2) download the selected file(s) to that destination, and 3) optionally use a dynamic input tool to process the file. 


0 Curtidas

Many tab files lately (I am finding when they are created in mapinfo 16) Alteryx cannot read.  I have posted about this in other forums but wanted to bring it up on the product ideas section as well.

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