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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Python tool could be useful... for those who need it. Otherwise it just takes time to install and disk space, or even be a security problem for some companies.

Why not make its installation optional so that people could chose to install it only if they need it, or choose to install it later (like the predictive tools for example). 





I would like to share some feedback regarding the Principal Component tool.

I've selected the option "Scale each field to have unit variance" and 1 of the 4 PCA tools was displaying errors. However, the error message is not very intuitive and I couldn't use it to debug my workflow. The problem was that for my type of data, scaling could not be applied since it had a lot of 0 values.

Couldn't find anything related to this, so hope my feedback helps others.



PCA Error.png

Since I am a new user I am not sure if there is already a way to customize sort order in Alteryx.  In Excel it is possible to use a saved list to define a sort order.


One example is where the sort function uses the labels for months of the year.  Instead of ALPHA ORDER in the ouput you might want to see the MONTH ORDER. 


Excel supports an alternative sort order through the use of custom lists. Some custom lists are provided with the software and users can add their own custom lists.


The Excel interface for sorting using custom lists looks like this:





As of today, we cannot choose the field separator when we read a csv file. In France, the common separator for csv is the semi-colon (;)


It leads to this kind of thing in a filter :



The recently added feature to sort and filter entries inside the Results Window of the Browse tool is great. However, once I open a new window with the result, the functionality dissapears and I am stuck with a static table where I can only scroll through.


Would it be possible to add the filter and sort funtionality to a new window as well?

I've had the need to Find & Replace inside of a formula that I've written.  Would it be possible to have that type of functionality inside of the expression builder?


Does anyone else think that it would be useful?

I was trying to download zipped text files from Amazon S3 Bucket using Amazon S3 Download Tool.

Unfortunately the tool allows you to choose between csv, dbf and yxdb files and there is no option to select Zipped Text.

It will be very useful if this feature can be provided as most of files available on S3 are large files and are generelly in Zipped format.


Normally I have no issue with the splash screen but I've found with analytic apps that the splash covers up the App dialogue box.


I'm aware that you can click on it to hide it but having the option to disable it (even just for apps) would be great.

It would be useful when building apps to be able to put interface tools in containers and disable them.  This would allow an app developer to show users multiple ways of having the app styled without having to have multiple app versions saved.  

We would like to have the ability to overwrite sheets in macro-enabled Excel workbooks.  Several of our scorecarding templates leverage macros for Excel events, protection, and interaction, and the ability to directly overwrite data in these workbooks would be a huge benefit of  using Alteryx.

I think it would be a nice feature if a user were able to export the list of tools and annotations in a way to use as the foundation of a process memo (or simply listed sequentially in an appendix). We're using Alteryx for tax data prep processes and documentation of the process is important.  So I believe getting the workflow into words would be a great addition.

Currently, the dynamic input tool reads variable types for two same variables in two different files as different. This causes an error while importing the files. e.g. A field called X in one file has type "double' while the same variable in other file would have type 'V_String'. The dynamic tool would give an error in this case saying that schema is different. Though its not.


You can call me new school, but when I browse for inputs etc. in Alteryx, they are the old school windows interface where I have to hunt and peck through the file directory.  Can you make it so we can use the newer interface with so I can type in my location and navigate a bit easier?

It would be most excellent if I could click directly into the "Enter Expression Here" dialog to start editting my custom filter, rather than having to click the "Custom Filter" radio button.


For me it typically requires three clicks to get going. I often start with a "Basic filter" then:

1) Click into "Enter Expression Here" dialog and nothing happens.

2) Remeber that I need to click the "Custom Filter" radio button.

3) Click back in the "Enter Expression Here" dialog to put my cursor where I want it.



I think that it would be useful to add two new Rename Modes to the Dynamic Rename tool -- here are the existing ones:

I would add:
Take Field Metadata from Right Input Metadata
Take Field Metadata from Right Input Rows

These would allow mass changes in data type, size and scale based on either an existing data table's metadata or an external metadata table.
We have been storing data on the PostgresDB and would be using variables from these tables for modeling processes in Alteryx. The ODBC connectors for postgres don't seem to be geared towards optimal performance, hence it would be extremely useful if Alteryx came up with an in-db functionality for postgres database in the future release.

The DateTimeParse function always works if there are leading 0 but if one digit day of month or month it can be harder to parse

I really like the ability in 10.0 to turn on and off certain tool categories and specific tools within a category to keep your toolbar clean.


What would really take it to the next level is allowing users to manage them like bookmarks in a broswer - let me create new custom groups and add anything to them, or move tools among groups.


The favorites method lays the foundation for this, but is limited in that everthing is on one group.  Using the method I suggest, users could basically have groups of tools tailored to specific analytic tasks.

It would be great if the mapping allowed point themes to be bi-variate, i.e. you could change the size of a point at the same time as adjusting its colour to show two variables on the map at once, relative to each other.


I would classify this as a major bug.


Using Redshift ODBC connector, if I configure a Pre SQL statement inside an Input Tool, as soon as the Input tool is deselected (white space is clicked in workflow area), the Pre SQL statement executes without even executing the workflow.


e.g. putting a CREATE TABLE statement as pre SQL will create the table prior to the workflow being executed.


There should be no reason for the Pre SQL statement to execute until you are ready to execute the whole workflow. If there is, then the Pre SQL statement should be done outside of Alteryx.


Please change Alteryx to NOT execute Pre SQL until workflow is executed

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