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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Hi Team,


If you can please work on the idea of auto arranging the tools on Alteryx Designer. This would save a lot of tedious efforts, when we create a very big flow then it becomes very tough for us to arrange the tools properly and it becomes confusing sometimes.




When use Sql-Server build Stored Procedure where list in the Input Data Tool. So able to work with SPs.

When I use Oracle build Stored Procedure where not list in the Input Data Tool. So not  able to work with SPs.


Oracle, Sql-Server and MySql you can build Stored Procedure.


It would be great if when Alteryx for this Databases have implemented the same functionality.


So it can not be made dependent on the using Database to decide for Alteryx. 






Hi all,


As per the post here: - there are situations where you need to use something like a dynamic input to query data, but need it to be brought back in the order that you specified on the input stream.


The Dynamic Input too sorts the input stream deliberately, to check for duplicate queries so that it doesn't waste time bringing back duplicate data.


It would be great if we can extend the dynamic input tool to allow users to specify that they wish the data unsorted, and that they are OK with the consequences of possibly running the same query twice.    Even if this is a setting that can only be set through XML, it would still be helpful.


Many thanks


I am on a forecasting project where we convert one vector of forecasts into another vector of forecasts by multiplying by a conversion matrix. This is very clumsy and fragile to do in Alteryx meaning we have to drop out to Excel. The ability to do very simple matrix multiplication in Alteryx would be very useful here and in other use cases. I realise you can probably exit to R and do the job, but for something so basic that shouldn't be required.


The relational representation of an mxp matrix is a three column table of cardinality mxp with columns { I , J , A }, where I labels the first index set with index i, J labels the second index set with index j, and A labels the numeric values with value a(i,j).  Given a second pxn  matrix { J, K, B } in relational form we should be able to multiply them to get a mxn matrix { I, K, C} in relational form where of course c(i,k) = sum over j in J of a(i,j)*b(j,k).


Vectors can of course be represented as 1x and x1 matrices. If you really wanted to go to town this could be generalised to array processing ala APL2.

It would be great if Alteryx allowed users to copy and paste data directly from excel into the workflow canvas as a text input. Sometimes I create quick mapping tables in excel that I do not want to save on my desktop or shared drive as it is a quick fix or solution. Tableau allows users to copy and paste data sets directly into a sheet for use. Can we make this happen??


Yours Truly,




Hi all,


When testing a macro with interface tools in use - the value that is used if running in normal execution (hit the big play button) is 0 or blank, irrespective of the value set for default on the component.


  • put an up-down component on a canvas with a default value of 200
  • Then hook it up to a formula box
  • Then output the value 
  • The value which is output is 0


Please can you change this so that the value passed through the interface tools in testing mode is the specified & configured default value?


Thank you


It's not uncommon to start out with an InputData control, and then 2/3 of the way through you realise that you need to change this to a dynamic input.

Could we add the capability to right-click on an inputData; and convert to Dynamic Input (just like you can on a TextInput to change it to a Macro Input)?

When you right click on a Macro tool (e.g. Google Analytics) within a workflow, you can choose the version of the tool to use. However, it does not indicate which version of the tool is already in use. 


Why is this an issue for me?

I have a workflow with 15 instances of the Google Analytics tool.  (I needed to use the API for each month fo GA data and then use a join. I built it this way due to the restriction on the number of records.)


So when I update the Google Analytics tool I have to do it 15 times. I'd like to be sure the update is needed before I start. 


Alteryx Support confirm that there is no way to tell which version of the macro is in use. 




That has bugged me for years.

I am using the Distance Tool and would like to get the polyline that represents the drive distance.  I need to output the drive polyline for multiple points and determine the percentage of overlap between routes and the number of times overlapped.

Please add option to right-click a module tab to rename the yxmd file.  This would be easy to do, for you, and quite handy.

For the purposes of troubleshooting/optimization, it might come in handy to have a timestamp column in the Results Pane. Especially with processes time-consuming enough that I let them run in the background, I would like to know which steps are particularly time consuming, and seeing when the messages were generated would at least be a start.

The ability to create Interface tools would be helpful. I would to edit multiple actions at the same time on a single tool, but it needs to be done dynamically. All of these tools exist within the standard tool set, but the standard action tool only allows for one action to be done per tool.  


Other Examples:

-Radio Button Groupings (only 1 scenario can be selected within a group instead of one radio button per designer interface)


-Replace textual selection with a graphic selection:

                       Please select a Park to run the report for:


                      Islands of Adventure     Universal Studios      Both        vs                IOAIOA          Universal StudiosUniversal Studios         UPRUPR



-Toggle List Box Options where: 

Include Field in Record (Horizontal)Transpose Field in Record (Vertical) Field Name
X  Record Date
 XProduct 1
 XProduct 2


Survey ImportSurvey Import



Hi Alteryx Team! 


Think an easy/useful tool enhancement would be to add a search bar on the "Tables" tab in the "Choose Table or Specify Query" popup when connecting to an In-DB source.

Current state, you have to scroll through all your tables to find the one you're looking for. Would be a HUGE help and time saver if I could just go in and search for a key word I know is in my table name.



for example, the default filename is


FileA_P10.xlsx the P10 mean the month. and i want to give a freedom to user to amend or change the filename.  


hence, i put the interface text box to show the default text built by formula, but it only able to input text only.


from this > "FileA_P10.xlsx"

to this   >   "FileA_P" + datetimeformat(datetimetoday,"%m") + ".xlsx"


and it is better if it apply for other interface tool.

Many times; ideas for new ways to use Alteryx come to me while I'm not at work.

Most of the time that happens, I can use RDP via VPN to get to my work desktop.

But sometimes it isn't easy to do that.  Like when I'm driving, outside for a run, in the shower.. you get the idea.


My point is that there should be a mobile app for Designer (iPads and Android tablets).  The mobile app wouldn't necessarily need to be connected to the actual sources live (maybe require a template used for input for ODBC; but allow connections to HTTP/FTP/local sources). 

The user would design the workflow, and then have the option to email the schema to themselves (or others) so that once back at work, one could pick up where they left off.


Although I would prefer to use it on an iPad, it could technically be used on an iPhone as well.

For an example of how that could look, see the iOS app "Workflow".  That, in combination with the now defunct "Schemes" was a great way to do visual programming similar to what we do in Alteryx.


The dynamic input tool allows some fairly complex transformations to the underlying query - but it's not always easy to debug this when it doesn't behave as expected.

Could we add the ability to inspect the resulting query (just like you can on the InDB queries using the dynamic output component?)


It is currently possible to see this in the results / messages pane, but I can't find a way to get this into a data-stream to persist it or manipulate it.

Microsoft Access 2000-2003 does not access big integer


Integer — For integers that range from -32,768 to +32,767. Storage requirement is two bytes.

You can find MS documentation here :

So when you use Alteryx with big integer (e.g Int64 ), it won't work the way you expected and the field will be converted into Double.

So what I propose :

-a change in documentation about this behaviour
-a warning message on the output box when you use Access and you have Int64

-ability to select Access 2016 in order to use Long integer format

Best regards,


Session connection to Google Sheet exists for 60 minutes. If someone wanted to keep this for more time then "User Login" option requires re-entering credentials every 60 minutes.


However, we can use the Developer Login0 to bypass this limitation. This method requires sign-in using Google API credentials. This option requires obtaining a Client ID, Client Secret, and Refresh Token and does not require re-entering credentials to run a workflow.


My question - can you address this issue in next release of Alteryx?

Currently with Find & Replace tool you can only select one field at a time. 


I have multiple fields for which I need to apply the same Find and Replace.


I'd find it handy to be able to select multiple fields at once, as you can in the Data Cleansing tool etc.

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