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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Add the support to write out in TopoJSON to make it easier to create custom shape maps that can be used with Power BI

When inputting a CSV file via the Azure Data Lake File Storage tool the default behaviour is for the first row to be interpreted as data.


When reading the same file locally using the File Input tool the default behaviour is for the first row to be interpreted as headers.


Since the majority of files will include headers on the first row, it would be helpful to have the "First row contains field names" option selected by default in the Azure Data Lake File Storage tool, and this would also bring the defaults of this tool in line with the standard File Input tool.


Illustration below showing the issue:



It would be great if we users could have the ability, ideally in a simple interface (maybe workflow option) to create .yxi macro installers. This would allow us to create and really simple, quick and straightforward way on installing macros in Alteryx rather than having to copy into certain directories or add through the user settings.


I know we can edit the XML on @AdamR_AYX CREW Macro installers etc. but this would make it really simple for single macros.


I'm assume this might already be on the road map, but will be useful to discuss.


YXI Files Intro Blog:


Discussed briefly on Twitter by @Joe_Lipski@chris_love @jdunkerley79 @danielbrun2 but probably better to bring the discussion here:

I utilize the Workflow Events quite a bit, but the standard options fall short in a few critical cases.


For example: I use the events to send me an email after the workflow runs with errors.

Usually that is all I need.  But, I have run into a few situations where the workflow didn't run at all - thus, no email was sent.


One such instance was on our server.  While still initializing (before it even hit tool #1) the job hung.  It sat like that for over a day before I noticed that there were no jobs running through a particular worker at all and saw this one sitting there. 

A second such instance was recently when I changed Persistence Options and accidentally deleted the source for a scheduled job.  The workflow marked itself complete in the scheduler and gave an error message of "Corrupt: Internal Error in PersistenceContainer......"

I realize that these are unexpected events and application errors (which I've worked with support on); but it would add great value to have that fallback mechanism to let us know the error happened.


Understandably, it would probably take a lot of work to engineer a schedule monitor that would catch this - but I think it would be worthwhile.

One option to do this: have an Event to email or run a command if a workflow hasn't started within a certain grace period after its scheduled time.



It would be awesome if the Filter tool pre-populated info from your data so you could select what you want to filter by vs having to type it into a text field. When I filter data, I sometimes don't recall the exact word I'm needing to filter by. For example, if I'm needing to filter results for all Ground Operations data in the department column, I may have to look at the data to see if it's called Ground Operations, Ground Ops, GO, etc. I find myself having to use a summarize tool to see the different words in a specific field so I know how to specify it in the filter tool. 


My proposal is that the Filter tool displays all data options in the field for which you're filtering. So, if you're filtering the department field and there's 10 different departments in your data, those departments could display as selectable options in a dropdown menu.


Here's my example:


I want to filter for "Safety & Security" in the "medtype_name" field.



But, I don't remember if it is spelled with an ampersand or the word "and" or if it's abbreviated. I would have to look through the data in this column to find the specific way this word is listed so I know exactly how to write it in the filter tool. But if there are thousands of records, it would be hard to scroll through everything. So, I add a Summarize tool to group the different data points in this field. Then it is easy for me to scroll and find the one I'm looking for. Now I know exactly how to type the term into the Filter tool.


My idea is that the Filter tool does the work of the Summarize tool in that all data points in the specific field are shown in a dropdown, and you just select the one you want to filter by instead of having to write it in the text box. 




I searched but didn't see this idea, so please forgive me if it's already been mentioned.

Maybe this pointless but my guess is that memory usage could be as important as processing time and is probably a simple addition to the performance profiling feature.

'%userprofile%\documents' in file explorer will return 'C:\Users\username\Documents' It would be very useful if Alteryx would allow the %Path% syntax. When using One Drive or SharePoint often the user name has to come first which if you are sharing workflows will be different every time. This would solve this problem very cleanly.

There are a number of tools that lose their selections when copied and pasted. Here are the ones I quickly found so far: 

-Multi Row Formula (Group By)

-Running Total (Group By)

-Transpose (Key Fields and Data Fields)

-Unique (Unique Fields)

-Concatenate (Group Data by these values and method for aggregating values)


It would be really great if they could keep their selections when pasted. This would be similar to the Join, Multi Field Formulas, or Sort tools which keep their settings but let you know if a field is missing. Thanks!

The designing interface is very slow when we design an in-db workflow.



The reason of that is that Alteryx connects everytime he needs to refresh the data. Example on Hive :

Mar 20 15:28:49.453 DEBUG 6048 HardyConnection::Connect: Default branding specific auth mech: 2
Mar 20 15:28:49.453 DEBUG 6048 HardyHiveClientFactory::CreateClient: Create HS2 client.
Mar 20 15:28:49.453 DEBUG 6048 HardyHiveClientFactory::GetBackendCxnPool: Create session manager.
Mar 20 15:28:49.453 DEBUG 6048 HardyHiveClientFactory::GetBackendCxnPool: Create backend connection pool.
Mar 20 15:28:49.453 DEBUG 6048 HardyHiveCxnPool::GetHS2Cxn: Create HS2 connection.
Mar 20 15:28:49.453 DEBUG 6048 HardyHiveCxnPool::GetCxnFactory: Create backend connection factory.
Mar 20 15:28:49.453 DEBUG 6048 HardyHiveCxnFactory::CreateHS2Cxn: Create HS2 HTTP transport.
Mar 20 15:28:49.453 DEBUG 6048 HardySessionManager::GetSession: Getting new session handle.
Mar 20 15:28:50.399 DEBUG 6048 HardyTCLIServiceThreadSafeClient::OpenSession: TOpenSessionReq
    client_protocol = HIVE_CLI_SERVICE_PROTOCOL_V1

Maybe we could have an option on the IN DB Connection configuration to stay connected while designing (maybe with a limit time).

(PS : we also tried the option to Disable Auto Configure, it's clearly not he solution)

As you may know, the interrogation of Hive to get the Metadata is actually very slow on Alteryx


A first step of improvement (at least in the Visual Query Builder) has been proposed here

Smartest VQB


But the real issue for Hive is that the way Alteryx queries the Metadata : it passes "Show table" queries for all the databases. On our cluster, it means more than 400 queries that last each avout 0.5 seconds. The user has to to wait about 4 minutes.

A solution : using an API in java to ask the Hive metastore if it exists (it may be an other tab in the In database configuration). Our cluster admin has an example of a Thrift API in java that we can give you.

Result : 2 seconds for a 38700 tables in more than 500 databases !!

I am working with complex workflows which use multiple files as input, located on network drives. Input tools are Input Data, Directory, Wildcard Input, Wildcard XLSX Input (from CReW macros).


Regularly, I experience very slow Designer when working on the workflows (Window freezes for quite some time), especially when working from home. Switching off Auto Configure did not really help because I the column list sometimes does not converge even after pressing F5 multiple times, and when actively working on workflows, I have to press F5 all the time...


To improve this issue, I would like to propose a "Disable Auto Configure of File Inputs" which would not watch the loaded files but still would update the configurations downstream. This could include to not check automatically whether Macro files on network drives have changed. F5 could be used to update all configurations manually.




Hi there,


Would it be possible to use the ISO week date system, which everybody uses?


In numerous workflows, I used to define the week number of a date with the formula DateTimeFormat(d, "%W") and it was perfectly working till the 1st January, 2019.

But from this date, the week numbers defined by Alteryx are not the same than the ones in the calendar we all use!


Alteryx says that from the 1st to the 6th January, 2019, the week number is "00" instead of "01"!!! And so on until the week 52 which, for Alteryx, goes from the 30th to 31st or December, 2019: the week 52 has only 2 days!!


As the year 2018 begins with a Monday, there is no problem but for 2019 it is completely weird! And it will repeat in 2020...


The rule from the ISO week date system is pretty simple: "The ISO 8601 definition for week 01 is the week with the Gregorian year's first Thursday in it."


Please correct that


Currently when using any spatial data or tool, by default, i have to select a reference base map each time:



This can be confusing for new users - as they may not realise within the browse tool (and other spatial tools) that you have to select this, especially with it being such a small setting at the top of the browse tool.


Now this can be solved by going into the User Settings, and changing this in the default settings:




However as mentioned, for new users this really isn't clear, and can be a roadblock in development. It would be fantastic if Alteryx defaulted the reference base map to Alteryx Light (or, any of them, other than [None]) to make these tools useable out of the box.




I frequently make analytic apps for my clients that requires them to enter information or parameters to the workflow via a prompt before running. The user could be entering codes that will affect a certain filter or it could be a prompt to browse to the new source file required to run the workflow. In order to make adjustments to the workflow itself, I need to work in Debug mode so that I can see the data as it passes through each node in the workflow. Once I am done making all of the changes in debug mode and I am satisfied with how it works, I then have to remember each change I made, and copy and paste each tool and its contents over to the workflow that I am debugging. This is a pain because it is like I am fixing the workflow twice. A good solution to this would be allowing the user to apply changes made in debug to the workflow you are debugging, so that there is no duplication of efforts!

@NicoleJ recently asked a question about what default save options that we might want to apply to when we save to SERVER.  I'll answer for both SERVER and to DESIGNER here as ideas.


SERVER:  When I save a workflow to the server, I'd like to have Alteryx automagically do the following:


  1.  Respect my CANCEL RUNNING WORKFLOW on ERROR default setting.
  2. Respect my SHOW MACRO MESSAGES default setting.
  3. Respect my Enable Performace Profiling default setting (OFF should be recommended).
  4. Respect my AMP Engine Compatibility Mode setting (if AMP is turned on).
  5. Modify any non-relative path dependencies to UNC.
  6. Respect my DISABLE All TOOLS that WRITE Output default setting.
  7. USE GLOBAL Default for Temporary Files


If any settings or rules (e.g. dependencies) don't match default, please WARN me or give option to reset automagically.


For DESIGNER saves, please do the same as SERVER plus:

  1.  Respect my DISABLE ALL BROWSE TOOLS setting.

If anyone wants to chime in with more settings, please do so.





Hi Alteryx,


Can you add the search functionality in the dropdown (Apps) where the user enters specific text and the dropdown list gets filtered accordingly?

It would enhance the user's experience while using large lists in dropdown.

In cases where there are dynamic tools - you often get a situation where there are zero rows returned - which means that the output of something like a transpose or a JSON parse or a regex may not have the field names expected.


However - any downstream filter tools (or other similar tools) fail even though there are no rows (see screenshot below).


The only way to get around this is to insert fake rows using a union or use the CReW macro for Ensure Fields.    However, this is all waste since there are no rows so there's no point in even evaluating the predicate in the filter tool.     Rather than making users work around this - can we please change the engine so that a tool can avoid evaluation if there are zero rows - this will significantly reduce the amount of these kind of workaround that need to be used with any dynamic tools (including any API calls).


thank you












So far, Alteryx Products are offered in 6 different languages, which is a great thing indeed !!


However there is a lack of a toggle option to effortlessly switch the interface to a different language.


As a standard feature users should be allowed to switch language without re-installing the product (applicable to all Alteryx products)



Allowing the containers to be manipulated in size much like the explorer box tool - it feels like sometimes the containers stretch to far and cover to much blank space - allowing for a cleaner looking workflow.    

I'd consider myself as a power user in most of the tools I use. No matter what program it is, I try to learn most of the useful shortcuts and code them into my mouse or keypad.




It's probably pretty uncommon that someone uses a mouse with 12 extra keys or a keypad, but I think many people would be happy to have the option to define shortcuts for everything. I don't really ask for shortcuts for everything by default, but a menu like Microsoft Word has it, that would be great.


For reference: 

Microsoft Word has a menu were nearly every possible action is listed and you are able to define/assign shortcuts (one or more) for every action available.



(Sorry it's German. Path: File > Options > Customize Ribbon > Customize)



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