Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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The option to "Disable all Tools that Write Output" doesn't currently affect the Publish to Tableau Server output tool.

I know that many Alteryx users have been looking for a way to output results from the Alteryx Gallery to either specified cells in an Excel workbook, or a "raw data" worksheet. 

So here are a few options that don't always work:

1. Use a Run Command to duplicate an Excel template - WRONG - Unrestricted Alteryx workflows is rare.

2. Access a template in shared folder - organization's aren't all perfect, yet


Therefore, I'd like to suggest to be able to save specific files in a folder that can be included in the Alteryx package uploaded to the Gallery that the workflow can reference just to output towards. 


Thoughts? I do love the Reporting tools, so this isn't a necessity - but it would help the process of delivering Alteryx output to legacy Excel users / reviewers / managers /etc.

Each license key can only handle up to 300 installations. For big companies like us in PwC, this is a struggle because we distribute software via SCCM and each territory needs to create a special script to handle this limitation. We have lots of folks using Alteryx so it would be great if you guys can find a way to remove this limitation or provide us with an easier and more efficient way to deploy the software to a huge amount of users world-wide. Thanks!

I would like to suggest that the licensing process is enhanced to work more effectively within a Citrix environment that has many servers in the farm.


When using a citrix environment it is not possible to register muliple users on a single citrix server with unique email addresses as the license is removed from an existing registered user when another user registers on the same citrix server.  The License Server however does not reflect this and each user retains an allocated license on the license server even though they cannot use Alteryx Designer on the citrix desktop. 


Alteryx have provided a workaround which is to use a generic email address to register each user and in this way the licenses are not removed as each new user registers.


Unfortunatley when a user unregisters a License the license is removed from the whole machine therefore no users on the machine are then able to use Alteryx Designer.  In order to work around this we have had to schedule a daily job to run the license delete command from each server in our citrix farm. 


This is not an ideal solution.


What we would like to see is user license seperation so that we can register the license to the users own email address at login and then remove the license for just that user at logout.  This would ensure that the licenses are allocated to the user and machine as needed and we would not run the risk of running out of licenses if users log on and off different sessions over the course of a day logging on to different servers as the licenses are only revoked at the end of each day.

This may be a bit of a pipe dream but having an interface that would automatically and efficiently implement quantum computing functionality against different back ends would position Alteryx to be a user friendly interface to the quantum computing realm. My feeling is that, at the end of the day, most people will know quantum programming about as well as they currently know GPU programming, which is to say not at all. They'll need an easy-to-use tool to translate their wants to some form of quantum speed-up. Q#, Qiskit, Cirq and Bra-ket are neat, but suppose Alteryx had a "quantum solver" tool that would handle a lot of the dirty work of setting up, say, a quantum Grover Search, where the user just describes what they need.


I know some of the heavy hitters are already trying to simplify the interface to the quantum realm (e.g. as of 1/1/2021: Google CirqMicrosoft Q#IBM Aqua, AWS Braket all moving beyond basic enablement into realms of user friendliness.)


Just a thought!


I think it would be a great idea where the system admin can control the logs and the location of the logs for all the alteryx designer users within an organization. This ensures that no data is being transferred outside the organization. 

Please consider having the supported connection to Splunk as the Generic ODBC driver method is not working.




I want to make a suggestion for the Debug Log information shown when running an Alteryx App in Debug mode to be saved as an output when just purely running an Alteryx App. I believe this would help a great deal for audit purposes to be able to read the log again to see what did the user select for the interface tools.


Please see an example below of what I am suggesting as an output for the logging of Alteryx App:


<Value name="Contract Identifier Field - User">PolicyCode</Value>
<Value name="Contract Start Date Field - User">PolicyCreateDate</Value>
<Value name="Contract End Date Field - User">EndDate</Value>
<Value name="Model Code Field - User">ShortModel</Value>
<Value name="Full Model Code Field - User">ModelName</Value>
<Value name="Term/Monthly Field - User">PolicyType</Value>
<Value name="Contract Duration Field - User">ContractDuration</Value>
<Value name="Use Calculated Duration - User CheckBox">True</Value>
<Value name="Fuel Type Field - User">ModelName</Value>
<Value name="Underwriter Code Field - User"/>
<Value name="Commission Type Field - User"/>
<Value name="Mileage Limit Field - User"/>
<Value name="Premium Amount Field - User">PremiumExclAmount</Value>
<Value name="Current Remaining Fund Field - User">Fund</Value>


This would really help with audit purposes as once an Alteryx app is run, one can not see what was the responses to the interface questions did the user select, making it difficult if another user wanted to replicate the Alteryx App run

I love that Alteryx came out with the Visual Layout tool, but have found the Elemental Boundaries to be a bit fickle.  I think it would be helpful if items (tables, charts, etc.) could be brought in and moved around like a snippet of paper being moved around on the larger sheet.  Additionally, I think it would be helpful if items brought in were the same size as they are output from the tool that is feeding into the visual layout.  For example, if a table is set to 4.25 inches and I bring that table into the visual layout tool (with the page setup to be 8.5" x 11" with no margins) then the table would take up half of the width of the visual layout.  It gets confusing when I bring something in at a specified size and can then readjust it.  It's like having two volume controls on one stereo.  If something needs to be adjusted, then I'd rather go back to the took where the columns are being formatted and adjust there.


If the latter is not possible due to other tools, it would be helpful if each item could be treated independently and not push other charts/tables as one is being adjusted or restrict the sizing of those within the same elemental boundary.  


Lastly, can this tool be corrected so that images render exactly as they appear on screen?




Yes.  I'll admit it.  I have set up email events and forgot to enter my address into the 'to' field.  The upshot is that an error was occurring in my workflow, the tool went to email me, and then double borked because I hadn't filled in a recipient. 


Lots of tools error out without appropriate configuration applied, it shouldn't be too difficult to get this working on the events panel also. 


Thank you for attending my TED talk on improvements to the Events pane.





Can we have a functionality to see total number of rows without adding a browse or any other tool?


PFA (output from Alteryx 10.0)




Rajesh Chandak

Data Analyst - Walmart

It would be a nice time/click save if the "Extract File" dialog box (when opening a ZIP file from Input Data tool) included an "All" and "None" option.



And it would be exceeding useful for APA if the "Extract File" dialog box allowed for the inclusion of "Dynamic or Unknown Files" (as previously suggested here).






Currently there is a maximum amount that can be passed into the Dynamic Input, 1MB. I often hit this limit and it is infuriating.  If this was upped to 5MB that would solve a lot of my issues, but 50MB would be AMAZING.





I think there should be a tool that can take two proportions from the same row (so four columns: numerator population 1, denom population 1, numerator population 2, denom population 2) and return the z-score between the two groups, with a check box to select the desired confidence level.


We monitor quarter-over-quarter changes in satisfaction diagnostics for some of our surveys, and we report the change in Top 2 box % (answers of very satisfied or somewhat satisfied); and we typically only investigate the changes that are statistically significant at a 95% confidence interval.


I have to write about 8 different formulas within the formula tool to get me the z-scores between the groups I'm investigating. A z-score tool would greatly reduce my workload!

While using a Find & replace we get a message that says "Info: Find Replace (3): 5893 records were found and 14318 records were not found."


Why do not you add a Flag column say "Found & Replaced?" with "Yes" for those where it is found for 5893 records and "NO" for those 14318 records where we did not find anything.


This will help everyone I believe where data comes from multiple sources and used for consolidation


Clustering your data on a sample and then appending clusters is a common theme

especially if you are in customer relations and marketing related divisions...



When it comes to appending clusters that you have calculated form a 20K sample and then you're going to "score" a few million clients you still need to download the data and use the append cluster...


Why don't we have an In-db append cluster instead,

which will quicken the "distance based" scoring that append cluster does

on SQLServer, Oracle or Teradata...









If you open a workflow in Designer from the Gallery, make some changes, and then attempt to save it back to Gallery (i.e., Ctrl-S), you receive the Save Workflow dialog (as per attached).  However, if you then realize that you want to make an additional change before saving the workflow and click 'Cancel', the workflow closes without saving.  The expected behavior would be for the Save Workflow dialog to close, but not the entire workbook.  This is terrible functionality and should be fixed because it results in lost work.  Thank you



Currently we are able to write data to an .xlsb file if the Access Driver 2010 is installed. What we are not able to do is, write data to a specific cell location the way we can do in the case of .xlsx files for example:


C:\Users\kk\Downloads\Testfile.xlsx|||'Sheet1$A2:C4'  (This works)

C:\Users\kk\Downloads\Testfile.xlsb|||'Sheet1$A2:C4' (This doesn't work currently in Alteryx)

C:\Users\kk\Downloads\Testfile.xlsb|||Sheet1 (This too works)


The problem is that in the case of xlsb files it uses the access database engine, if we are able to find the correct input to parse to the database engine the way we do in case of vba scripts then all the BFSI sector individuals have a highly space optimized pixel perfect reporting possible in Alteryx itself.

As confirmed with our premium support advisor and CSM, Sybase IQ is no longer a supported DSN.  As Sybase IQ is a common database, we ask that it is re-established as a supported DSN.  Moreover, we would like confirmation that our workaround to connect to Sybase IQ using odbc is sound and tested in the interim.

When several fields are marked the marking of check box should apply to all selected fields. 

When changing Type the change should also apply to all selected fields.


There should also be shortcut keys for doing this.


This is a really common task and would save a lot of time. I'm actually really surprised it does not already exist in Alteryx Designer.



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